
Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm game ~ the 6th photo

My lovely, lovely bloggy friend Kerri with an 'i' ...she can't help it poor thing :)...from Driftwood Interiors, has nominated me to play this bloggy tag game you probably all know by have to post your 6th blog photo and take a stroll down memory lane with it and talk about your inspiration. As it wasn't all that long pre-menopausal blonde brain may just be able to tackle this one!
I can take much better photos now with my new Canon PowerShot by the way...and boy has my bedroom changed since then...but I know you'll forgive the poor quality of this it was from a blog post titled Valentine Schmalentine! I was ranting merely expressing my opinion that Valentine's Day was far too commercial and could plunge into the realms of tacky if not carefully managed...and that I was neither a fan of it or of long stemmed red roses (sorry!) 
However...before I get hoist on the romance petard (what is a petard anyway??)...ooh, ooh...meticulous research Google tells me that:
BACK IN THE DAY, military engineers used to blast castle door and walls with a liftable mine, called (in French) a petard. To get hoisted by your own petard is to shoot yourself in the foot; get flung by your own catapult; trapped by the trap you set for another. 
So there you go...doesn't look very pleasant does it?
And now we have not one, but two very bad photos in this post...way to go Kez!
Sorry, where was I? In that post I did tell you all (not that anyone was reading then except those who are still in my will) that the MGM (he of the lovingly cooked beef pho)...
...had plucked a lovely rose from his garden on the two nights preceding Valentine's Day and brought those over to the tranquil townhouse. Awwww....and I still think that's so much nicer and a much more loving gesture than any Valentine's Day box of chocolates could ever be. And there they are in that photo, preserved forever. Happy place!
Now, I have to nominate others for this pleasure opportunity to not have to think up a new post for at least a I would like to have a sticky-beak please at the 6th photos of...
Jackie from Home
The Moerks from Let's Go Moerkabout
Stephenie from Decorating Addiction
Jules from the Diversion Project 
(Jules and I have spoken and I know she can't play at the moment because of work pressures but I wanted to mention her blog anyway because I just love it to bits!)
Rachael from A Room for Everyone

I do realise that you might not want to do this/have already done it/don't have time for it/think it's a complete and utter load of if you don't want to that is completely/utterly/majorly ok with me! 
But thank you Kerri for helping me relive the loveliness that is my bloke...not that I need too much reminding!


  1. great pics...i love this fun! ;)

  2. We can't have you and that petard of yours coming to grief now can we? Thanks for playing along, I think this is one of the more fun blogging games - you get to go back and see how bad you were (at least in my case!) And no more pics of that beef - it's breakfast time and all I can think of is beef pho! Have a great day sweet. xxx

  3. I totally agree with you re Valentine Schmalentines :)

  4. A little trip down memory lane is always fun. Or, a little bit cringeworthy when I see my 6th photo. Anyway, it's all in good fun. Have posted but can't do anymore as I am off to the big smoke for some training.
    I think your roses are very sweet, what a charming gent!

  5. Awww!! Despite the Valentines Schmalentines, your MGM is such a lovely fella to even think to pick those gorgeous roses for you:) This is a fun game (depending on the embarrassment factor of your 6th photo - yours was great!). I do have to say that it's dinner time and there is NO beef pho to be found within about 500 kms of here...*sigh*. Such a fun post as always ~ Tina xx

  6. Hi there Kerry,
    I love your photograph., and, even more, the sentiments behind it. My husband and I have never celebrated Valentines Day. It is a day for unrequited love and, as he says, our is requited ! .... and, it's a rip off. I have flowers bought for me throughout the year and,chocolates. I think that your MGM is a star to pick those roses and that's how February the 14th should be done. You've got a goodun there Kerry....cook's as well. Fantastic.
    Thanks for tagging me. I shall go and check my photo out (ARGH !!) and probably do it the post after next. I have done this before but, I think it was the 10th photo so, that's O.K. XXXX

  7. This was totally fun! Especially for those of us, okay me, that found you only recently. I was tagged and now that I get the rules, I will play along this week. Thanks for the inspiration :)


  8. Great 6th photo the valentine red rose is very pretty...really like the french petard its intersting...dont you just love this game(:

  9. STOP or I pee in my pants :)). You are so hilarious xoxox

  10. Well I enjoyed it, because I wasn't reading your blog then!!! It's a cool little tag game and I haven't seen it done elsewhere. Maybe I will join. It depends on what my 6th photo was!!! :-) Thanks for tagging me!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.