
Friday, April 23, 2010

a picture post

Normally on a Friday I do a 'soul food friday' little attempt at some navel gazing aimed fairly and squarely at know...focusing on what's important, keeping grounded, self improvement, being thankful, making light of things...stuff like that.  But today, having read about this fabulous website somewhere (and how I wish I could remember where!) I just wanted to share some gorgeous pictures instead. There is no theme...although there do seem to be rather a lot of flowers...they just screamed politely put their hand up and said 'pick me please'. So I did. I hope you enjoy them... soul food friday will be on saturday this week...well it will be friday somewhere in the world tomorrow when it's saturday here...won't it?!? Yes of course it will :) Wherever you are, whatever the day...have a lovely one bloggy people. And as John Denver once said "...and I'll try to do the same!" Oh and if you're a complete dag like me, I did a post on John once (just once I promise!)..actually it was images inspired by his lyrics to be can find it here 
all images by photographers represented by Sarah Kaye


  1. Oh I love love love that last image. I speak to me.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. John Denver??? Oh, you need a weekend away, you must be suffering too much stress you poor sweetheart!!! Very pretty images this fine Friday morning, so your brain can't be too addled!!K xx

  3. we are literally on ESP right now. i have been on all day today. scouring through photos for a post im working on...LOVE this! :) hope you are having a beautiful day my love.xoxo

  4. Beautiful images Kerry, I love all of the flowers. What a lovely way to start the day, with beauty! xx

  5. Love all the flowers. Spring is just arriving here so my tulips have gone mad. Love the photo of the bowl with peonies and roses. Makes me hope that mine will bloom! They have leaves on them so at least they survived the snow. Have a great weekend.

  6. Beautiful, inspiring images, Kerry!! I love the one with the big, fluffy bed {maybe I am just tired}. I came via Brenda's blog, Cozy Little House. You have a wonderful blog here and I am curious to see what your soul food Friday is about. It's okay that you are late with it because it is only Thursday here and Friday where you are {don't tell me what happened yet}.


  7. Kerry, you knew I'd love the flowers. But I'm also enchanted with photos #3, 4 &5. They mesmerize me somehow. Especially the third. Love the scale.

  8. Beautiful photos and that picture of the bowl filled with peonies...*sigh*!

    Sorry my post made you cry, that wasn't a very warm way to welcome you now was it?! I promise I only put up the tear-jerker posts once in a blue moon!

    Kat :)

  9. Great round up of beautiful images!!

  10. You fill up my senses - with your lovely blog.

  11. The pics are stunning. Nothing like a gorgeous bunch of flowers to brighten the day - even if it's just a pic of one!

  12. Hi,
    Thank you for showing all the lovely pictures. They made my day, I think :)

    Have a lovely weekend !!


  13. Wonderful images Kerry, no wonder you got sidetracked! I especially like the chest of drawers in the fifth image, I wouldn't mind them in my boudoir.

    Have a gorgeous weekend.

  14. Really stunning images, Kerry.
    My favourite is the Daniel Farmer photograph of the painted chest of drawers (#5). I have posted that one. Gorgeous....... and, Ilove the mercury silver votives. I have some of those.
    You have started my weekend off beautifully. XXXX

  15. Those are some gorgeous photos - the one with the fireplace and the tall branches in vases really speaks to me. Have yourself a good Friday, or is it Saturday now???

  16. So gorgeous, Kerry. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

  17. hi Kerry
    it's just impossible not to enjoy these beautiful images ! I kinda posted the last one myself..I didn't know, sorry!
    Thanks for your comment of today, it lifted my spirit :-)
    Enjoy your w-e
    Hugs, Flaviana

  18. I love these photos Kerry....lifted me right up !!

    Jeanne :)


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.