
Monday, May 10, 2010

It's a glass art giveaway

So...are you ready? Here is my first gift to you, celebrating the now just over 120 lovely people who read my blog (how on earth did that happen!) It's something that is very special to me because it was made by the MGM (the 'most gorgeous man' for the uninitiated)...and sorry, I know most of you don't know him...and I know I'm blatantly biased...but doesn't get much better than this for me!
The MGM (aka Richard Baldwin) has been working in glass for around 10 years now and, as an art teacher, introduced the study of glass for senior secondary students into the Australian Capital Territory school system (love him for that). He studied photo media at the Australian National University School of Art (and yet, refuses to take photos for me...honestly, men! Something about learning it for myself I think he said...ha). He will be forgiven, as he's cute (seen here with some other examples of his work). We're both quite fond of black and white!

The glass tile I'm giving away was fired at a high temperature of 870 degrees C (don't open the kiln while that's going on!) which gives it its oval form and also the small holes in the glass (which I quite reminds me of the Amish saying about only God creating perfection). This kiln fired glass was made by layering and fusing different glass pieces together, providing the complexity of layers I hope you can see here. We think it looks like misty Asian mountains but you may see something different. I see an owl in this shot! I've photographed it without the glass in the frame, but obviously I'll put that back in, and I may have smudged it a bit here, sorry!

The frame measures 26.5 x 21.5 cm (or roughly 10.5 x 8.5 inches)...and yes, if you're overseas and you win...I will of course wrap it up really well and post it off to soon as I can bear to part with it...I'm liking the way it looks in my bedroom!

So if you would like to share my love of Richard's glass art, I think the drill goes something like this:
a comment = 1 entry
following the blog = 1 entry
popping the giveaway on your side bar = 1 entry
blogging about it = 1 entry
(someone tell me if I got that wrong)
Entries close next Sunday 16th May...that will be sometime Saturday 15th for overseas bloggy peeps (don't worry I'll be flexible because I have absolutely no clue when it comes to time zones)
I'll do the random number generator thing (when someone tells me how); failing that, the vampire slayer can choose (...oh the mind boggles at the thought of that!)
all photos by me...and let me tell took ages to get some I could art photography certainly won't be my next career!


  1. Now that is gorgeous - your MGM is seriously talented! Right, comment - done. Follower - but of course. Side bar listing - tick. Post - still to come, but will do. Oh, and as I'm sweet Miss Buffy's number one fan - this little giveaway is so mine! Oh, so long as that other Kerry (you know, the one with the 'y', doesn't enter!) K xx

  2. Very beautiful Kerry. And I can see why you like it in your b & w bedroom! Will go equally nice in our grey guestroom with all b & w accessories too! Comment, done, follower (finally figured that out ages ago). Will continue to just be a blog fan! Have a great week. Mary

  3. That's fab - please count me in. I am a fan of glass art and would have loved to have studied it at uni, but it wasn't offered. What a genererous givaway!

  4. Wow. What an interesting piece of art.

  5. Please count me in Kerry! I am indeed a follower!

    Thanks for sharing this info too...what an amazing person is Mr MGM!

    Best wishes,

  6. Kerry, I will add something to my sidebar too!

    Happy week,

  7. Wow what art, love it!! And you're right darl - he is cute that MGM of yours !

    Congrats on all the fab followers, you so deserve it. jxxx

  8. What a generous giveaway - how great that your 'MGM' has introduced this great skill for students to also learn. How ever are you going to part with this piece?! Have a great start to your week Kerry :) xx

  9. Wow you certainly have a talented MGM! That is just gorgeous and so original and beautiful I would love to win and I am already a follower of your lovely blog!!!! Have a great day Kerry,

  10. I havent seen glass art before framed , loving it. It will be a shame to take it off your wall but it would look lovely on mine ! Comment , already a follower , Now I would add to my sidebar but I cant figure out how too unless anyone can enlighten me. Congrats on all the followers!
    Karyn x

  11. Very very talented! Absolutely adorable, as always love your blog! Hope your having a lovely Monday :) Hazel

  12. Thank you Kerry. I love art glass, it is a beautiful giveaway from a talented artist...

    Art by Karena

  13. The glass art is beautiful. I'd love to win it :)

  14. I too see the owl and I love it! The 'MGM' is very talented (and cute)! x

    I'd love to win this!!

    xx Charlotta

  15. Entry no 2..

    I am a follower (have been for a little while).

    x Charlotta

  16. Entry no 3...

    Am displaying the 'give away' with link in my sidebar.

    x Charlotta

  17. Oh Kerry very nice, MGM looks yummy oh yes and the glass thing is nice too! Yes it really is lovely so please count me in.
    Comment, tick, follower, but of course, sidebar, will attempt to do so after I have written this. Your loved ones have been very cooperative these past few days in starring in the blog. Buffy is really leading the way!

  18. Yay, I did it, wow all this technolgy, I amaze myself!!!

  19. Kerry!! this is the chicest thing I've ever seen! Of course I'd love to enter (fingers crossed).
    xx Happy monday darling

  20. And.. I'm a loyal follower of yours!

  21. Beautiful Giveaway Kerry and a great post! Congratulations on your readership and finding MGM!


  22. Oh, lovely! He's so talented! Of course I'm a follower, I would love to win! Oh, and p.s. I use to pick a random number, it's free and easy and it automatically generates it for you! XO!

  23. Kerry I am in!
    Don't normally respond to giveaways but how can I resist one like this?

    I follow too!

  24. Went and tried the side bar thingy...don't think my computer likes me at the moment so I'm only in for two...hope that's enough.

  25. Loving black and white is usually not reflected in one's thinking. I am seeing beyond... (gosh hope you know what I means since English is not my mother tongue :))

  26. What a fab giveaway...and already a follower, so yay! (ps...great minds think alike, somewhat less fabulous giveaway going on at The Zhush as well).

  27. Oh my, what a talented man you have! Thanks for the amazing chance to win.


  28. I am a blog follower.


  29. that is stunning! i wish i had that sort of talent with glass! it is so modern but timless at the same time...truly a work of art :)

  30. i am a blog follower

  31. it's beautiful! the colours are reminiscent of an icy night here in Katoomba :)

  32. Super happy that I'm following so I can be a part of this :-)

    The glass is beautiful and I'm really loving the color of the wall it is hanging on as well, I've been toying with the idea of painting an accent wall in my living room a color similar and this just gave me that extra little nudge :-)

  33. Eek! How did I nearly miss this? Your MGM is amazingly talented Kerry! The glass tile is gorgeous! I would very much like to enter please:) I went to ANU too, only more the School of Science, not the School of Art ;) Thanks for the chance to enter this gorgeous giveaway Kerry (and Richard!!). ~ Tina xx

  34. Amazing! I am already a follower of your blog

  35. Oh wow! You are very generous! I would love to enter. Have a great day :)

  36. Already a follower as you know... and I'd be honoured to win this one!!!
    xo Erica

  37. Wow - gorgeous glass art - and gorgeous man. What a lovely giveaway.

  38. I'm a blog follower! What a lovely prize.

  39. Well, how can one resist. I love art glass and this is a fine piece. Thanks for the chance to win. xAnita

  40. Wow, I almost missed this unique giveaway. What a beautiful piece of art this is. I don't think I have ever seen glass art framed before. It has such depth. it really is lovely. I saw it on the lovely Tina's blog. Thank you so much for th opportunity to enter my name.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.