
Sunday, May 9, 2010

proud to be your mum

Well not proud to be YOUR mum (because obviously I'm not your mum)...proud to be THEIR mum...(not that I wouldn't be perfectly happy to be related to any of you of course!)
Thanks you two lovely, wonderful, talented and highly attractive children of mine for the joy you've given me...and the presents...and we'll just forget the other bits like the time....(oh ok, mum's the word...I'll save that for another post!)
And you can't get cranky at me for putting your photo on my's Mothers' Day and that requires niceness to your mother. I love you both...enormously...and I'm not joking about the proud bit.
And thank you also to the lovely people who read this blog, for all the kind comments over the last few days to say 'hang in there' after the crappy week I had. I do appreciate it very much...and a few hours at the hairdressers yesterday for cut, colour and coffees didn't hurt either!
Wishing you all a very happy day...a day on which there will be NO silver-leafing in the tranquil townhouse!
Please come back and visit tomorrow for my giveaway :)
all photos by me; it's rather difficult to take your own photo in a mirror I've discovered!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Your kids are beautiful! This week is sure to be a better week. I can't wait to see your giveaway!

  2. Enjoy your day. Love the hair!

  3. Happy Mother's Day Kerry! I do love the pink teacup - is that limoges?

  4. Happy mother's day lovely Kerry!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  5. Happy Mother's Day Kerry, It sounds like your grown up kids reflect all the goodness in you! Love the hair!

  6. What a lovely post kerry - and your 'do looks gorg. Hope you and your family have a great mothers day!!


  7. Hi,
    I can see why you're proud :) I hope that you will have a really nice day with your children.

    Happy Mother's Day !!


  8. A very happy Mother's Day to you sweetpea! No wonder you're proud of your two, they're gorgeous! Oh, and I'm loving the 'do by the way!
    So, with the new week here, you can leave all of last week's rubbish behind and start afresh.
    Hope you're having a lovely day being spoiled rotten, you thoroughly deserve it! xxx

  9. Happy Mother's Day Kerry, they are gorgeous grown up children, you should be proud!! Love Posie

  10. What gorgeous children you have Kerry! May I say you are pretty gorgeous yourself young lady!! I hope you have had a wonderful Mothers Day:) Thanks for sharing the pics:) Oh and I lurve your pink teacup set!!!! I hope you have a fabulous week ~ Tina xx

  11. Happy Mother's Day to you, Kerry! You have a delightful blog! xx

  12. Oh, lovely little gift, is that a teacup filled with chocolates? Happy Mother's Day to you, glad you're feeling much better! Thank you for your comment on my black post, I am so proud of you for painting a wall black! Many people are too afraid. The happy news stateside is that my husband was looking at the post last night and said "You know, we should paint the wall with the fireplace black." So, we might actually do it, wow!! Cheers!

  13. Love the hair! The kids look just gorgeous, hope you had a really, really happy Mother's Day xo

  14. Dear Kerry,
    Well, Mother's Day came just at the right moment for you. A rotten week ending with love and affection being lavished on you by your lovely children.
    We had Mothering Sunday in March here in the U.K. so, I have already been treated like a queen this year !!
    Am loving the hair, Kerry. There is nothing like a few highlights to make you feel better, is there ?
    Have the BEST day. XXXX

  15. Thanks so much for following my blog, Kerry! I am now your latest follower and off to check out some of these lovely interiors posts you have going on here! Happy weekend. Will

  16. What a great photo of your kids - I hope you don't get in too much trouble for posting it. I love your new do from what I could see in the mirror. May your day be filled good food, fun, and tranquility.

  17. Kerry -- What a beautiful and, well, tranquil blog. Very nice. (And having just returned from a long overdue and wonderful trip back home to Seattle to see my family, I'm all the more receptive to the way you so lovingly write about your kids!)
    Looking forward to more "tranquil" posts.
    All the best,

  18. Your children are gorgeous - hope they spoilt you and that your Mother's Day was a lovely one. Your hair looks great - there's nothing like a bit of time at the hairdressers for a 'cut and cuppa' to perk you up - I always look forward to my appointments :) Hope this coming week is a much better one for you. Thanks for always leaving me lovely comments on my blog too - I really appreciate it xx

  19. Is that you, you gorgeous thing? Wow! Your children are lovely, they have such happy, kind eyes.. Glad you had a good Mothers Day..Rachaelxx

  20. Great post Kerry...
    Loving your kids, so lovely... of course you are proud as punch!!! How old are they?
    You my dear are gorgeous, I loved the sneak peek, good effort but how about a full face shot next?
    Thanks for stopping by on MD and leaving a comment, you're swell!!!
    Wishing you a fantastic week ahead.
    Lots of Love,

  21. I forgot to mention that your son looks like a famous actor... is it Chris O'Donnell?
    Very handsome and famous looking!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.