
Friday, May 14, 2010

soul food friday ~ a guest post by the first born!

You know I haven't been feeling too crash hot this week, and completely snowed under with work as well, so I asked the first-born to come to the rescue and write a post for me...and she did...and here it is! Enjoy.

So I know Fridays are all about food for the soul around here, and what better way to feed your true self than a mini-break with beautiful friends, great music and delicious treats. Last weekend a group of ten of us got the hell outa dodge (aka Sydney) and retreated to the peaceful beachside town of Patonga, which is about two hours out of the city, on the central coast. And if getting out of the hustle and bustle of ye old Sydney town (can I have a push and a shove with my takeaway coffee? Thanks!) wasn’t enough to whet our appetites, the fact that we were staying in designer digs certainly pushed us over our highly stimulated edge.
Dickebusch has been restored and renovated by the owners of Koskela, an interior design store in Surry Hills. You can read all about it here. I’m not sure where the name comes from. We may or may not have answered the house phone, ‘hello, dick and bush’ every time it rang. Mature, right. The house and furnishings are beyond beautiful and they really have thought of everything when it comes to making your stay as comfortable and hassle free as possible. (Beautiful linen, organic shampoo and body wash, fishing rods, mags galore, even a paella pan!) And the super cute and quirky design details bring an extra element; like you’re staying in a home not just a house. 
The surroundings and the virtually car-free roads inspired many a bicycle ride, something I haven’t done since I was about 13. Man, I love that feeling! So freeing. If only I didn’t bump my shins EVERY time I got on the thing I could have enjoyed the experience sans bruises.
 OK, these aren’t the bikes we rode, but how cute are they!
One of the biggest highlights of the weekend was the food. Glorious food! Everyone who knows me knows that I am quite the cook (MasterChef? Please. I wouldn’t waste my culinary talent by going on that show) Ha! OK, I can make a mean boiled egg but THAT’S IT, so I am immensely lucky my friends cook food that I would actually pay for it’s that bloody good. We were split into teams and each team was assigned a meal to prepare. So far so good. After the teams were decided however, there was no further discussion about what would actually be made; adds an element of surprise you see. SURPISE! We ended up with no less than 3 lamb roasts! True story. And no, it didn’t create any sense of competition at all. No… not at all. It was all so scrumptious; I have not eaten so well for a very long time. Special props to Carrie who made the best Pavlova I have ever tasted. And for the record, I was on a breakfast team and I chopped the whatevs out of those spring onions for the omelette.
Don’t forget the alcohol – scotch and dry, yum!
Needless to say it was a divine weekend; none of us wanted to leave. Thank you, thank you to my amazing friends. Maybe we can do it again sometime, eh kids?

Not much left for me to say except:
  • why didn't I have that life when I was 25?
  • thank you friends of Jess for continuing to feed her and can I please have Carrie's pav recipe?
  • when do I get to go to Dickebusch?
  • I'm not sure that I've actually seen the first born cook a boiled egg or anything else for that matter!
...and thank you my darling girl for filling in for your poor, sick (cough, splutter) you heaps and heaps. Isn't she wonderful.
all images by Jess using the Polaroid application on the iphone I most generously donated for her mobile phoning pleasure!



  1. Well done Jess! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree Kerry! You must be so proud of her. If you get the Pav recipe, please share.

  2. Hi Jess, nice to finally meet you in person - you're mum has told us so much about you! Looks like you had a great weekend away, might have to look up dick and bush next time I'm in Sydney. Oh and Kerry, watch out - I think that first-born of yours might be heading towards blog stardom of her own! Hope you're feeling better bloss, and if not there's always the
    22 year old to call on! K xx

  3. I wish I was 25 again after reading that. What a fabulous getaway!

  4. Great post, Jess! How cool are those i-phone polaroids? Sounds like a great trip.

  5. What a fantastic post, especially the bits about Sydney..I lived there for 7 years and HATED it! Very witty and very interesting. Love the way your daughter writes..Lonely Planet will be seeking her out! Rachaelxx

  6. Golly! And she can boil eggs too (respect). Awesome girl. Awesome Mum. Awesome post.

  7. Kerry & Jess -

    WE LOVE PATONGA SO MUCH - that is where we spend our little family sabbaticals. We camp at Patonga a couple of times each year and spend every Mother's Day there, including this year as per my blog post(last week). We live on the Central Coast and people are always bemused when we tell them we are holidaying up the road at Patonga - but it really is a peaceful, little slice of sunny heaven isn't it?!

    Kerry - your daughter is creative and talented just like her Mum! Well done Jess, the post was beautiful - the food and writing very inspiring. A clever and clearly well loved lady - surrounded by lovely friends. Reminds me of the movie 'The Big Chill' - which I looove and will now go and watch again.

    Jess, you have inspired me to organise a large/scale friend event/function retreat!! So look out my friends!

    Kerry - I replied to your comment on my blog post also. You take care of yourself and you have as much comfort food as is necessary to nurse yourself back to goo health!

    Tracey at Velvetine Lily x o

    Well done Jess !

  8. Hi Jess
    Well.. what a great post.. I've coveted images of the Kosela house for eons and Patonga sounds like a perfect getaway.. very familiar with the push and shove of Sydney town!!

    Hey Kerry .. hope you feel better.. your girl did you proud!! xx Julie

  9. This just reminds me of the many weekends I used to have with my friends in my 20s. I feel quite nostalgic and as someone who take frying pan, proper knife, coffee maker and tea towels to every house I rent on holiday in Australia I am most impressed by the fact there is a paella pan in that wonderful house. xoxo

  10. Dear Jess and Kerry,
    What a wonderful place. It really looks like someone's home, rather than somewhere just to stay. I bet there were lots of 'double entendres' as far as the name of it is concerned !!!! haha.
    Isn't it just the best, going away with friends and, it looks as if you all mucked in and produced some great food.... even better. I think thaat a weekend there with your MGM should definitely be on the list, Kerry.
    Thanks for filling in for your mum, Jess. You did a great job. Maybe you should start your own blog or maybe you already have one.
    Get better soon, Kerry. Maybe some medicinal alcohol is called for, or have you already tried that remedy ?!! XXXX

  11. Great post Jess and what a lovely place to have stayed - definitely looks homely and looks like you were well fed :) Kerry - hope you're feeling better soon xx

  12. WOW, love the pics - such atmosphere! And that pav!! Send me some!!!!

  13. Fabulous post Jess:) Your weekend looks and sounds fabulous! I vaguely remember those kinds of fun times way back when I was 25! Thanks for sharing with us. Hope you have a lovely weekend this weekend Jess. Kerry I hope that you are feeling much better. Big get well hugs to you ~ XX

  14. Oh My Jess blogging is definitely in the genes :))
    Great post and Kerry make sure you recharge your battery xoxox

  15. What a great daughter to fill in for you . . . and she's a good writer, just like her mom! It sounds like the getaway was fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

  16. Okay that sounds like a perfectly fab weekend. The food sounds amazing - too funny you ended up with 3 lamb roasts. I also want to know when I get to go to Dickebusch - it sounds divine. You are a sweety for filling in for you poor sick Mom.

  17. Wonderful post. I can see you have passed on the 'good-writing-gene' to Jess. Loved reading about the trip and am tempted to go there myself now.
    And may I say that being able to make a mean boiled egg is better than my friend Katya, whose best dish is a bowl of cereal!

    Love to you and wishes of a fab weekend!

    xx Charlotta

    P.s. I'd love the Pav recipe too!

    Pps. Jess if you are reading this. I am the ball lamp woman. I am so glad your mum sent it to you. She is a wonderful woman and I was hoping you could give her a hug from me. x

  18. I hope you got some pocket money for doing the post for your mum! You and buffy should start your own rival blog.
    I am so mature that I have to say I totally get the dick and bush joke. I grew up with Mr and Mrs Ball across the road and Mr and Mrs Dick two doors down from them, I still think it's hilarious.
    Sounds like a great weekend. Look after Kerry for us all. She is very precious to us bloggie ladies.

  19. post Jess, that place looks great. Have seen it in mags before, but looks terrific filled with people and food!

    hope you're feeling better soon Kerry, hope you're getting lots of rest, we'll be keeping any eye on you!! : |

    ehehe (channeling my stern mum voice there)



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