
Sunday, May 16, 2010

there's a winner

Hi everyone. Before I announce the winner of the glass art can I just say thank you for all the lovely comments about the first-born's guest post on Friday (and yes, I am very proud of her) and your concern about my health (or lack of it, this past week!). You'll be pleased to know I got lots of rest this weekend (not a square of silver leaf in sight, apart from all the bits I'm still vacuuming up!), saw some friends I haven't seen for a while, went to a fantastic glass art exhibition with the MGM, cleaned up my study (it was a train smash)...and I'm feeling a bit better. 
I have a cool project all sorted (in my head at least!) and I've bought what I need to do it. I rearranged the kitchen cupboards (it's a small kitchen and it drives me bonkers!) and pondered my future...which sounds ominous but really isn't...just requires making some plans, taking a few decisions and putting the building blocks in place!
Anyway, enough about about the winner of this...
and it is...
...the incredibly beautiful and talented artist Mariska from I used to be snow white but I drifted.  Richard and I are really pleased this prize is changing hands from one artist to another and while I know Mariska works in vibrant colour we're both hoping that this black and white piece will sit comfortably alongside her beautiful work. Congratulations you gorgeous woman...can you please email me your address so I can wrap this baby up nice and snug and send it across the world!! My friends who've seen this glass on the blog and in my home say the photos don't do it justice, so I do hope you love it Mariska as much as I do.
Thank you so much to everyone for entering and for giving me so much wonderful support. You really are so lovely and I wish I could give you all something other than my thanks. 
Oh, and I finished reading this too...
It was an easy read, but the best part...lots of good recipes!
book cover image from here; a place I spend far too much money!


  1. Congratulations Mariska! What a great giveaway to win, this is one gorgeous piece of art. Glad it's going to such a good home Kerry! K xx

  2. Congratulations to Mariska and thanks for offering such a great giveaway Kerry. Glad to hear you are feeling better and enjoyed your book x

  3. What a wonderful giveaway. Congrats, Mariska!

  4. Congratulations to Mariska, I'm sure she is still smiling ear-to-ear!

    Have a most wonderful new week, Kerry! xxooxx

  5. Congratulations to the winner ! I hope that you will have a marvellous week.


  6. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! Enjoy your Sunday!

  7. Glad you are getting better. Have not long finished Lunch in Paris and have chosen at least 3 of her recipes to start with, hope they turn out. It was an interesting and easy read.

  8. Congrats to Mariska (great name as it is what my husband calls me)! The art piece should look great in her studio. Kerry, glad that you had a semi-relaxing weekend and managed to not work too much! Just ordered Lunch in Paris from the library - decided a change from murder, mayhem and mystery was in order! Have a great week. xxx Mary

  9. Lucky Mariska,
    A piece of original art is a wonderful giveaway to win and, to go to a fellow artist is just perfect.
    .... and, I think 10 house points, a gold star, a massive hi five and a smacker of a kiss should go to Richard. You're a star for donating a piece of your work for Kerry's giveaway. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win a piece of original art. Perhaps you would like to donate another piece ?!!!.....just a thought !! hehe XXXX

  10. Oh dear Kerry I can't believe I won!! It is a wonderful piece and yes I know my art is very different with its vibrant colours but in my house I have a great mix ranging from colourful Vietnamese art, old school grafitti and modern and vintage photography. So black & white is definitely a YES in my interior. It will receive a beautiful spot and once it is hanging I will share its exact location on my blog. Thank you again RICHARD & KERRY!
    A big hug from cloud bursting Amsterdam xoxo

  11. Oh, congrats to Mariska! She is one of my favorite bloggers, love her and she is so lucky!

  12. Glad you are back on deck. Congrats to Mariska. it' nice to think of the glass touring over the seas. Hmmm I wonder what projects you are dreaming up. I know silver leaf dining setting!!!

  13. Congratulations Mariska! It is a beautiful piece of artwork. Kerry - glad you're feeling better! Nothing like a good book for some rest and relaxation.

  14. Congratulations to Mariska. Lucky girl :)
    Glad you are well and many thanks for posting that book...I love it when someone says 'easy read'. My kind of book. Have to still allow for blogging time too!



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