
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

a DIY chevron mirror

I attempted a few projects over the weekend. This was the only one that made it to completion. 
With a few hiccups along the surprises there! So here's how it went...
I bought this very cheap mirror at the framers a while back...don't get too excited at the's not a big mirror (about 10 x 10 inches) and you can see why it was going cheap...eww before photos are ugly aren't they, which is no doubt why they are just that...

I assembled the weapons of construction...flat quilters are so cute!
Cut out the fabric to the right size...more or less...sprayed the mirror with spray adhesive...there was my first mistake...stuck on the fabric and cut out the centre piece with a good old Stanley knife. Then I got together the bits I thought I'd need for glueing the ribbon edging on with...
Wrong. A glue gun is not the best choice for this...but gee it makes an interesting pattern when you leave it unattended while you spray the ribbon...not the mirror this time. I am nothing if not a quick learner!
And can you see...what a mess when you spray the mirror and not the fabric. I used a variety of methods to clean the mirror up...not yet entirely successfully but let's just say silver cleaner, eucalyptus oil and 'spray and wipe' all got a workout! Lucky I know how to laugh is all I can say. 
But enough with the ugly doesn't look too bad if you stand back a the dark...with one eye closed...
And as for those other projects? You'll have to wait for the mini-me fake juju hat but it's coming, I promise you that! Once I get more hot pink turkey feathers...
You think I'm joking don't you!!
I'm going to share this little gem at BNOTP Metamorphosis Monday today and maybe a few other places too including here...
hoping that serious DIYers might get a little amusement from my feeble efforts! It always seems easy in my imagination!


  1. You know, it's just not a DIY project without a few (or ten!) hiccups, is it? But it all works out in the end. Well done sweet, looks fab - but I for one can't wait for that juicy juju gem! And even better, it could do double duty - you could wear it to the Melbourne Cup too! K xx

  2. Hiccups side it looks great - I always like a reminder that DIY is harder than it looks - like cake decorating! And I never seem to learn that lesson...

  3. You did a great job - and I didn't even close one eye!! You also achieved SO much more than I did over the weekend!

  4. I like how you keep things real, Kerry. My kind of DIY. It actually looks really good on your side table

  5. looks fab..what a clever little cookie you are. I love buying those flat fats from spotlight..I always end up walking out with a couple. Oh and a suggestion on cleaning off the adhesive spray on the mirror..Metho..or nail polish remover..has worked for me. x

  6. Your mirror looks fabulous Kerry! I love how you keep it real and I am so impressed with your patience and perseverance. I would have given up and it would have joined my pile of unfinished projects! xx

  7. HI Kerry
    Well you did a great job on the mirror!! looks fabulous.. but you know now I am interested in seeing that sofa hiding in there.. the golden colour fabric.. I had the exact same fabric on two sofas.. but gave them away... and I swore that the colour that best coordinated was pink!!! they look great together... [did you get that sofa from Freedom???]

    Well thanks for your well wishes.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!! xxx Julie

  8. The mirror looks great (mind you I have one eye closed and I'm half way round the world). Seriously, any crafting attempts, no matter how small, and this wasn't small at all given that you required several different tools, is very, very, very impressive. I'm all talk when it comes to getting anything done. Well done!

  9. I've had many experiences like that. And not all of my projects have turned out as beautiful as that mirror! And I really love it with that lamp. :)

  10. Well at least I'm not the only one that experiences "hiccups"! Very cute project. I'm intrigued by the feathers too ;)

  11. Very nice. I actually think whoever invented hot glue guns should be shot! It is a good concept, but they just didn't go the distance and make a truly good tool. There is always a sad and sorry mess, blisters on fingers and lumps and bumps in places there shouldn't be.
    Anyhoo, thanks for the input of the mystery object. You may be right , but the problem may be that the circles are quite small. Hmmm. Is this all I have to worry about in my life?

  12. I love this so much I think I'm going to try to make one myself. The results should be interesting because I'm have no talent what so ever for anything like this, but I really love that mirror!

  13. Dear Kerry, I am speechless. Are there not shops selling mirrors in Australia? If not, open one.

    On the subject of the pink turkey feathers I shall keep my powder dry. And watch and wait!

  14. It looks like a Missoni print! It looks fab!

    Sarah from

  15. I can seeeeee youuuuu :) Lovely job. xoxox

  16. Visiting for the first time. That is adorable. I thought it was hand painted, but fabric is so much easier.

  17. Well Krry,
    After a few hiccups, you have made a beautiful mirror for not a lot of 'wonga' !! It looks teriffic. You are pretty clever at this crafting lark !!
    I have a glue gun and have suffered many a 3rd degree burn !! XXXX

  18. Oooops !!
    I missed the 'e' out of your name !! Sorry ! XXXX

  19. That's genius!!! Wow can you make a large one?

  20. I am loving this! great job!
    Thanks for stopping over!


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