
Monday, June 14, 2010

the leather tote giveaway winner

Want to know who bagged the bag?  It was...
...someone who said that she hadn't won anything since the "I made it myself category in the North Richmond Public School Easter Hat Parade in 1979"!!  So now there's a great bag courtesy of Buyster to go with that award winning hat.
Stand up and be counted Mrs Woog!!  I love this woman's blog called's decidedly wicked in all the right ways! Pop over and say hi and make sure you take your sense of humour with you :)
Mrs Woog could you please email me your choice of colour and your address so we can get this thing on the road!
Thanks so much for entering and hi to new readers. I love having you here.


  1. Dear Kerry, Well someone's day has been made. In this case it is Mrs. Woog's. She is certainly deserving not having won anything since 1979. What fun!

  2. Well done to Mrs Woog and for ending her 31 year winner's drought.

  3. I think I'm very happy NOT to have won, and for Mrs Woog to have such a well-deserved and long long overdue win! xx

  4. Hurrah to Mrs Woog....what a fantastic name !!....and what a lovely giveaway to win.
    ....and, oh my God Kerry, I forgot to put your giveaway on my sidebar !! I'm so sorry. I guess that I've now blown my chances of a place in your Top Ten pictures this week !!!!
    Seriously, I'm so sorry....and there was Kerri's giveaway in all it's glory, up there on my sidebar !! I bet you think I'm such an old cow !! It truly was just forgotton. Can I blame it on my age ?!!
    How can I make it up to you ?

  5. C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s to Mrs. Woog!
    HAve a happy happy week, Kerry. xx

  6. Lucky Mrs Woog, nice giveaway Kerry, love Posie

  7. I am speechless, so unexpected! I would like to thank Mr Woog for putting the breaks on our family spending, Kerry, for having style and class when it comes to items she gives away as well as her inspiring Blog. I think that this is more of a team effort really though - so I would like to thank my family, for driving me up the wall so consistantly, that everyday brings a new reason for me to bitch and moan.
    Love Mrs Woog xoxoxoxoxxxox


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.