
Monday, June 21, 2010

my weekend project...don't try this at home!

Juju hats...they are fabulous, are they not?
Unfortunately they are not in my budget. So I thought to myself...Self? How difficult would it be to make one? Oh I make myself laugh sometimes with these ridiculous notions.
The answer of course is: bloody difficult! Which is no doubt why they cost a bazillion dollars. Anyway, surprise, surprise, a degree of difficulty that would daunt even a Chinese high tower diver did not deter me dear bloggy I had a go!  And here's the result....looking less juju, more frou-frou (as the 22 year old was very quick to point out...everyone's a critic around here!) 

I do however quite like the bold splash of hot pink on my black wall. At least for a while...until it falls apart or on my head, whichever comes first...not that it would hurt if it fell on me as it's...well...light as a feather!! It looks a bit like a rose don't you think? Or perhaps a peony if you're being really generous.
Want to know how I made it? Read and weep (as I felt like doing at various stages!)
Step 1: assemble the makings...clearly it's all in the type of feathers you use...and clearly these are not juju making feathers; but they were all I could find (from Spotlight and Lincraft, because of course one place didn't have enough...). I knew I should have stopped there and then. Next time, less fluffy and straighter feathers. Because speaking of straight, these would look right at home in the gay Mardi Gras. (And absolutely NO offence intended)

Perhaps I'll start chasing cockatoos and collecting their feathers to have another go one the very distant future!
Step 2: make a cuppa...this looks like it could take a while (that may also apply to those who are reading this I might add)
Step 3: glue the rubber mat stuff that you put in the bottom of drawers to stop things rolling around to the top of a bamboo paper plate holder. This, in my humble opinion, was a stroke of genius on my part! Flexible, easy to glue and holes that would hold the feathers in without the need for stitching. The pegs were obviously just there while the glue dried.
Step 4: While the glue is drying sort the feathers into like size piles...
Step 5: start poking feathers through the holes in the non-stick mat...
First and second rounds done...
Continue with the feathers in a one stage I used a small plate to make sure I wasn't getting too wonky a circle...
...and just keep going, using smaller feathers as you get closer to the centre
So...I certainly can't claim this to be a raging success because it doesn't look exactly the way I wanted it to 
...but you know doesn't much matter...because when I look at it, it makes me smile. 
Mostly at myself for thinking I could match the talent of the ceremonial juju hat makers from Cameroon...ha! Not likely :)
I'll be sharing this throughout the week at The Girl Creative for Just Something I Whipped up Monday and BNOTP Metamorphosis Monday and Someday Crafts on Wednesday. And goodness knows what I'll try this weekend!


  1. You are brilliant!! It looks just like the peony on my living room table. I love it!! Susan :)

  2. That's cool! I also like the bright splash of colour on your wall and as usual, your explanations made me smile. Lots of fun :)

  3. Kerry! Firstly, I think you have done a fabulous job and I love it! Secondly, I love reading your posts, they always make me smile. Thirdly, Lottie is sitting on my knee saying 'That is sooo cool!'. I love the colour of the feathers, especially against your black wall (how gorgeous is your bedroom!!!). Love it:) Enjoy participating in the fabulous crafty links this week, you clever lady!! ~ Tina xx

  4. I know I say this every day Kerry, but you always make me laugh with the way you describe things!!! I think you did an excellent job and it may not look 100% juju-ish but it's gorgeous anyway! Looks fab on your black wall, love your bedhead too.

    Oh and I just have to say (after your hilarious comment about my mirror falling on my head) make sure it's attached to the wall properly and you're not wearing night cream while you sleep or you could wake up tarred and feathered! hehheehe :)

    Have a lovely day my friend,

  5. Kerry you are a star, so creative, clever and funny too!
    Following on from Janette I couldn't help but pen....

    JuJu Love

    A burst of bliss above your bed,
    A little feather on your head,
    Your hubby wakes to see a....dove [?!?]
    Coo, it must be juJu love!

    Looking forward to your next creative installation,

    Felicity x

  6. awesome job hunny! i absolutely love it....


  7. Ha ha, that's looks like it was worth the effort though! Is this the type of thing I'll be doing when my little ones are older? Rachaelxx

  8. I love that splash of pink against the black. I think it's gorgeous.

  9. Huh? this is the 1st time I have ever seen this..yours came out great :)

    Just found your blog and I a looking forward to following along!

  10. Kerry, you have to try these things don't you! So good on you and it has turned out great! I love your room and I love your witty humour. Have a great day!

  11. Great job Kerry! I am, as always, impressed by your creativity and your humorous explanation! I love the pink against the black wall. xx

  12. I just love that you thought you'd give it a go, and your 'pictorial' so made me smile. And I'm really laughing at the thought of you being tarred and feathered as per Janette's comment. Oh that's a great mental image!! Happy Monday my friend! xx

  13. Dear Kerry, Well....! Interesting.....! Most unusual, certainly....! Definitely different...! For those who like this sort of thing, it is the sort of thing they like. For my part, I love the black wall, the bedhead, the pillows, the cushions, even the mug of tea....

  14. oooooh you are so funny you juju me every time. great job. what a patience.....
    have a great week my dear xoxo

  15. Absolutely stunning. How crafty of you! I wish I was more creative but alas, it's not in the cards for me. Your bedroom looks beautiful - out of a magazine fabulous!

  16. 10 points for having a crack, another 10 for execution and 10 more for a conversation piece that would have your non-crafty guests taking the piss out of you for ages. I love it. Truly, it's beautiful. 100 hot pink chickens have taken up refuge at the nearest soup kitchen because by George, there wouldn't be too many feathers left after this masterpiece.

  17. Hi Kerry even though it wasn't quite what you wanted I think it looks fabulous and the pink against the black wall ...simply stunning. Love it, love it, love it..enjoy your week Kym X

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I think it is enormous fun and that you may have inadvertently got yourself sorted for cup day at the same time.
    ( I removed the previous comment due to grievous spelling errors.)

  20. I would also love a JuJu. I think yours looks fabulous! You are too hard on yourself! Your explanation made me laugh ... maybe you should warn others to only attempt it with a glass of wine in one hand (lol)!! Michelle

  21. Kerry you little genius!! I love it and your comments are so witty. I adore your bedhead, was it originally a screen? It looks a little Indian/Moroccan inspired. Hope you had a great weekend! :-)

  22. Oh dah-ling, you do make me giggle. Juju hats? I predict they will be all the rage in Manuka this season. My mother wore something similar in the 1960's.

  23. Dear Kerry,
    Is there anything that you can't turn your hand to ? You just seem to be able to look at something and then make one ! That is a very good gift to have. Perhaps you could run me up a Dolce and Gabbana dress, fashion me a Faberge Egg out of old necklaces and some gold leaf and suprise me with something made from an old washing up liquid bottle and some sticky back plastic !!!! haha
    It looks very frou frou and really stands out against the black wall. You are so adventurous. I feel really pathetic and wishy washy, as I think that I'm afraid of colour. I think that I need to go to 'Colour-shy Annonymous' !!
    ........ and, thank you so much for your lovely comment on my giveaway post.....and even more thanks for putting it on your sidebar, (perhaps 'child bride' next to the 34th wedding anniversary would be good !!!! just kidding ).
    Love ya loads, back !! XXXX

  24. man that looks like it would have taken flipping hoooouuurs! well done you - the last image is jaw dropping, looks against your black wall!


  25. What's a room without a dash of pink! Kerry it looks amazing, you are such a clever lady!

  26. This quality of yours is exactly why I adore you!!!
    Thank you Kerry for stopping by and leaving us a comment on our anniversary. You are simply the best!
    Seriously though, it was very thoughtful and much appreciated.
    Much love,

  27. What can I say - except awesome to the power of sick! Fan-bloody-tastic! It's so you - bright and vibrant, and completely fabulous darling! K xx

  28. Awesome job! Love that shade of pink - and your bedroom is gorgeous. Love your witty post, and its been great reading through the comments. I had to laugh at Felicity's 'JuJu Love' poem - very clever :)

  29. Kerry....fantastic...and great minds think alike..I have seen that many juju's in blogland as of late..and thought..I really like that look..but you..doesnt quite fit my budget and I thought of the idea of recycling..reusing...a white feather bower I had from my 30th Birthday party ( 7 years and having a crack at creating my own version of this...but not quite as organised and perfectly done as thank you for the helpful tips. It looks fantastic...and I actually thing...a couple more would look awesome in different sizes. Good skills lovely x

  30. Yours turned out fun & flirty : )

  31. It makes me smile too! Love the splash of color!

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