
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a bag to go with the frou-frou juju?

Thank you so much for some of the very funny comments about the DIY fake frou-frou juju post from yesterday. 
They cracked me up. Edith has even refused my (I thought) very kind offer to make her one to wear to Ascot! I really don't understand :) And alas I have had to deny Jackie's request for me to rustle her up a Faberge egg out of old necklaces and some gold leaf (but only because silver leaf is my gilding metal of choice...otherwise, not a prob!) And Deborah swore that she saw her mum wearing one just like it in the 60's. Janette warned me about the dangers of being tarred and feathered if the pink fluffy thing should fall on my head while sleeping with night cream slathered on my ageing face (she didn't actually say ageing I hasten to add; I believe she is far too nice for that!) Felicity wrote me a gorgeous little poem. But best of all, Tina's Miss Lottie said she thought it was cool...high praise indeed! One day I'm going to collect all your clever comments and publish a book of bloggy peep wit! It will be too heavy to lift for sure.
Anyway, I thought that it might be fun to go etsy surfing for some feather bags to go with my feather 'hat' here are some of the results of a feather bag search...
Peacock Feathers Luxury Clutch Bag with Iridescent Silk Lining
Something Ivory Bridal Clutch
Peacock blue clutch in Liberty cotton
Hellena - Brown Ostich Feather Purse with Crystal Trim
Peacock Feathers Embroidered Silk Clutch Silver and Navy Blue
Peacock Feather Silk Dupioni Clutch Purse In Blue Violet
hmmmm...I just happen to have some peacock feathers...and nothing planned for this weekend! Breathe Edith, breathe...
White Feather Purse Evening Bag
Something Black Clutch
I think there must be a lot of naked birds out there...
The Feather Evening Bag in Latte
Yellow Feather Purse
Oh laugh..I laughed till I stopped! And on a completely different note, I finished my first Jodi Picoult book on the weekend while pretending to be watching Australia play England in the rugby with the MGM...
I had been avoiding them (Jodi's books, not the rugby players) because they are so popular (some of them anyway...the rugby players I mean), but I have to say I was quite impressed (I'm back to talking about Jodi now) so I may even read another one...when I get through the fourteen books that are already lined up and waiting! Fourteen books on the sidelines (note another feeble rugby reference) would have been nothing before blogging began! Have a fun Tuesday. Here on this side of the world where yesterday was the shortest day of the year, the days are now getting longer. Good! I could use more than 24 hours at the moment.


  1. Hi Kerry, Oooh I love all of those bags - just gorgeous!!!!

  2. Can i put in a request for a matching hat and bag please Kerry? I'm channeling a Big Bird Yellow oh and what the hell I think a bit of feather ruffle around the top of my black knee high boots wouldn't look too over done would it?

    Have a love day my friend!!!

  3. I can see you now, juju hat on your head and feather handbag on your arm - tres chic! Yep, I'll place an order too, same as Janette's but hot pink please. Ooh, I have a great idea - this would make a great dress code for out blogger convention! I can see it now - could you get any more glamorous? K xx

  4. Gosh you're a funny lady!!! SO witty! I actually saw the original versions on Table Tonic yesterday and see what you mean about the budget :)
    Great post Kerry!

  5. I had to go back and read all the comments from the last post - what a hoot (the comments that is, well and a little bit the post - not the feather juju mind you - just the write-up). The juju you made is spectacular, especially against the black. Happy dreams!

  6. Hee hee - you're funny - I love this post. Thanks for making me smile :) I love that second little white purse with the feather and bling!

  7. I have only read one Jodi Picoult book and I highly suggest you give it a go. It's called The Pact. I suggest you have a box of tissues handy

  8. too funny kerry i cant stop laughing when i read your post and all your comments. loving the purses especially the white one with the bling the way i'm loving your hot pink frou-frou juju attempt its fantastic well done:) XX

  9. Dear Kerry, I am inspired. This very day I intend to empty out the eiderdown - all those lovely goose feathers - and get straight into it. Today will be feather coated lampshades, tomorrow feather fringes to the drawing room curtains and on Thursday, feathers around the frames of the photographs [note the para-alliteration!]. By Friday, now experienced, I intend an innovative type of flock wallpaper, feathers of course, whilst on Saturday I shall develop a new range of feather dusters. That leaves Sunday, should I for any reason fall behind on my schedules! Oh, and by the way, can you give me any tip on suitable dyes? Or should I make my own from vegetables - home grown, of course?

    Finally, dear Kerry, thank you so much for the link. So exciting!

  10. Oh, I didn't know that you is so talented ! You are soo good ! What a work. I mean it.
    Show us more of your works !

    Have a lovely day


  11. I love all these clutches! I'm into anything with peacock feathers right now, so those are my favorites!

  12. I swear some of those bags have baby birds inside. So 2010!

  13. Dear Kerry,
    What a debate you have opened up with your feathery items. I just loved all of the comments on it, especially Janette's. I thought that was particularly funny !!!!
    Fabulous bags and worthy of Ascot. Also, if one was invited to the hospitality boxes or the Royal Box at Wimbledon, any one of these handbags would be appropriate !! I shall be stuck in front of the tele for the next fortnight watching Wimbledon. I usually go but didn't get tickets this year.
    ..... and how close was the rugby ?!! We watched it too.
    By the way.... I am very happy to have silver leaf on my Faberge egg !!!!

  14. i'll take a juju fascinator ploise.

    thanks for that sweet email - days are getting longer you say? perhaps i should think about it some more!


  15. Wow! You are a real feather girl. You should have been with me yesterday, when a fledgling crow was sitting on my windshield, trying to figure out how to fly. Her parents pecked my head a couple of times, then they got into a scrap. Feathers everywhere. I should have saved some for you ;)
    Now. About those bags. Love the peacock.

  16. Gotta say that it just isn't fair when I haven't had access to a computer for ages and have missed such fun. Must admit that I do like some of the purses - great little evening bags and sure to be conversation pieces. Years ago on Trading Spaces, there was a bedroom that the designer decided that needed walls covered with white feathers. So if you are really bored, there you go. Of course you could always add a few in with your silver leafing... Great fun as always.

  17. All I can say is LOL! You always make me laugh my dear! Love the bags and can't wait to see your new line fashion accessories label coming to a store near me soon! Thanks for the smiles ~ Tina xx

  18. Haha, too cute! I used to chase peacocks around our pool when I was little, so those bags made me smile. Too bad I didn't save all the feathers, we could have had an awesome DIY party! *Amy


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.