
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I've had a visit from the chandelier fairy...

I have the best friends. One of them called me today and asked me if I'd like three (yes three) chandeliers that another friend of hers was throwing out! She is now known as the chandelier fairy around here as this is not the first time she's done a bit of chandelier wrangling for me!

Actually the friend's son was throwing them out but let's not get all factual. Oh Chris...thanks for calling...let me think about that for a nano-second...yes please!
There are two with five lights and one with three...

They're quite dirty, but nothing that a bit of soapy water won't fix. 

And Chris has even offered to help with that...the chandelier fairy has been promoted to fairy godmother!! Like I said...I have the best friends.
All I had to do was buy three good bottles of for each chandelier...doesn't get much better than that does it? Can you see some left over pink feathers from the frou-frou juju lying around on the table...sorry about that...
And sorry about the poor quality photos but I couldn't wait for daylight to take some snaps...I was so excited. So no styling in evidence here bloggy peeps.
They will be going in my living room...replacing lights like these...and I'm ever so glad about that!

Now, where's the phone number for the electrician?
1st and last images from here; others by me taken in a most excited state (i.e. they're not very good!)


  1. Love when that happens!! Can't wait to see how they look in the living room!!

  2. Hi Kerry, I can completely understand and I would be just the same. I would be snapping photos and posting them as well. What a great friend and what a fantastic haul!!!! Get them washed, get them up, get them photographed and show us. ;-)

  3. Ooh, what a lovely friend you have - would Chris like another one? How great are these chandies, and I can't wait to see them in all their glory. Nice score my sweet! K xx

  4. oh, you lucky girl!! I need friends like this! ;-D


  5. Oh well done. They'll clean up beautifully.You have to love good friends like that.

  6. What a super number one friend! You are so lucky. The chandeliers are gorgeous and I'm sure they'll look fabulous in your living room. Can't wait to see them up!!

  7. How lucky are you?? What a fantastic friend - can't believe they were going to throw them out! They will look fabulous, can't wait to see them up. Michelle

  8. Wow, fantastic! Good things come to good people..Rachaelxx

  9. Wow the chandelier fairy really did you a nice turn - I think you must have been very good recently to get, not just one, but 3 chandeliers. Lucky duck!

  10. How fabulous!!! I love chandeliers and yes, they'll be a little step up from the round paper numbers which I also have featured in my hallway (except mine are covered in years of cobwebs).

  11. How cool was that phone call? What a lovely friend! Your new chandies are the same as the ones we bought at an Antique store in the Blue Mountains before we moved to the country! I have one of them in my 'new' bedroom:) ENJOY!!! ~ Tina xx

  12. WOW!! So jealous Kerry that's amazing, how sweet is your friend! Does your fairy godmother need more fairy godchildren? as this fairy godchild is happy to drive from sydney to canberra if she finds any more chandies in need of a good home ;) hehehehe.
    Have a lovely day Kerry & can't wait to see them up.

  13. Hi Kerry,
    Now that's the sort of friend I like !!..... and not just one but three. Do you know where you are going to put them ? I could certainly help you out as I've got lots of places they could go !! haha.
    I am looking forward to seeing them 'in situ'. XXXX

  14. Now why hasnt the chandelier fairy been over to my place yet..what a divine piece you have scored..cannot wait to see it hanging in all its splendour! x

  15. Congrats... that's the way to score!!!!!

  16. Fantastic Score! Well worth the electrician bill x

  17. They are fantastic, what a score! I can't wait to see them all clean and sparkly when you have had them installed! Photos please!
    :) Flick

  18. man i wish i'd have a visit from that kind of fairy!! my fairies seem to have serious PMT issues at the mo.

    gorgeous lights! jx

  19. Geez, you hit the jackpot there. I think I have chandelier envy!

  20. What an excellent score! I am sure these are going to look positively beautiful in your home.

  21. Absolutely beautiful. I wish I knew people who threw out such wonderful things!

  22. Lucky you! They are gorgeous....

    Leeann x

  23. You lucky duck. I wish someone would pop around to my house with a chandelier or two. Mind you I wish someone would also pop around with a chardy or two.

  24. Lucky girl!! All of them are so beautiful!!I want one like that too above my dining table..wish I had a chandelier fairy too:)

  25. You lucky, lucky girl, can't wait to see the photographs in day light. I think they will look beautiful in your home.

  26. Wow! That really is fabulous!!
    <3 Cara
    PS. Come check out the fabulous giveaway on my blog!

  27. Oh, you lucky girl!!! Not 1, not 2, but 3 chandeliers!!! Now I'm waiting to see all these beauties in your home!!!


  28. Lucky girl I can see you sparkle :)

  29. You, my dear, are one of the luckiest women I know. I am very, very jealous!

  30. There is something about Chandeliers isn't there. They say 'here lives a woman with style' well done.

  31. I've just turned green with envy....lucky duck!!

  32. I am seriously jealous of you! You are so lucky to have such a great friend!

  33. I would LOVE a chandelier fairy!! Ahhh, to replace the chandeliers in our entryway and dining room would be divine, and to add one in our breakfast nook would be the icing on the cake! Looks like your friend gave you beautiful ones, too - so lucky. :)


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.