
Thursday, June 24, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 24.6.10

Firstly can I just say so sorry that I'm not a very regular visitor to your blogs at the moment. I'm trying but work shall I put it...manic! It was a slow start to collecting beautiful pics for the weekly top ten as well...but I think it's all come together in the end. So here we go...I think I have a thing for pink at the moment...
This next one makes me think of our old cat Licorice...who was much, much nicer than the vampire slayer! I miss Licorice.
by anci at the lighthouse

I so, so, so want to paint this next one...and I do believe it's on a tapa cloth very similar to mine...
Surprise, surprise...I do actually collect more than ten pictures in a week. Choosing which ten to choose has become somewhat of a dilemma and I feel for the ones I don't put in. No, I'm not mad as a cut snake...just a bit frazzled...see reference regarding work above! So as next Thursday is the start of a new month, sometime next week I'll try to do a collage of all the ones that just missed out. It would be a great shame to waste them don't you think? Plus I don't want to hurt their feelings. See reference regarding cut snake above...I may have to reconsider!!


  1. Dear Kerry, I do so enjoy your Top Ten selections, although Mathematics, I feel, cannot have been a strong point for you at school. It is such a good idea to publish the non- selected too as, these days, everyone has to be a winner.......otherwise things turn unpleasant!!

  2. Peonies always make my day! :)
    <3 Cara

  3. Another lovely collection of images. Not sure I could live in the stripey room but definitely in the pink room, maybe add in the peonies as well. Have a great day Kerry :)

  4. Breathe, my sweet, breathe! You know there's no need to feel bad about those who missed out, there are so many gorgeous blogs out there to choose from, how you can narrow it down at all is beyond me. But those that do make the cut are divine, so no reason to worry! That first pink pic - delicious! K xx

  5. I like these pictures, Kerry. I noticed two with shawls in them. Tell me, are you the sort of person that can just toss a shawl or throw on a sofa or what have you. I may be Type A, but it drives me crazy and all of my shawls and throws and blankets must be neatly folded. I also dislike drapes that puddle on the floor. Oh well, definitely Type A.


  6. Hi Kerry, try to relax over the weekend and work on those chandeliers!!! (can't wait to see) I love the first 'pink' shot and those lovely peony roses.

  7. Beautiful pics as usualy Kerry, love them all! I hope work settles down soon.

  8. I really like these round-up posts; so much prettiness in one place! I am not surprised it's hard to choose 10, there is just so much beauty in blogland. Lou x

  9. Just adore your pics especially the cat with the chess set just gorgeous....Kym X

  10. Hi,
    First I was thinking of saying thanks to you for your sweet comment on my blog. (Yes, I've taking the picture). But now... I wanna say thank you a thousand times ! I can't believe it !! You have my picture on your Top 10. I'm so, so happy. Thanks !!!


  11. oooo love the third one, and the one of trina's place! gorg, gorg, gorg.

    have actually cut a snake once or twice, and yer - they don't like it! good luck on the work front, i know your pain. that's why i have a keep calm and carry on mug at work, reminds me not to scream : )


  12. Wouldn't it be nice to spend all day blogging and looking for images to make the top 10. Hope your work gives you a little respite over the weekend Kerry. Love that stunning peony image. x

  13. Thanks Kerry, I haven't had much blogtime this week either. Your top ten keeps me in touch in one quick look. Have a great Friday and excellent Weekend.

  14. HI Kerry
    Well I will tailor a prescription just for you!!... Don't worry about being absent.. I think I'm winning the trophy on that one...

    So you are in all the activity today!! Canberra yes? what a crazy day!!

    Hope works calms down for you!! xxx Julie oh yes.. love all of these images..

  15. pretty stuff! (I have a thing for pink every day)

  16. Gorgeous pics! Love that first one. I enjoy seeing your top pics of the week because it lets me discover new blogs :)

  17. Very nice pictures indeed and am relieved I am not the only one feeling guilty about not having had much time in this lovely cyber world lately.
    Work for me is totally manic as well and I too am slowly transforming from (reasonably) normal human to mentioned cut snake.. Iiiih, I need a break!

    Yes please to the orphan pictures. We'd love to see and adore them.

    x Charlotta

  18. Great selection Kerry and yes... you have to paint those clementines!!


  19. What a great collection of images. I love the bed in the third picture and the collection of rolling pins (I just started a collection myself). Thanks!

  20. Love the pics from the House of Turquoise and A Country Farmhouse. Did you hear Trina's big news? Very exciting! Have a great weekend..Rachaelxx

  21. What a great collection... I absolutely adore the very first picture... it is just screaming out to me!! :) Hazel

  22. Gorgeous group of photos you have! I think I fancy the Peonies the most! Mine got too much frost bite so they didn't bloom! Will have to plant another next year!

    Have a great weekend!

  23. Where do you find these wonderful places? I love coming here - it's like a delicious glass of wine for the eyes!

  24. Just catching up on a bit of blog reading & can't tell you how chuffed I am that a pic I posted made it in to your Top 10 pics of the week. I really enjoy your Top 10 post each week, so this really put a smile on my dial! Lee :)

  25. Bless the cat playing with the chess pieces, awwww it reminds my of my baby girl at home in England who looks exactly the same!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.