
Friday, June 25, 2010

soul food friday ~ writing it down

Not much writing for me today on this here blog...but this image from here got me thinking...could this be a blogger's mantra... a tool for those with early onset alzheimers...or just something for really busy peeps?? For sure my brain has been so full lately that if I didn't write things down I would have absolutely no clue what I'd been thinking about! 
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I'm going to try and get some's been a huge work week. Two massive projects delivered...two very happy clients. Fabulous team work. Gratifying, but exhausting. But nowhere near as big as Julia Gillard's week. Australia's new Prime Minister...I won't push my political leanings here, but I think she is one mightily impressive woman.
Hugs to all of you; thanks so much for your continuing support and wonderfully uplifting and often highly amusing comments. You have no idea how you've helped to get me through this particularly difficult week!!


  1. Hey Kerry, Hope that you have a relaxing weekend. Sounds like all the hard work it was worth it in the end. Will be off to Vegas for a few days and then to Sally's place so will have lots of catching up to do when I get back. No computers allowed on this trip! Get some sleep! Will miss my daily laugh! love Mary

  2. You, my sweet, need to laze around this weekend, whilst being waited on hand and foot - even if you need to hire the servants to do it! Have a lovely weekend, see you back here next week all rested and revived! K xx

  3. Sounds like you deserve a seriuosly sloth-like weekend! Have a great one Kerry!!

  4. Congratulations on putting to bed, 2 very successful client deals. I totally get what you mean, extremely rewarding, however, it takes a while to come down after some career endeavours. I have just endured an insane interview, complete with 4 impromptu questions and one prepared, flamboyant presentation at a time when I am going through fertility treatment and am feeling like a lead balloon. I don't post the explicitness of such on my blog, due to the nature of my career. I am writing my book at the moment and all my personal stuff is going in there.

    I feel your need for respite. I also feel your strength, determination creativity and ambition and think that perhaps you are a little like me -we are our own worst enemies, always juggling so much in our minds and creative thoughts and insistent that we do a bloody good job!

    I love your fav pics you posted. I love the pic of the hats hanging on the tongue and groove wall, it reminds me of an alcove in our house. I love the yellow feather hand bag. I am in love with the chandelier with the fairies dripping from it.That is the most exquisite chandelier I have ever seen! I have book marked that to my favourites, thank you.

    Your friend with the family of chandeliers is a friend I would love to have! I can tell you are surrounded by equally creative and generous souls.

    Kerry, I love seeing what you have been up to.
    Tracey x o x Get some rest this weekend honey.

  5. Wishing you lots of rest and relaxation Kerry, well done on getting through your big week!!! Big hugs back to you :) Jxx

  6. Miss Kerry, you must promise me that you will take care of yourself and have a lovely weekend lounging and relaxing and being pampered by your loved ones! So sorry to hear you have had such a difficult week:( Sending you huge hugs my friend ~ Tina xx

  7. hope you have a enjoyable weekend involving rest relaxing and more relaxing XXX

  8. "Ave a good weekend" as they say. Yes a very big week in Canberra this week. How exciting to be there when history was made. Australia's first female Prime Minister. Awesome!
    As for the writing things down. I have lists of lists. But alas, what am I doing. WASTING time on the computer putting off the packing. hmmm.

  9. Hello there! I am glad you are going to rest this weekend after such a busy week. You are my ZenMaster. xo

  10. It's the same here ! I really have to write what I must do in a book, otherwise I will forget it... It also helps of the book looks nice :)

    Have a nice and lovely weekend


  11. Rest well! It certainly was an historic week!!!

  12. Oh, it's tough at the top Kerry....wheeling and dealing !! hehe.
    No, seriously, you work very hard and need to have a lovely rest this weekend, eating , drinking and enjoying the luxuries that life can offer.
    Have fun and next week we will see a fresh and new Kerry. XXXX

  13. Madame PM is a product of my boys old school in Adelaide, Unley High. Just think what they might have achieved if they'd spent less time in the Time Out room & more time in student politics!! Have a well-earned restful w/end Kerry.
    Millie ^_^

  14. Relax this weekend and Enjoy! I love that journal. A Bloggers mantra indeed!

  15. Speaking of mantras, it's the Human Resources professional's mantra, also! :) I need this book for my managers.

  16. Hope you have a lovely & relaxing weekend, gazing at your chandeliers! Meredy xo.

  17. Hi Kerry, take a load of this weekend and enjoy the rest after what sounds like a busy but rewarding week. I have tagged you for a game, but no pressure! I usually write myself a list these days on what I have to do in the day otherwise I often get home and kick myself when I realise what I have forgotten! :-)

  18. I hope you had a very relaxing weekend in that beautiful house of yours! As for me, I have a busy week ahead with work. I am travelling to Dallas and I've never been to Texas so, although it's work, hopefully I will have a decent time. It's always hard to leave my family. I can appreciate all of the blogging you do with having a job! I think a lot of bloggers stay home and I am always soooo jealous!!!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.