
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

a coastal mosaic...or three

Hi bloggy peeps, from the beautiful south coast of New South Wales. I'm having a few internet connection problems, so I hope this works...a very quick picture post to let you know what you're missing out on!

And the ever so wonderful of my currently slaving away in the kitchen making me a beautiful birthday dinner...there is a main course but it went in the oven before I could capture it! I'm a lucky woman!


  1. Hey you, it sounds like you're having a wonderful birthday weekend, and that man of yours is such a keeper - he could give Jamie Oliver a run for his money I'll bet! Enjoy your special break, and happy birthday to you! xx

  2. Hi Kerry, you have absolutely made me suitably jealous! Your dinner looks lovely, as does the scenery.. so fresh and bright. Enjoy your Birthday and dinner!
    Flick :)

  3. Beautiful, it looks so relaxing..I'll join you in those oysters and pears. Have a wonderful time my lovely..Rachaelxx

  4. Happy Birthday Kerry:) Hope you have had a wonderful day. Enjoy that fabulous looking dinner! Hugs ~ Txx

  5. Happy Birthday! Looks fantastic. Hope your having a good time. Michelle

  6. It works and I'm happy for that ! Your photos are wonderful. I wish that I could be there :)

    Happy birthday !! Or have I misunderstand something ?? Richard seems to be very nice :)


  7. It looks like you are having a wonderful time! Enjoy. xx

  8. Hi Kerry,
    so you´re a birthday girl today? Happy Birthday to you and have a great day! :)
    I really would like to be by the sea your pictures. We`ve got summer over here but school holidays didn`t start yet. We`ve to wait until end of July.
    Many greetings from the other end of the world, Beate

  9. Lovely holiday snaps Kerry and a big Happy Birthday to you!!!! Enjoy your dinner and being spoilt. Those oysters look yummy!

  10. Looks like a great place to revive and relax. Hope it was a lovely break.

  11. What a lovely birthday..enjoy it...I'm sure you are!

  12. Hope you've had a very Happy Bithday Kerry! It sounds like you have. How lovely being cooked for - a girl could get used to that!

  13. Kerry .. I can almost smell the beach and taste the food from your bloggy pics .. hope you are having a fantstic time (-:

  14. had a whole thing typed up here but blogger blogged me out with an error!

    the mst important bit was - hope you've had a very happy b-day!!! jxoxox

  15. My husband and I have a plan to do this drive [from sydney to melb] one day. I just cant wait to see all the wonderful beaches.

  16. My husband and I plan to do the drive [from syd to melb] one day. I cant wait to see all the wonderful beaches.

  17. Wonderful shots. Oh, and those pears....dribbling on have a man that can cook!

  18. Absolutely gorgeous Kerry. Happy birthday!!

  19. Happy birthday Kerry! Hope you had a wonderful meal and a wonderful birthday.

  20. I thought the photos of the water crashing onto the rocks was to die for... and then I saw the wine and oysters!!
    Joyeux anniversaire!!


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