
Friday, July 2, 2010

soul food friday ~ free to fly

I made a big decision this week. In fact, I'd made it in my head some time ago. But on Monday I turned it into a reality.  And it was a decision well and truly fueled by my entry into blogging. It was a decision inspired by so many of you, and the things you do, but especially by this woman, who has been so kind and encouraging...the exceptional Mariska from I used to be snow white but I drifted...who turned her artistic dream into a reality.
So, my decision. It may not seem monumental, but it is to me. You see, I decided that I would work four days a week from 12 July. As part owner of a business this was a hard decision. But I am going to use the extra day to create. And even better...with friends I've found through blogging, and with a friend I've had for a long time who doesn't blog...we are going to open an online store. The bloggers will probably be known to many of you who visit here, but I'm not saying who just yet...we need to finalise quite a few details first and there's a bit more to do (we may need some left brained process person to help us!!).
But...I just want to tell you how excited I am. I want to say that no matter how old you are (and I'm having another birthday next week...crumbs they come around quickly!) matter what the circumstances of your life can make good changes...choices of the heart and not the bank can, as the picture says, be free to fly. 
The MGM (most gorgeous man for those not in the know) and I are off to the coast for a few precious days together on Sunday, so I may have a short blogging break...or not! We'll be staying at a friend's gorgeous house at the beach so I'll be sure to take some photos to share with you.
Thank you for all your wonderful comments this week; thank you to new readers and big hugs to all of you. That was all a bit schmaltzy and soppy wasn't it? Don't worry, I'll be back to normal soon:)
ist image from here; 2nd from Mariska's place


  1. That is incredibly exciting... that is what I am hoping to do in November (I have a wedding to get through first in October) I really hope it works out for you, and I am looking forward to hearing all about it on your blog! :) Hazel

  2. Enjoy!!
    I hoped to do the same with my 'day off' but young kids and life just get in the way.
    I wish you every sucess!!!

  3. Great news Kerry, I am very very excited for you!!! I love change, great things happen when you shake things up a bit :)

    Have a wonderful time with your MGM!


  4. What an exciting next step for you! Good on you Kerry for pursuing your dream! I am sure that you will do well and your online store will be a success. I am looking forward to hearing more about it! Have a great break. xx

  5. good on you I can understand why you feel it is a brave decision because it is but you cannot die wondering can you? xoxo

  6. Look at you go! So happy you decided to take some time for yourself - I'm sure you won't regret it for a second. How excitement - change is such a catalyst for great things! K xx

  7. Oh what a huge decision. I wish you a lot of luck in your new venture. I'm sure you'll have fun in the process.

  8. I can see your smile from here! You sound very happy with the big decision you made and I am so happy for you:) Change is good and the chance to be creative will undoubtedly have such wonderful flow-on effects to other parts of your life. Hope you have a fabulous time at the coast - ENJOY! Hugs ~ Tina xx

  9. I am so happy for you and support you in this endeavor with many warm wishes for success! Enjoy your holiday at the beach!!


  10. wonderful news. so excited for you and your new venture. we want all the details, when you can!

  11. Hooray for you Kerrie
    Can't wait to see what you come up with and know that extra day will be wonderful for you.. You know I have found myself getting more involved with my art since blogging.. well actually.. hadn't been since childhood.. but blogging encouraged it... when I get over these health issues.. I hope to go back to part time work.. Time to take a stand for myself I think.. 80hr weeks.. just have to be a thing of the past... the price is too high..

    Have a lovely weekend.. xxx Julie

  12. Kerrie, thanks for stopping by my blog! Good on you for finding your wings and letting yourself fly. Hope you and MGM have a great break..Lise xx

  13. How exciting for you... change is good! Look forward to reading more about your plans!

  14. Life is short .. so giddyup!! Congrats on the big decision. Have a nice weekend and look forward to the updates (-:

  15. Boy Kerry, I go away for a week and look what happens! Congrats on taking the big step! Can't wait to see what it all in the wings. Enjoy the break. love Mary

  16. Ahhhhhhh....... I'm so excited about your news Kerry and I can't wait to hear more!!! You go girl! The last 9mths watching my 'baby' My Sweet Prints being birthed from nothing has been the most amazing and fulfilling experience (after motherhood) and I'm sure you will feel the same. Congrats & can't wait to hear more. Have a lovely time away with MGM.

  17. Go girl! The decision is always harder than the adventure to follow, enjoy it all!

  18. HURRAY it is official :))!! I am so happy for you that you are taking the leap to create more space for yourself and your passion. We only have one life.I know it is easy to say that. But we owe it to ourselves to live the best life we can. Change can be very very scary and flying can sometimes feel impossible because of the weight of our responsibilities (as WE and OTHERS define them for us). 2006 was my year to start flying and hell yes I was scared and sometimes it is still scary having given up all my securities (job, marriage, house) but I am a much better and happy person now! Proud of you Kerry and enjoy the weekend with your MGM xoxo

  19. Hi Kerry, wow some exciting news... Can't wait to hear more about it, also congratulations and I wish you all the best with your new venture. Enjoy your weekend away with MGM and good friends!!

  20. Hi Kerry,
    I was just a view moments ago reading your newest post and I guess you are on the right way! I don`t know how old you are, but I think a "little bit" younger than I am (I`m getting 49 this august)and I would like to tell you: the only desicions, which have an importance in life, are these ones, which comes from the heart and really nothing else....I hope, this was in a right english... :)
    SO: Make someone happy! Start with yourself!
    I wish you a lot of joy and inspirations for your new online-shop!
    Warm greetings from Germany, Beate

  21. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do - bravo to you Kerri. I'm sure you'll never regret your decision.
    Millie ^_^

  22. Oh, Kerry, I'm so pleased for you. Go you - so brave and I admire you taking this exciting journey. Good luck and can't wait to hear more about your new venture. Will xo

  23. Yay!!! How exciting! go girl, it sounds like a great decision to me, one I can't wait to hear more about.
    Have a wonderful time on your holiday break :)

  24. How exciting that you are going to follow your dreams! Thanks for sharing your decision. Look forward to following along - good luck. Michelle

  25. My first visit to your blog and i love it!Wishing you good luck on your new & exciting journey.

  26. Kerry, Congratulations on your new venture!
    I am also a biz owner and I know those are big changes and decisions! Good for you!
    Have a pretty day!

  27. Congratulations, Kerry. I'm a business owner also, so I know how consumed you can become and how quickly you can lose sight of what really makes your soul hum. Looking forward to hearing more about your new project...sounds very intriguing. Meredy xo.

  28. Hi Kerry, thanks for joining the followers of my blog. I'm returning the compliment. What a lovely blog and congratulations on your new venture. I shall follow it with interest and a modicum of envy as, if you've ever been through my blog archives, you'll learn that I'm rubbish at anything crafty!

  29. Good for you and well done on putting your life before your work (even if you are a partner)!

    Wishing you happy and creative times ahead!

    x Charlotta

  30. Oh wow!! Congrats Kerry, that's such a great decision!! Must be something in the air at the moment, i asked for less hours and more money this week and got it. what a sense of relief, i can imagine you had it too.

    Can't wait to see the shop, sounds v.exciting. Big dreams = big fun. Really thrilled for you darl.

    Have a great break too! jxx

  31. Fantastic news Kerry - I know what you mean about momentous - for me it was the same - when I decided to cut back on my well-paying day job to spend time on what was then my fledgling store. It was harder to make the first cut, than it was to eventually give up the day job altogether. And despite some stormy waters, I've never regretted it for a second. I'm sure it will come together brilliantly for you. Amanda xx

  32. Wow! How exciting Kerry - looking forward to seeing this online store of yours. How lovely to have a day off from work for creative endeavours - enjoy your stay at the beach x

  33. Oh cool, good for you! I had this plan to leisurely freelance design instead of having a full-time job, but then WAY TOO MANY people asked me to freelance for them and I'm greedy and like money so I haven't seen the sun since this "freelance" thing started. But whatever, your thing is totally different and ABSOLUTELY monumental. Congrats and best wishes!

  34. Kerry, that is seriously exciting! It is monumental.. I have a business too, so I understand what a huge decision it is, but it really sounds like the right move for you, a fabulous creative outlet, working with amazing, likeminded people... isn't that perfect?!
    Have an amazing break, and relax with your MGM!
    Flick :)

  35. Congrats! That so exciting and encouraging! I always love to read about women who follow their dreams - it's so motivating!

    Have a wonderful time on the coast!


  36. Well done you! Life is so short...sometimes we just have to take chances and fulfil our dreams.

    Have a lovely weekend

  37. Very inspiring! So true about taking a little time off to fit in things that you really enjoy, not just making $$. Hope you have a fabulous time with MGM!

  38. How exciting Kerry! That's wonderful, I can't wait to see the shop. I remember someone saying It's never too late to be who you truly are or something like that! Your trip sounds heavenly too..Rachaelxx

  39. Mazel Tov on your new venture!

    Thanks so much for dropping by La Lamp Shade today.


    If the Lamp Shade Fits

  40. This is fabulous and will be much more enriching than the 5 day a week, 9 to 5, weekly grind!

    I am so proud of you for realising your dreams and giving yourself permission to pursue your creative pleasures!

    What a release, what a rush, what a joy! I shall be keen to support your pursuit in any way that I can.

    You have impeccable taste and I very much look forward to you 'sourcing things' for us.

    You clearly have a head for business and you have creative flair - I know this venture will be very successful and will nourish your inner being. Well done Kerry. Congratulations on making this decision. I can't wait to follow this journey with you.

    I just blogged about our need to satiate our creative pursuits - sooooo important in this hectic and crazy world!

    Onwards and upwards - how exciting!

    Tracey at Velvetine Lily x o

  41. oh sweet girl. NOW you are an inspiration to me!!!! how joyful of an announcement this is. i love it!!!!! sending you my love + best wishes...keep us posted. :) enjoy your vacay with mgm!! xoxo

  42. Good luck with all of these great ventures! Sounds amazing and inspiring!

  43. Kerry,
    It is so great that you have become aware of your need for creativity. Sometimes it is so hard to let go of the controls and must do's! Go girl!! Very excited for you!

    Art by Karena

  44. You GO GIRL! Best of luck, Kerry!
    So excited for you.

  45. congratulations and all the very best to you!

    do come check out my other blog Miles Of Style too. i think you may like it. please follow if you do =)


  46. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to another lovely Cancerian...Hope you have a great day Kerry.

  47. Congrats Kerry and best of luck with your new venture :)


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.