
Thursday, July 1, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 1.7.10

For those of you dear bloggy peeps who read yesterday's 'it's all about me' are clearly patient, persevering and quite possibly just a little bit demented. But I salute you...and as I used to be in the Army...I know how to salute properly. It's a rare and precious skill.

Your reward...of the weekly top ten! Less rabbiting on from me...more gazing at for you. Some of you may think this next one is ugly...I find it fascinating and reminiscent of my travels in India...(sorry, I said less rabbiting!)

With only the occasional annoying editorial comment...
Or an explanatory note like...this next pic was taken by Grace's daughter Kate's friend Gabriela Hansen...only 18 and soon off to study photography...pretty impressive huh...get some of her work now while you can afford it!
I think you may have also enjoyed the monthly leftovers I'll keep that up as well. If nothing else, these posts are helping me define what it is I really like...
You'd reckon I would have worked that out by now wouldn't you!

jackie kennedy's dressing room circa 1962 via the decorista
...but not entirely...

Shush Kerry...shush!
There you go...


  1. You can rabbit all you want. I love when you rabbit! I love all of these images, too. Jackie Kennedy's dressing room...awesome!


  2. Hi Kerry, have not stopped in for a while and I have missed you! Lovely images, that tea-cup shot is to die for. Going to catch up on your posts now - hope you have a great day.
    Mrs Woog

  3. Wow, Jackie K's dressing room is amazing!! Love the colour, so pretty!

  4. Hello Sergeant Kerry.

    Oh that dressing room. So amazing. I wish there was a blog with only 1960s decor images. How cool would that be?

  5. I always love your inspirational images. I don't usually like plates on a wall, but how effective do the ones in that image look! Awesome photo of the teacups ... best you keep in contact with her! Hope you have a great day. Michelle

  6. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous as always! And what a talent the young photographer is - love the pic. Ramble and rabbit all you like sweet, we all enjoy the entertainment! K xx

  7. I love the image with the glassware, very beautiful. Blogs really seem to inspire a love a photography, don't they? Some of the 'amateur' shots I've seen are incredible..Rachaelxx

  8. Your rabbiting is always enjoyable, rabbit away! :)
    Beautiful pics as always, have a lovely day,

  9. Love that bed in the last shot! How comfy does that look. I don't think I would be able to get up. It looks great with the brick background.

  10. Kerry, I come here for the rambling my sweet!! Love it:) Also love your gorgeous images, especially the second last one and the pic of the teacups is gorgeous! Hope you are having a wonderful week ~ Tina xx

  11. Hi Kerry - a wonderful selection as ever - there are just so many choices aren't there? I am honoured to feature a second time in recent weeks! Lou x

  12. You Top 10 this week is also marvellous :)


  13. love this collection especially the desire to inspire one!

    thanks for adding a Diversion in here too!


  14. Oh, stunning! Fabulous finds, I love these! Jackie's dressing room is great, have never seen this before! XO!

  15. fantastic selection... have a fantastic long weekend!

  16. Hello Kerry! Well, I am just thrilled that you're following my blog, thank you. I love the green/teacup photo - that girl is really talented.

    I'm looking forward to catching up on the rest of your blog and yes, I agree: Jules can never stop! I do not know how a woman (with two boys and a full time job & life) can post so prolifically...


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.