
Thursday, August 5, 2010

my creative space...a painting that involved biting off more than I could chew!

Yes, well...I said I was going to paint this...a gorgeous photo taken by Chania.
And I did...well, more accurately, I am. MUCH more difficult than I thought, which I am stubbornly putting down to the fact that it's been at least five years since I tried a 'serious' painting. Refusing to admit that I'm no artist!
I've taken a bit of 'artistic' licence as you can see (I added more rope after not one, but two people said they couldn't recognise it as a boat when it was like this..). Sheesh...everyone's a critic! Knitting dishcloths is much easier!
...but I am at the stage where I really can't stand the sight of it, and luckily back to work for two days means I can't do anymore for the moment anyway. Perhaps I'll be more enthusiastic come the weekend.
Thursdays are normally 'top ten' days, but because Wednesday is my non-work (aka stay at home and be creative) day, I've decided that each Thursday I will link up to Kootoyoo's fabulous my creative space meme. I've been ogling her site and others of her ilk for ages now. Do go and have a look at the real talent over there.
So from next week the top ten will be on Tuesdays, reserving Monday for 'my weekend project' posts. This is the only sure-fire way to ensure that I get off my butt and do something other than read on Saturday and Sunday. You lot keep me honest! Speaking of reading, I finished another book and the review can be found here.
Feedback from proper artists and art critics of the amateur variety gratefully accepted...I'm not giving up just yet!


  1. Hi Kerry, I think your painting is great! But stop there.... I don't think you need to do any more to it other than hang it on the wall. Nice job artistic one!

  2. Well I'm not a proper critic, but I like it.The colors are vibrant. It would be a bright focal point to any room.

  3. Looks fantastic - you really don't give yourself enough credit! Ok, I'm putting my 'critic' hat on now - my only suggestion would be to add a little more shading to the oar (highlight along the topside, shadow along the underside) so that it 'pops' from the rest of the boat. Otherwise, it's really great. Look at you go - so many talents, so little time! K xx

  4. Talented you are. Also leave it for a few days and come back to it with fresher eyes. You'll be able to see better what final touches/highlights are needed. It's lovely!

  5. Lovely I think you captured the photo perfectly.

  6. I think you've done a great job. I'd agree with Kerri - maybe just a little more shading on the oar so it looks rounder and heavier?
    Having said that - I lasted 2 weeks in painting at art school! Sewing is more my thing :)

  7. Good for you with the painting. Don't be so hard on yourself! Question though, what would be the problem with reading on Saturday and Sunday when you have worked as hard all week long as you do? Relax! Only do other stuff if that is what you want to do - don't feel obligated to be crafty because then it won't be fun! Mary xxx

  8. Aren't you clever Kerry, you are amazingly talented and I think that the painting looks wonderful. xx

  9. Kerry, you are amazing! You have soooo many talents and I LOVE your painting. I have no tips as I know nothing about art or painting, but what I do know is... I think your painting is fabulous! Can't wait to see it on the wall!!! You go girl, I am in awe. Huge hugs ~ Tina xx

  10. You ARE an artist !! In my believe, you're good at it too.


  11. I saw this photo over on Chania's blog a while ago and recognised it before you mentioned her name. So there's a tribute to the realism of your artistry. It's nice to meet you!

  12. Looks great Kerry...after doing this why wouldnt you spend the weekend reading! Very much the budding artist.
    Rebecca x

  13. To the artist formally known as Kerry !!!! haha,
    It's fantastic.....and, I don't think that you are quite finished with it yet, are you ? I'm with Brismod.....from my younger days as a painter, we were always told to go away for a while and to come back with fresh eyes. I am so impressed and so in awe of you. Your enthusiasm for everything is delightful and puts me to shame !! You really can do so many things, and do them so well.
    I'm very good at making coffee and sitting down and reading or blogging !! I'd get a 1st with honours in that !!
    Don't forget to show us the painting when it is completely finished. XXXX

  14. What do they say about rope? Give them enough and they'll hang themselves - the critics that is Kerry, not you. As someone who can't paint or draw to save themselves, I think its pretty cool.

  15. blogger is doing my head in, so if you get 10 comments from me, just assume i'm particularly friendly today : )

    what i wanted to say was, i love you painting, and i'm so glad you're getting to do stuff you really want to do with your day off! jxx

    {ok, now work blogger, work}

  16. Well done on even giving it a go.....and a little bit of artistic lisence is always essential to be an arteest.....I think you have done the pic wonderful justice......very talented and I am sure your next layer will make you a lot happier with the final outcome....

  17. hi there...i just found you through Chania's blog. I too saw this photo and thought it would make a great painting! you are on your way...try to capture what it is that you liked about the photo in your painting. remember, there is no such thing as bad art...just unfinished art. and remember to have fun while doing it. enjoy!

  18. What a striking composition and color! Enjoying watching it unfold.

  19. It looks great Kerry, you've done a wonderful job! x

  20. That torso on your that a vase??
    It's stunningly gorgeous!


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.