
Friday, August 6, 2010

soul food friday ~ ways to be wise...

I had a friend once who ridiculed my reading of 'self-help' books. She was completely derisive about it...which didn't stop me, but she is no longer a friend, for that and other reasons. I look at this list and think...there are some wise words ways to think, clever ways to act. And like a self help book...we can choose to read it, or not. We take something from this list or we don't. I'm particularly taken by No.19 at the moment. Then there's always that a bridge, get over it! What are you taken by; any of your own?

Thank you so much for another wonderful week of bloggy friendship. For the bits of wisdom you bring. For the advice you share. For the laughs you give me. For guys are kindness personified. Have a wonderful weekend. Love ya loads as my friend Jo says!

Edited to add: Chania of Razmataz (she of the beautiful boat photo I tried to paint!) asked people to send in photos that epitomised simplicity. She was kind enough to include one of mine, but you should see the others...awesome. So please head over and have a look here.


  1. Have a great weekend Kerry, love your words of wisdom! ;-)

  2. Happy to see a Soul Food Friday post today (even if it is only Thursday suppertime here!) Agree with you that No. 19 is pretty good but also really like No. 8 as we keep saying we are on a great adventure. Have a great weekend and hope you find time to do some reading!

  3. Love your words of wisdom you posted and you know I could probably live by one of those everyday.....My general rule of thumb....
    I am playing the hand life dealt and I can only play the cards in front of me....(I have never played cards and I don't know how) which is why its funny that I love this saying so much. I think because it goes along with my other sayings "it is what it is" and my fave "everything happens for a reason" and you don't have to always know the reason you just have to trust.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Great post Kerry - I really liked them all but no 21 made me smile :)
    Have a lovely weekend!!

  5. Very timely post my friend - I'm going to print this out and put it up on my wall, to be read daily. What a great post to start the weekend with! K xx

  6. Hi,
    I think I like no 2 & 3 most ! But it was many good quotes there. I'm also thinking of printing it and have it somewhere there I can be remind of the important things in life !


  7. Dear Kerry, What a most thought provoking list and, dear Kerry, I can identify with so many of them. My motto has always been to 'Seize the Day' which at times has led to disappointment but at others has resulted in the most marvellous opportunities and friendships.

    I can imagine your identifying with number 19 on the list as I see you as a most dynamic, creative and outgoing individual always ready to make the most of what comes your way. How wonderful!!

  8. Nothin' wrong with a good self-help book! I gave a goal list by month on my blog. Many of the items were inspired by self-help books.

    I found you through Trendy Treehouse, and I hope you'll come vist my blog. I've got a fun, easy meme up today!

  9. Hi! I found your blog through New Friend Friday and I am so glad I did. I love your blog. I especially like your painting practice as I am a just beginning to dabble with acrylics.


  10. i have a friend who reads every self help book out there, and i'm so glad she does!! she sorts me out all the time, and gives me the salient information in bite sized pieces, i love her!

    cool wisdoms, no.11 is my fave.

    have a great weekend darl xx

  11. I love all of these...especially number 2! A friend who ridicules you is definitely no friend - glad that you moved on x

  12. I've always loved 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going!' & boy have I needed to do that a few times of late! MOTH is a great espouser of self-talk Kerry, so your post is right on girl!
    Millie ^_^

  13. HI Kerry
    Some fabulous words of wisdom here.. and the friend .. well... better off I would say...

    sorry I've been so absent.. been having a terrible time with the internet since my move.. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.. xxx Julie

  14. I like # 17 and especially #21. I find myself in the minority more and more, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm wrong, right? That was a fun list to read and think about- thanks.

  15. LOVE all of these words of wisdom! Tried to pick, but it's just too hard! I am loving "build a bridge and get over it"- have never heard that one before!!

    enjoy your weekend!

  16. Thank you for those interesting and often true sentences you quote! I have a lot of self-help books and love them - they are like friends, but always(!) there when I want them, they don't argue back - and I know which one helps in which situation - so they are great - though I wouldn't miss my real friends!

  17. So many wonderful thoughts expressed here. I love the odd self help book. My favourite is the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. My favourite saying in life is "Balance". My son gets sick of me saying it lol. But when life is not balance that's when the problems start.

  18. Those are all so inspiration...and they make me feel happier just to read and mull over.

  19. Glad today was the day I could be in range and able to read your blog. Too true. I have had lots of time to think about all the trappings of daily life while we have been living very simply on the road. Life would be so much easier if we could easily just "build a bridge".


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.