
Monday, August 9, 2010

a peek at the hot pink persian rugs...but you have to go to Canada to see!

I am ever so chuffed to be guest posting over at Sense and Simplicity today...Monday morning in Toronto, Monday evening here. Time zones...sheesh...confuse me no end!
Grace asked me if I would answer a few questions so she could have a bit of a break and I, of course, was ever so happy to oblige.
Head on over for the first ever outing of the new hot pink persian rugs (it's a scoop I tell you) and to find out the answers to these questions...with lots of accompanying pretty pictures if you get bored with my rabbiting on:
  • my favourite place to show visitors (small hint)...

  • 3 colours I love and do they appear in both my home and my wardrobe (you might be surprised)
  • oldest thing in my home (besides me)
  • 3 words to describe my decorating style (other than shambolic??)
  • most meaningful item in my home (family not allowed)
So toodle-oo, off you go and visit Grace. She's lovely. Except I suppose technically speaking it'll be me. Oh, you know what I mean!


  1. I'm off for the ride - totally sucked in by the promise of pink persians!

  2. Pink persian.....hmm, great name for a cocktail! K xx

  3. Loved your interview Kerry. Great answers, GREAT photos :-)

  4. Nice to know that you took my gang to see two of your favourite places in Canberra all those years ago. Your parliament buildings/house were really cool and the kids loved the National Museum. Have you dyed your chair slipcover in your bedroom pink? It looks really delicate - if you did dye it, how did you do it? Love the fabric for your dining room chairs - the flowers look three dimensional so can't wait to see that project completed. Love seeing your treasures - reminds me a bit of our house with special things dotted here and there throughout the house (funny that they tend to stay in one place now that the children are adults!). I like that your deocr items have meaning/memories for you and look great instead of just being bought to complete the room. Have a great week! Mary

  5. ooohh...miss.kerry heading over there now...english time- just to confuse me more!!

    melissa xx

  6. Great post over at Grace's blog. Funny that I have just been to oronto. Have a great week Kerry. Giving you an enormous hug xoxo

  7. Loved your post at Gracie's. Very funny! Rachaelxx

  8. ok, ok, on my way to check it out! ;-)

  9. Hot pink persian? gee will have to check that out.. I love persian rugs and am also in pink mood of late.. have a great week xxx Julie

  10. Hi Kerry,
    Pink has never really been my favourite colour but, I am open to suggestion, so I am off to see pink, persian rugs in all their glory over at Sense and Simplicity, you guest poster you !!
    Okay...I've read your post and it was brilliant.....and the rugs are absolutely divine...the most delicate shades of pink. I really enjoyed your post, Kerry. You should take guest posting up as a career !! XXXX


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.