
Monday, August 23, 2010

my weekend project ~ admitting defeat...the silver leaf chair!

Yep, well...remember how I started to silver-leaf this chair? You probably don' was back in May!! 
It was more than a little difficult, even after my lovely bloggy friend Kerri gave me a few good tips. Something about white cotton gloves, a soft brush and...oh yes, it's probably easier to start with flat, not curved surfaces Kerry with a 'y'...hmmm.
So I decided, despite the fact that I loved the idea, and the way it was looking, there was no way that I was going to persevere with it.  Shirley Conran once famously said that 'life's too short to stuff a mushroom', but I'm here to tell you mushroom stuffing's a walk in the park compared to silver leafing...and a whole lot less messy!
Anyway, sick and tired of looking at an unusable chair, I skedaddled off to Bunnings, and resorted to spray cans...a primer and a metal look paint..
A big sheet of plastic in the courtyard, a quick sand down and the primer on...this took a few tries to get good coverage (on the left), wait for 40 minutes and then the silver paint which went on much more smoothly than the primer. A couple of pot plants may have a few painted accents that weren't intended, but overall I was quite pleased.
The silver paint has a slightly more industrial look than the silver leaf but I think that's ok.
It's probably going to go here, in the lower part of my bedroom. The black curtain separates the 'sitting' area from the bed. The large mirror will be framed at some stage and there will be a gallery wall in here as well.  And of course the chair seat needs to be sorted...maybe on Wednesday...but this is likely to be the fabric.
And I managed to do quite a bit of reading and get a heap more granny squares crocheted as well. Not a bad effort...balanced weekend :). Now we just have to see what balance our new government will have...bated breath bloggy peeps...bated breath...(and yes that's the correct spelling...I looked it up!)


  1. Glad to see that there WAS a way to finish the chair - good for you! I have too many half finished jobs lying around due to a 'technical difficulty'!
    Looks wonderful.

  2. Looks absolutely fantastic to me Kerry, silver leaf or no silver leaf - very glam-more-ous! And that fabric is stunning, so I can't wait to see it all finished. Pretty good way to spend a weekend I'd say! K xx

  3. Funny that you did the chair this weekend. I was wondering whatever happened to it. I think it looks pretty spectacular spray painted (and now you won't have to worry about the silver leaf flaking even if sealed!). However, I do have a question - is Australia so liberal that you can grow pot plants in your garden? If so, I have a son that will want to immigrate! Just teasing you! Love the fabric that you are going to use to finiah the chair with. Oh, and our new IKEA catalogue has the pink slipcovers this year (Mark says that they are still a NO). Have a good week! xx Mary

  4. So cool, I like the industrial look it's given the chairs! It's going to look fab with that fabric and edging. Well done my dear and I'm glad you had a good weekend. I'm so impatient to find out who our new PM is going to be. Why can't they just make the independants rock, scissors, paper for it???

  5. It will look great with that fabric you've picked out. A productive weekend!!

  6. It sounds like the paint can was a good option and it certainly turned out great! Whenever you think you are taing a long time to do anything, just think of me and my crazy room that will have taken at least a YEAR by the time it's done! Sigh.
    Sounds like you had a super productive weekend. Oh that election, all getting a bit tedious really. Isn't that funny, as soon as I read 'bated-breath' I thought, ah, that's how it's spelt? and when I read your next comment I had to chuckle!!

  7. The spray painting looks a whole lot easier than silver leafing. Did you have to sand off the silver leaf or just paint over it? I like the fabric you are going to use for the seat - looks perfect with the carpet.

  8. Yay, I love it. That pink fabric is awesome.

  9. No mucking about for you! Just get in and get it done and wow doesn't it look great. Can't wait to see it with that lovely fabric too. So glad you had a productive weekend Kerry. Hope you had fun! ;-)

  10. Just stumbled upon your blog and I'm glad I did - now I know how to do a chair. lol. Seriously, I adore the fabric, so pretty;-)

  11. Love your little projects! and those stuffed mushrooms make my tummy rumble. Have a wonderful week xoxoxo

  12. I've never stuffed a mushroom in my life, but I've painted a few chairs. Nice job, Kerry. I have a lady friend who does the cane-work for chairs like yours. We had one done recently. Not cheap, but very good looking.

  13. Good for you, the silver spray looks great, sometimes life is just too short to do things the complicated way!


  14. Dear Kerry, Well,contrary to all my misgivings about silvering chairs, or indeed anything else, this really does seem to have paid off. I am filled with admiration at your perseverance and skill resulting in a definite 11/10 as 'Faux Fuchsia' would say, or write!! And, if you want to sell said chair, then my friend N, who with his partner A, would definitely be in the market as their house is positively silvered from floor to ceiling. And, I like the choice of material for the seat. Go for it, as the young of today would say!

  15. A wise woman that Shirley Conran, not that I've attempted mushroom stuffing either. And your chair looks great. The balance of power in your government will certainly be interesting to watch!

  16. The chair looks great. Time well spent.

  17. The silver paint looks rather nice and spiffy.
    And the mushrooms looks delicious! I want some.

  18. It turned out great... good for you for getting it done!!
    Sorry I've been MIA this summer, been missing you

  19. I love the chair with the silver paint! Can't wait to see that gorgeous fabric on your chair:) Fabulous job as always Kerry:) Hugs ~ Txx

  20. Glad you are enjoying presenting us each week with your top 10 because I love devouring the pictures and adding a few to my inspiration files (growing rapidly!).Chair looks fabulous and a can of spray paint is more my style. I have no patience to speak of.
    X Briohny.

  21. Go Kerry!! Great job and I am totally in love with your fabric choice and trim, can't wait to see the completed piece! xx

  22. I have two 'gold' chairs given to us by some friends. First they were red, and then I painted them grey, and now in the new house they are gold. Everyone laughs at my gold chairs, I just think they are jealous ;-)

  23. Hello,
    Nice blog i like it
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