
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 24.8.10

I quite enjoy doing this top ten post each week. 

I thought I might get tired of it, as I have something very akin to a short attention span.
But perhaps it's because I can't remember what I saw yesterday, let alone a week ago... delving into the computer file each Monday night is a bit like opening a present all over again

...or re-reading a book that I quite liked but one where I'd forgotten all the delicious detail.
So I think I'll keep doing it for a little while longer.

I'm obviously getting fussy though...I only collected 13 to choose from this week
And just for a change thought I'd end up outside! I do love a grove of silver birches.
images in order of appearance are via: the decorista,, made by girl, desire to inspire (pets on furniture Monday), the diversion project, elle decor, busy being fabulous, greige, beautifulism, daily imprint


  1. I hope you don't get sick of doing this - I really enjoy seeing all the goodies you've collected over the week. Ab fab as always my sweet! K xx

  2. Looks like you have pink on your mind still!

  3. I love a grove of silver birch too and they look wonderful with those lovely stepping stones. And isn't pets on furniture the best?

  4. I enjoy your doing this too - beautiful!! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Loving these images as always. I even got some fabulous inspiration for our living room. THANKS:) Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday ~ Txx

  6. What a great curved staircase. Once again lovely photos.

  7. I love your top ten too as you always choose great pics and there are always one or two I steal away for my design files! :-)

    Love the pink and purple room with all the pictures frames on the wall - I have a slight obsession with them at the moment! xx

  8. I'm not bored with it - please don't stop - you're my shortcut to the week on the web... now if you could just do an abbreviated look at the Australian election.... no only joking. I am HOOKED on that... and am devouring it all. Sad I know. A x

  9. Really love the purple-pink wall (is it fuschia?) and the picture of Lizzy looking all Warhol like :-)

  10. oehhh the ELLE Decor image with the art wall is really doing it for me xxx

  11. Dear Kerry, For me, the grove [such a lovely word] of Silver Birch - possibly my favourite tree - is an absolute winner. Imagine a whole garden comprising well tended grass out of which come groves [let us have many] of these trees. Heaven. Of your other images, I identify most with the stone staircase with, do I spot?, touches of damp and falling plaster. So like what I know and love in darling Budapest!!

  12. Definitely keep these posts up! I love them - you always find such great images that I haven't seemed to have discovered before :)

  13. KEEP IT UP. You know why? I find that what you like, I like. Makes my life easier, can just come here for nice things to look at! xoxo

  14. Gorgeous pics as always, I've saved all of them to my inspiration folder :-)

  15. And I'm looking forward seeing them :) You give me inspiration and moments of beauty.


  16. Always love your top 10 - please don't stop posting from your archives! Love the magenta egg chair! Thanks for sharing. Michelle

  17. oh thanks Kerry - you're a top chick you know!

    love those top three images, they're really doing things for me!!


  18. ... and a perfect ending ... in a little grove. A-M xx

  19. Oh my I love that first image with all the mis matched cushions. Thanks for all your well wishes for my new shop. xx

  20. omg!! i'm just going along enjoying all the photos you have chosen.....and then.....that winding staircase!! that is so stunning! i love that and the birch grove too.....but that staircase. wow.


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