
Monday, August 30, 2010

my weekend project...playing around

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I did. I let myself do a bit of playing.
Socially: a baby shower, a 60th birthday party and a visit to the Ranamok glass art prize...I'll bring you photos of that later in the week. There were some extraordinary pieces.
Creatively: playing around with watercolour crayons and pencils and a bit of whimsy...
Perfecting to do for sure, but just a bit of fun on a Sunday morning...and no offence to the British intended!
Made a few changes to the boat painting and I think it's looking better...
I made a 'lamp' by stuffing a bamboo lantern with a string of fairy lights (that I'd previously made little tulle skirts for...see here) but I like this better...
the cord coming out of the top is a bit annoying but never mind...

...took a few photos of the few things in the garden worth looking at...which is very little (hurry up spring!)
...and scored myself a lovely bunch of daphne from a friend's garden to wrap up the smells divine
...and desperately trying to finish The Catcher in the Rye for book club tonight...I may not make it!
Welcome to the new week. I hope it's a good one for you.
all images by me


  1. A very creative weekend indeed! Love all of your projects. Is that broccoli I see in your garden? ;-)

  2. What a wonderful weekend! Love the light, fantastic. And your art projects look lovely. Bring on spring!

  3. Looks like you had a very productive weekend - all your projects look great! And I'm so jealous of your Daphne - it's one of the (only!) things I miss about living in Sydney. Here's to a great week ahead, K xx

  4. The boat painting is looking great. I love the scent of daphne...mmmm, just thinking of it now makes me inhale deeper.

  5. looks like a weekend darl, wish i had as much personal stuff ticked off, and less food shopping, boys shoe shopping and clothes washing to show for my time!

    love your paintings! jxx

  6. That daphne is so pretty! Sounds like a lovely weekend, hope your start to the week is wonderful too xx

  7. Really like your paintings! I really like what you did with the lamp.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful weekend :) Love the lantern xx

  9. You have had a huge weekend and a great mix of activities! I love you lantern idea I may have to borrow that one. xx

  10. What a fabulous and creative weekend Kerry! Love your canvas and your boat clever!! Hope you managed to finish your novel. Happy Monday ~ Tina x

  11. Dear Kerry, Such activity and such fun. Your non Union Jack with its centrepiece of a teacup and saucer is wonderful and well worth displaying. But, dear Kerry, do you ever rest for more than five minutes? And what about sleep?

  12. Spring is definitely springing! I'm a massive fan of Daphne and can't wait to grow my own.

  13. I had a wee bunch of daphne on my desk last week. There is nothing else quite like it is there? Every year I say to myself that I must plant some, and still have not got around to it. I love that you can just 'play around' and produce such creativity. A great way to spend a Sunday morning. Have a lovely week.

  14. Lantern looks great. Be a pain but you might be able to thread the lights through the bottom rungs and thus the cord would be hanging out. However, I did forget that the lights are wearing tutus so that won't work! SIGH!

  15. I see you have been tinkering around with great results. Isn't that the absolute best. I just love letting things go palying with colors. Getting excited about buying new materials stacking them in front of me and than without any disturbance....FLOW......


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