
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 31.8.10

Thanks so much for letting me know you like these top ten posts.
I had contemplated not doing them because a friend said she thought they were a bit boring...she said it very nicely though. 
I wasn't offended.
Isn't that the most stunning hydrangea photo?
So I thought about it...keeping these posts going I mean (not the hydrangea photo)
...and realised I was putting these images together for a reason... that I had a record of things I liked...
ideas I might want to use...and things I could share...
...all in the one place.
So, continue I will...[she says, channelling Yoda]
Crumbs I love that artwork!
And you will be pleased to know that I finished The Catcher in the Rye ten minutes before I had to leave for book club! I'll do a review in my Book List page when I recover!!


  1. Kerry, I think these posts are good particularly if you are keeping them as a source of inspiration. Gosh, Catcher in the Rye...let's hope you don't call everyone a phony. Look forward to your review!

  2. I really like these posts! So I say carry on! Lovely this week - featuring my favourite of chairs! Lou x

  3. NOT BORING! I look forward to these. You always have such a great mix. (and thank you so much for the link.)

  4. Dear Kerry, When this posting appeared in my Google Reader dated the 31st., I thought for one moment that you were, that is to say Australia, into tomorrow already and that I could be suffering from Bloglag. Happily this appears not to be the case. As for your friend's comment, take no notice, and do exactly as you want, perhaps posting a comment on her weblog to say that, in the nicest possible way, you find it the teeniest bit dull!!

  5. Edith, I am blaming the red wine at book club for the early publishing mistake. Hit publish post a bit prematurely!

  6. Always interesting to say what has caught your eye. Not much pink in there this week! Have a great week.

  7. i'm impressed! because of your top ten and especially because you actually READ the book for your book club! i thought "book clubs" were usually an excuse to drink wine? have a good week,

  8. I too love the artwork. And the fact that you finished the book. And your comment on my blog about the pace of the election decision in Australia. Laughed out loud. Where's the Election Fairy when you need her?

  9. I can marry that first photo, right? No law against that.

  10. I like mostly three of this week's Top Ten. (3,4,10 if you want to know).
    And I most say that you're very creative and makes many beautiful things (the other post)


  11. Definitely love these post. The bookcase is stunning.

  12. Beautiful Pictures! I really love the Hydrangeas, they are one of my favorite flowers.


  13. Warm, red, orange with a zing of purple all defined by a neutral palette...I think you have a great thing going here Kerry!

    Jeanne :)

  14. I always love looking at your eclectic mix of images. I especially loved the last pic in this round (I still can't go past all that natural muted serenity) and that stunning hydrangea photograoph - it's truly amazing.

  15. I just love Mariska's room paired up with the hydrangeas -WOW!!!
    I appreciate the work you put in to collate and credit all these images :)

  16. Love the Missoni bedroom! Gorgeous! And yes please keep these posts coming... LOVE THEM!! :) Hazel

  17. Love these images Kerry, a good mix I say! I especially love that last shot and the Hydrangeas... Been doing a bit of gardening lately in this gorgeous Brisbane weather we have been having. Might have to invest in some I think... ;-)

  18. yeah, that missoni spread is epic! thanks for including a Diversion darl! jxx

  19. Kerry, I never find them boring and I love seeing where your blog travels take you each week. That hydrangea image is really beautiful, but my favourite this week is number one with that great artwork. Wow!

  20. Kerry I am so glad you are going to continue. Mention on your post is such an honour my dear that without the top ten what would I have to aspire to?!!!!! Love the bookcase xx

  21. The last photo looks like two windows above the beds, very cool!

  22. Dear Kerry I feel most flattered that you are showing a picture of this particular detail of my atelier. You hare a tremendous supporter. A real big hug from across oceans. From Amsterdam with Love xxx

  23. Hello,
    Great blog i like it
    There are certain standards that have to be maintained to classify a film as a historical period film.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.