
Saturday, September 4, 2010

(eggs)istential angst...

Do you know Chania over at Razmataz. She's doing some lovely things with her photography and has started a weekly photo challenge. Each theme is different, and this weeks is eggs.  I don't normally post on a Saturday but since I was given some beautiful chook and duck eggs (most of which I've already eaten) by a very generous friend yesterday...and as I'm in a very foul (fowl, get it...sorry) mood...I thought why not?
There is something soothing about taking some photos, compiling a blog post, visiting yours...
...even the 22 year old's canvas satchel flung on the kitchen bench doesn't cause a fact it adds a certain little something-or-other to the photo I think does the daphne and it's lovely shadows...
...but there are, I know, only so many egg (and onion) photos you can look at in the one go! But thanks for the distraction...I'm feeling a bit more zen-like now and the remnants of my frustration should be beaten into submission by a vigorous bout of spring cleaning...even though it's cold, wet and miserable here today. Spring? Ha! It's taking its time coming...just like our bloody government!
all images by me with the generous cooperation of animal, vegetable and mineral!


  1. Somehow taking photos does lift our spirits - maybe it's the attention we have to pay to things, makes us really see them, and value them....

  2. I love your daphne hasn't it been a great winter for it?

    And I love photos of otherwise mundane things.


  3. Great photos Kerry. Love the shadows. Hope your cleaning gets rid of your frustrations! And we actually have similar type weather...although it is still warm here at around 20-22! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  4. Brilliant metaphor for Canberra - Spring is taking as long as our bloody leaders!! Tee hee, giggles, rain rain go to the farmers, love Posie

  5. I could see these in a cooking magazine spread!
    Yes, not so 'springy' here either but I'm inside painting walls. Hmmpph!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  6. Hi Kerry,
    Well, I wouldn't think that it's like you to be in a grotty mood. I reckon you should now eat some of those lovely looking eggs. That'll cheer you up !! Great photographs and a good distraction for you.
    Hope everything takes on a rosy glow soon. XXXX

  7. I wish I found taking photos to be a fun and relaxing experience! For me it equals STRESS, but I do love looking at other people's photos:) I love your egg pics, hope they were delicious too:) Hope Spring arrives in the good ole ACT for you soon. Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs ~ Txx

  8. Funny how blogging brings out the photographer in all of us..It is very relaxing. And yes, I'd like to see some Spring too, not record snowfalls! Rachaelxx

  9. Love your zen egg photos Kerry. Photos like this make you want to take a deep sigh...done!

    Thank you :)

    Jeanne xx

  10. Those are beautiful photos and equally beautiful eggs. I love their colors and speckles.

  11. Kerry - I love your pictures! This black cloud thing must have been something going round. Glad to say it doesn't last long and I can see sunrise again !!

  12. I think eggs, lemons, onions and borrowed bag-of-child (the bag not the child..) is fabulous you know! And having recently felt quite content and fulfilled posting about 'hungry lamps' I totally relate to this feeling you describe.. It's the little things..right!?!. :)

    xx C

  13. Not sure I couldn't twaddle away an entire day looking at your beautiful photos Kerry!

  14. Gorgeous, Kerry! That daphne looks devine, I bet it smells wonderful. And those eggs... oh yum!

  15. Beautiful eggs! Glad snapping photos of them helped you step back into zen! The whole act of blogging can be so therapeutic, right?

    Hope your Sunday is shaping up happily :)

  16. Lovely flowers, lovely eggs, and lovely photos. It does make you feel zen looking at still life photos, doesn't it?

  17. Hi Kerry,

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog today.. it was very sweet and I was really touched.

    Love the idea of a weekly photo challenge! I'm still trying to figure out my Canon so its probably just the thing to make me improve!

    Angela x

  18. Dear Kerry,
    thank you for your post!
    The pictures look gorgeous! When I hear spring-cleaning I look up interested: of course - when we have almost autumn you have spring! As you might know I wrote a very well sold book on Household Management for Young Men(!), HomeBasics, - 3rd edition now - but in your case I recommend:
    “Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.” ~Zen proverb

  19. good point - i havent stopped to wonder for a few days! do we have a government yet??!!

    great shots darl, there is something magical in a new discipline i think. makes you step outside the box. love it


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.