
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 7.9.10

Sorry I didn't have anything for you yesterday...
I'm in a bit of a post winter slump. Or funk, more accurately.
Surely you're supposed to get the blues in winter, not spring. Perhaps I just like to be perverse!
So to make up for it, you get a double dose of lovely pics today...the weekly top 10...
a long, hot soak might make me feel better...

or a lie in...

perhaps a cuppa...or four

...and the August leftovers...
Enjoy bloggy peeps, enjoy...
They're lovely aren't they?
...and I'll try to get out of this less-than-up mood as quickly as I can.
I'm thinking of planning a trip here as a bit of a pick me up in the new year. Anyone want to join me?
these images are from all over the shop and I haven't attributed individually, but why not choose a blog from this list if you haven't been there before and go and visit?
desire to inspire; lona de anna; 10 rooms; the city sage; byzantine design; the painted hive; lou, boos and shoes; belgian pearls; flourish design + style; head over heels; cornflake: the decorista; paper tree design; color outside the lines; vintage by loulou; apartment therapy; lime in the coconut; little blue deer; kelly green; driftwood interiors


  1. Oh Kerry, your post is so.... relaxing! Thanks :-D

  2. Dear Kerry, Once again I find myself writing a comment on a posting dated tomorrow when I am still in today. All very confusing. I really must find out how many hours it is you are ahead of Europe.

    Another wonderful selection of images. Where do you find them all and how do you ensure that they remain where you have put them when writing your somewhat wicked comments?

    And, despite the promise that we should be seeing more of Buffy, I notice, yet again, that there is no sign. Do I feel cheated? Only you can decide!!

  3. I love that first pic. It looks so perfectly haphazzard. It's funny to think someone probably spent more than an hour staging it that way to get it to look completely unstaged.
    PS Count me in for Morocco!

  4. Ok, I think you made up for skipping a day. Beautiful rooms and details! Love the first 4 pics, especially. Wow.
    Hope you find your way out of your funk soon - I so know what that's like!

  5. Great images as always Kerry. Just love the old blue bottles. In fact, so much of it is stunning and inspiring.
    Please count me in for the holiday. I go back to work tomorrow after 9 days off and I must say, it was the most costly (for staying at home), tiring and stressful darn break I've had thanks to renovating. *sigh* need a proper holiday ;)

  6. Goodness, every single one of these photos is magnificent! Wonderful!

  7. As I love all the images and most of them have a Moroccan feel I guess you can count me in too!

  8. Lovely images as always Kerry, what a great start to the morning - thank you!!!
    Yes please, I'll join you in Morocco - oh how good would that be! You've got to do it Kerry, so I can live vicariously through you and bring us back loads of stunning pics!!!

  9. So much loveliness, Kerry! Hope your Springtime Funk disappears soon my dear. Just think of Morocco, I am sure that will help:) Count me in too - just don't tell my hubby and kids ;) Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday lovley lady. Hugs ~ Txx

  10. Kerry, once you book your flights to Morocco, I'm sure the Spring blues will disappear.xx

  11. Quite definitely go to Morocco! What a fabulous idea. I'm sure it'll make you feel better.

    I only get as far as the local shops! So I'd love to see your photos.

    And your selection of interiors were all very relaxinh and calm - I love a great big painting on the wall ... those were my favourites!

  12. Yeah sounds and me go bonko in Morocco! :)
    Love this post...that was a good dose of loveliness x

  13. I just popped over here from Mariska's blog and so glad I did! I am COMPLETELY mad over all these Moroccan inspired spaces! I need to go tomorrow! Keep it coming!

  14. I love that bright pink, fuschia wall with all the frames on it.

    And I've been in a funk too! At least your heading into spring. Lucky girl :-)

  15. Love that stairway...and the other shots are of course a delectable collection! ;-) Lou x

  16. So many divine colours in these images, Kerry. Love that bathroom with its azure blue tiles. Thanks for the inspiration and I hope you are back to feeling right as rain soon!

  17. Hi Kerry, beautiful images as always! Love the bright cushions on that all white sofa - reminds me of Morocco - you can count me in on that holiday!

    Thanks for the mention in your blog list. There are definitely a couple I have yet to visit - so off I go. Hope your having a great week. Michelle

  18. Great collection. The bright pink wall reminds me of my old studio wall. Now I miss it! I wish I could come with you on your trip. I stopped over in Casablanca years ago for a couple of days and always wanted to go back to explore more of the country. The shopping for hand-crafted goods was the best!

  19. DIVINE IMAGES....and my dear kerry it is i, not you that is heading into autumn and you MUST de-funk yourself asap!!

    if you could find me a roll or 10 of that turquoise bathroom wallpaper i would love you even more!!

    melissa xx

  20. gorgeous collection darl, and i so get the funk, i'm there too. it might be winter, or perhaps its just ex husband related, or both!!

    hope yours passes quickly! jxx

    and ps, yes please to morocco

  21. You are definitely channelling Morocco here Kerry - you need to go book those flights. One of my all time TTH posts!
    Millie ^_^

  22. Just wait 'til I find my fez and unhitch the camel.

  23. Hi Kerry...these are wonderful shots..I hope they lifted you up as much as they did me. I can relate to blogging slumps...I am sure we all can.
    Sometimes it is best to just take a few days off and take a deep breath.
    We will all still be here when you come back to it...keyboards at the ready!

    Jeanne :)

  24. Love your picture parade. Hope you feel better soon. I too am suffering a stint of Spring sleepiness.

    Yes! Let's escape to Morocco! How fun that would be!

    x Charlotta

  25. Kerry...this does my head we are on the other side of the world thinking about life winding down,(autumn) going to sleep (winter)...and there you are, all wakey-wakey (spring) and bring on Christmas (summer). What was God thinking?

  26. Never apologize for not having anything for us. For a start, you've more than made up for it with this lovely post, and secondly, I certainly know how you're feeling at the moment. I'm sorry you're not feeling your normal chirpy self. Treat yourself with more care than usual and go easy. We'll need you to be in top form as tour guide in Morocco. I think you may have a bus load. What a blast that would be. Now, how can we make it happen for real?

  27. That was such a visual feast!
    Hope youre feeling better soon. Thanks for 'following' me!

  28. Well, Another wonderful selection of images. Where do you find them all and ordering of each photographs is really wonderful. Hope you feel better soon.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.