
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

the ranamok glass art prize in Canberra...

Canberra really is a great place. 
And it's an especially great place for glass art.
... with the world class Canberra Glassworks that has been built in the old Kingston powerhouse...
This is where practising glass artists and amateurs alike come to create. 
I've done a couple of courses here and I love it.
It's also where the Ranamok prize finalists' works are exhibited for several weeks each year. 
That's what you've been looking at.
My friend Susan and I went a few weekends ago and if you're in Canberra it's on until 23 September.

when you see pieces like these you understand why glass art is so expensive...

but so completely worth it...
as long as there aren't a bunch of kiddly-winks running around the house!
My photos don't do these beautiful art works justice, so here's the link to the Ranamok prize site...for Australian and New Zealand contemporary glass artists. Do yourself a favour as they say!!
all images by me, with permission of the Glassworks (they're good like that!)


  1. So stunning! I love glass art and would love to learn more one day. I've done a couple of workshops and loved it.
    A stunning art form.

  2. All amazing but I love the third image and the sea urchins(?).

  3. loving Glass art too..beautiful images kerry:)xx

  4. Aren't they exquisite? I love art glass but I don't have any Australian pieces...yet. I should work on that!xx

  5. WOW!! I was able to take a workshop in Tacoma, Washington and made a blown glass bowl. I was amazed at how difficult and wonderfully fun it was.

    These pieces are stunning!

  6. I had to look at that vintage lace panel twice - I cannot believe it's made of glass. What stunning work. How 'bout those water droplets - wow. Might have to get hubby back on the glasswork - although I'm not sure test tubes and beakers would make the cut somehow!! K xx

  7. So artistic! I'm with Kerri about the vintage lace panel - unbelievable that it is made of glass. You would definitely want to put these out of the reach of little ones.

  8. Wonderful! I love the splashes of water ... very clever.

  9. What gorgeous works of art, Kerry....although I think that I'm a bit of a kiddywink when it comes to glass !!
    My favourites are the simple clear glass little crowns. I love them. Beautiful and clever work. Thanks for showing such wonderful creations. XXXX

  10. Dear Kerry, How very lovely. I did not realise that Canberra was famous for the manufacture of glass [one tends only to hear of Venetian] but some of these pieces are quite exceptional - I am in love with those 'simple' coloured spheres which are beautiful. What a wonderful experience.

    Still no further sign of Buffy.

  11. Oh my goodness! I l-o-v-e the blue one...

  12. I like the idea of glass carnival masks. Looks like a great place to visit.

  13. I can't believe that lace panel is glass. How incredible! You wouldn't want either kiddy winks or Brunnels around these. My darling husband is not known for his daintiness, and I had a fit not long ago when we were at drinks at a neighbours house, to see him casually leaning and throwing his arms about gesticulating wildly amongst several thousand dollars worth of glass art.

  14. What beautiful work!! The glass pieces are just stunning. I can imagine they would take so so much time and effort to create :) xo

  15. They are gorgeous works of art. I especially love the drops of glass that look like water.

  16. omg - they're amazing. that last piece, the magenta branches - is incredibly beautiful. jxx

  17. Wow... this is beautiful!!!


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