
Thursday, September 9, 2010

my creative space...the bayeux it's not

I have to confess I didn't do much on my creative day yesterday...just a few stitches...

On this...a tapestry I started a while ago. When the 22 year old saw me drag it out of storage he said 'about time started that 20 years ago'. Honestly, that child couldn't have been more than 10!

I found the pattern in a (now) ancient magazine and started it because it reminded me of a lovely black and white cat called Licorice we had back then. Unfortunately she died which made us all very sad. And we were left with this...
Just as I better in black and white. And yes, I do know that when Buffy goes to cat heaven I'll probably be sad. Probably. This is for you Edith. For someone so cultured, your affection for the vampire slayer has me completely bemused!
And, lest you think I have been neglecting the first born's crocheted rug...this lovely box I bought a few weeks ago is now full of squares...
...only 15 13 white ones left to make. Then I have to figure out how to put them all together. I'm sure the bloggy world will have the answer! But lest I think I'm getting ever so clever, I saw these bits of textile and embroidery deliciousness on The Selby yesterday...oh how I wish!
Go and check the house out as well. Bohemian heaven. 
And while you're blog surfing, hop on over to Kirsty's Kootoyoo for Thursday's main 'my creative space' event.


  1. I love that black and white moggie - better than a poke in the eye with a French arrow!

  2. Very cute kitty :-)
    And those throw pillows (Selby) are so beautiful too... you always post beautiful things Kerry -- your site is such a treat.

  3. Had to laugh at you dragging out something you started years ago. I dragged out a Christmas cross-stitch that is complete except for the tedious bit of outline stitch that has been sitting for about 7 years. Decided that I need to finish it this year and make it into a pillow! The colours you are crocheting your 'blanket' out of are pretty! M

  4. Ah, those UFO's we all have (un-finished objects). Better late than never I say! It will look fab. Love that piccy of the Slayer - she looks very slayerish!

  5. Love your tapestry Kerry! AND it looks like you are nearly finished - woo hoo, keep going!! Your crochet squares look gorgeous, lucky Miss Jess!! Hope you have a fabulous Thursday lovely ~ Txx

  6. What a cute cat. The colours for the crochet squares look great together.

  7. What a colourful and interesting post! Good luck finishing off the tapestry, how satisfying it will be. Love you kitty cat x

  8. Gorgeous tapestry Kerry! I started my son's Christmas stocking 10 years ago when he was born and he hopes this year I will finally finish it. Me too!
    This is the year, I can feel it :)

    Love all your wonderful inspirations!

    Jeanne x

  9. I think the Vampire Slayer is wanting a tapestry self portrait now Kerry, I could see the jealous look in his eyes :)
    It looks great, the colours are cool.

  10. So cute. That beautiful stuff from The Selby is stunning.

  11. Love your stitchery Kerry - better late than never I say. Although, I just found an outfit, all cut out, pinned and ready to sew, that I was making for my first daughter - who has just turned 19. Not sure the same rule applies in this case! K xx

  12. I think Buffy is extremely gorgeous, had to imagine stories of her being anything but!

  13. Dear Kerry, Oh, I am in raptures over Buffy, no so sorry I mean the tapestry! No, to be truthful, both. The tapestry is going to be wonderful and I think that the inclusion of a Licorice look alike is such fun and will stay as a happy reminder.

    Thank you so much for including the picture of diva Buffy,looking for all the world as if straight from Hollywood. Definitely the siren of the silver screen. And thank you too for the link - you are very kind.

  14. Love the box that all the squares are in. I can never have enough boxes :-)

  15. Buffy's evil eye is such a drawcard but tonight the owl won me totally!!!!!

  16. I hear your buffy pain. But I'm also in joining granny squares pain. Hundreds of 'em I have. Only found out about 'joining as you go' AFTER making them...!

  17. I think I had better avoid some of your links they are too delicious and I have a hundred more links to visit on kootoyoo.


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