
Friday, September 10, 2010

soul food friday ~ friendship, acts of kindness and a break

You hear (or read) about so many acts of kindness in this bloggy world. I hadn't expected that when I started, although I suspect if I'd actually thought about it, it might have gone down as one of those glimpses of the bleeding obvious.
Kindness is pretty much everywhere. Friends rally when you're glum. I've had lots of 'rallying' in the last few days. From my 'here in my home town' peeps and from my online friends. And that has been so lovely.
And when you're feeling out of sorts it's wonderful to come home and find a package in your mailbox. It puts a smile on your face and makes you feel a bit better.
this image is via chasing satellites...the first born's new tumblr (it's lovely - you should visit)

The package was from my friend Mary in Canada. She follows my blog and always leaves lovely comments. We met each other 20 years ago when our husbands were posted to the UK. Mine in the Australian Army, hers in the Canadian. She's still got hers though!!! We only reconnected recently through the wonders of Google and a name search! Thanks so much for doing that you guys :) 
You can tell she reads the blog because she knitted me some dishcloths!
...they even came with a colour coordinated card...
...and instructions in case I want to make some too! Well thank you Mary...I just might do that:)
And last, but not least...thank you everyone for your comments about my blues. I knew you'd understand and I am very grateful. They're still hanging about (blast them to smithereens!), but honestly, I know I have very little to be glum about. Nonetheless, I'm going to take your advice and take it easy for a week or so. I've noticed there are a few others doing that...perhaps it's that time of year!
And when I come back I'm sure I'll be much chirpier (thanks Amanda, such a good word to be reminded of!). In the meantime I'm going to do some of this...a bit of getting fit..or at least starting the process (because boy do I need to do that!) and spend some time in the garden (if it ever stops raining). Oh yeah, and there's that pesky work to go to as well in between knitting dishcloths ;)
I do hope you'll still be around when I come back, because I really do appreciate you. If not, that's ok too. I'll still be blog stalking of course :) And as this lovely picture Jess took last night shows, there's always a rainbow somewhere...very pretty isn't it?


  1. A blog holiday is a good thing. Enjoy and don't stay away too long. xx

  2. lovely. will miss you. all the best - and don't stay gone too long...!

    love, Donna

  3. I'll still be here when you get back:) Take some time for you xx

  4. I'm off for a week too, Kerry - let's meet up again when we both get back! You are so right about kindness. I have been so lucky to get so much of it - more than I have given back, I fear.

  5. A week off sounds lovely. Have a restful break. I'm sure you already know that a little exercise usually goes a long way to helping get people out of a funk.
    I certainly won't be going anywhere while you're rejuvenating.

  6. We'll all miss you in your absense Kerry - you post the most wonderful posts.
    I think a little time in the garden is time very well spent - good for the heart in both ways. I am thinking of getting a wii fit - we have the wii sports and I often get a very good workout from it. Great to get the heartbeat going.
    I look forward to seeing your little dahlia's when they flower xx

  7. I don't think you realise how much you'll be missed - even if you're only away for a week. So you take care of yourself and don't worry, we'll still be here when you get back. Oh, and just a tip - I did end up with a terrible case of Nintendonitis last xmas - I was far too vigorous (and competitive!) in my tennis exertions. It's definitely a trap for young players, so beware! See you soon sweet, all rested and rejuvenated. K xx

  8. Enjoy your break Kerry. Hope you get plenty of time for just you and lots of gardening in the sunshine. Will miss your posts, but completely understand. See you when your ready to return.
    Rebecca x

  9. Oh my lovely Kerry! Enjoy your break, but know that you will be missed more than you could know! We will all be here when you get back, don't you worry yourself about that. Rest, recharge, knit ;), and just be kind to yourself lovely lady. Hugs, hugs and more hugs ~ Tina xx

  10. Have a lovely break... gardening, reading, crafting sounds great... get active too, certainly clears my head (and I am not not not the gym bunny type I promise)I have just been out and about and got a sweat up and I feel so much better than I did this morning. A x

  11. Be kind to yourself. Going through a slump is so normal I think. To me it's like the seasons. You have to have Winter to appreciate the Spring. We can't all live perpetually in Summer or Spring now can we? Take a break, reconnect and allow yourself to be human. It's not all roses. That's just part of the human condition. Is this too deep for a blog comment! Sorry if it is. A big hug coming your way.
    X Briohny.
    Ps - Get fit! I am a new person since having done so myself. It's such a stress buster but you have to enjoy what you do!

  12. Enjoy your week off and take some time for yourself. Mark said to tell you that you take great pictures and that you really do style things well. He'll take a look at it if I'm nattering on about something you wrote. And thanks, just glad the dishcloths arrived and you like them. See you when you get back. Mary xx

  13. Take care Kerry and look after yourself. I will be awaiting your return :)

  14. You know, it's the people most-deserving of acts of kindness who are the ones most shocked when people reciprocate that kindness.

    The ones who aren't shocked by generous acts are the ones least deserving because they're, most often, people who expect others to fawn about them.

    If that makes sense ... of course your followers will wait for you ... this is a lovely, funny little blog.

  15. Have a lovely and restful break, Kerry. We'll all be here when you get back! J x

  16. Have a really good rest Kerry. You will feel better. A-M xx

  17. I truly can't imagine any of us going away. Have a restful break, spoil yourself and come back full of fighting spirit again. Big hug! xo

  18. I'm not going anywhere either my friend, but I will miss your posts hugely. Take care and come back soon! xx

  19. Hi Kerry, somehow I lost you off my blogroll, but today I have you back again!! Sorry to see your feeling down, I think your right it does appear to be that time of the year...perhaps us aussies are solar powered & mother nature hasn't offered near as much sunshine as we would like lately!!
    Enjoy your break & Im so happy to have you back on my blogroll!

  20. Dear Kerry, The world of weblogs will not, I assure you, be at all the same without these wonderful, cheery, eccentric, occasionally mad, postings from 'A Tranquil Townhouse'. You will, I know,be very sorely missed by all of your 'Followers', not least by me, and I shall eagerly await your return.

    Do try to keep cheerful and spend time doing the things you want to do. I am sure that you have many, many friends upon whom you can rely and, together with your family, give you love and support. Already, in this posting you have demonstrated the kindness of others which, I know, only matches your own.

    The dishcloths are perfect and match, as you point out, the card. What does one do with them? Much love to you and BUFFY!!

  21. Ah, what a sweet surprise and a lovely friend :-)

  22. I'll miss you, but enjoy the days. I hope that you will have some nice and restful days :)

    A big hug

  23. HI Kerry
    So sorry to hear you've had the blues.. I know that feeling only too well and feel very lucky I have a few bloggy friends that keep me afloat with their kindness and care....

    Hope the sun comes out again soon.. xxx Julie

  24. My dear friend Kerry,
    So the right thing to take some time out. Blogging is great, but with it comes a little pressure and, if you can take some pressure off at this time, them it's a good move.
    We will all miss your lovely posts and your wondeful wit and will still be here when you return.
    Look after yourself, enjoy some of the good things in life, relax, refresh and, you will be back in happy land before you know it. I will be thinking of you.
    Lots of love and take care. XXXX

  25. Enjoy your time to yourself. I was forced to take a 2 week break from blogging and it was absolutely freeing. I highly recommend it.

  26. Hi there..I just left you a comment but I'm not sure if it went you might get two! I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling a bit down. My traumatised little brain does that to me sometimes, although not too much now. What's really helped me is the treadmill. I only ever walk - about 6.5km/hr for about 3-4km 3-4 times every week. My heart condition won't let me run or do anything foolish like that so it's never too strenuous. I've been really surprised at how much better it makes me feel. So that's my suggestion my darling. Yours sound good too, particularly the gardening. Let's hope Spring really shows itself soon..Lots of love to you..Rachaelxx

  27. I am sorry to hear you have been sad. I know how that feels. Perspective is all, although even that is hard to understand sometimes. Have a nice week off and look for rainbows.xox

  28. darl, hope you have a seriously renewing and re-energising break. this time of year is really tough i think, winter not done with and not much spring joy to be had yet. a break is a good thing, and of course we'll all be here when you get back!! take good care of yourself luv. xxx

  29. It's the mid-year slumps girl - I've had a touch of it too. More to do with my Footy team not making the Finals YET AGAIN though! Be kind to yourself & see you soon.
    Millie ^_^

  30. where would be without kindness and friends. Have a great week Kerry xox

  31. Hi Kerry, It's my first time here in a while.
    I need to go back and read your posts to catch up with you but it sounds like you are struggling a bit. Wow, it must be going round because I am too :)
    You're not alone sweet friend. I go up and down and cry on and off and haven't felt rested and energetic for a while now. I'm glad I stopped by because you've inspired me with you honesty and your game plan. I've been contemplating some down time and changes too!! Even though I haven't been commenting on your blog, please never forget who loves you baby!!!!
    God Bless,

  32. Hi Kerry, I hope you are able to kick those blues soon! Sometimes just sitting with them and accepting they're there (instead of fighting with them for being there) is just what you need. So a break... might be in order.

    And kindness DOES generate kindness. I feel like the blog world is such a beautiful example of this too. I often think: who ever knew?

    Sending hugs your way! Take good care of you.

  33. Hi Kerry!
    I popped over
    from Amanda's to
    say congrats and to
    see what you've been
    up to. How much
    fun to be getting
    all of these presents!
    I'm sure you are
    deserving of every
    one : ) Hope your
    week is off to a
    terrific start!
    xx Suzanne

  34. Those knitted dishcloths are really lovely. Kellie xx

  35. We will all be here when you are ready to return Kerry! Everyone loves your posts so take a well earned break and come back when you feel like it and inspire us all over again. ;-)

  36. Hi Kerry, hope you're enjoying your blog holiday. Look forward to saying hi when you get back. :-)

  37. Sometimes the need for a break is so evident within our minds, bodies and souls that the writing is written all over the wall! So pleased you are listening to your body. A rest - can be just what the Dr ordered. I quite honestly don't know how you do it all!!! I am happy you are taking 5. Read some good books, escape and relax.Nourish yourself! Tracey xo

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. What a kind and thoughtful friend you have all those miles away.
    A break is probably just what you need. Sometimes life just gets too hectic and something has to give. Take some time to just be - we will all be here waiting for you when you get back. Michelle

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I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.