
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

top 10 pictures from the week ~ 22.9.10 ~ and thank you

Hello possums. It's nice to be back in the saddle, or whatever the bloggy equivalent is. 
I must confess to being a bit slack about filing pictures away...
It's not because I haven't been looking...
it just required a bit more energy than I could summon...
A bit pathetic? Well...yes! But that's ok.
Here's some nice ones though. A bit more subdued than usual perhaps...
But not entirely...oh, no!

But soothing for sure...

I know this is a picture post, but it's as much about things I've noticed. And perhaps because things are a bit wobbly at the moment, I noticed this from Sarah Wilson's blog and an interview she conducted with Caroline Myss on her new book Defy Gravity. Myss's advice on dealing with things that happen to you...
... just stop relying on reasons, then the answer comes. Which is to say, the graceful whisper of our intuition kicks in and tells us where we’re at and steers us. While ever we defer to reason, we can’t hear the graceful whisper.
Nice. And true. And on a lighter note, because to be honest, I'm completely over myself...something I found on the first-born's tumblr...

Thanks for sticking around. I was so right about the kindness thing. You lot are heaps nice :) And so are my kids...thank you both. Love you to bits.

images from a punch of color; ada and darcy; an indian summer; brabourne farm; color outside the lines; lime in the coconut; la porte rouge; white trash beautiful; chasing satellites


  1. Kerry that is so so true. We all over think things. And I personally would rather be an owl. I thought this as I was wallpapering a shoe box for an owl home for my daughter on the weekend. Her stuffed toys sure do have nice lives.

  2. Oh I want that pool, now that's tranquil...

  3. Why, Kerry, how delightful to have you back. I've missed you ☺ And I do like Caroline's advice. 'The graceful whisper of our intuition' is a lovely phrase and one I should tune into more as well. Hang in there! J x

  4. Hi Kerry, so nice to have you back in blogland and as always with 'words of wisdom'. I hope you are feeling on top of things. best wishes! ;-)

  5. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the owl thing. I'm going to be an owl. Thanks so much for your comment re battles and wars. Made me laugh out loud. You've still got it! :-)

  6. Hello,

    good to see you back. Love browsing your images. Much more soothing than real life!

  7. Kerry, hope this means you are feeling a bit better. I think I might be an owl too!!! xx

  8. Yay! Let's all owls together! There is something so beautiful about owls, isn't there?

    Hope you're feeling better! xoxo

  9. Glad to have you back although I was starting to panic when scrolling through all the 'quiet
    photos until the rooms with lots of colours appeared! And don't forget that owls are a symbol of wisdom from Minerva's owl. See, I learned something from those staff college mottos! I'm happy to 'see' you again! Hope you have a wonderful day off! Mary xxx

  10. Yay Kerry, glad to see you again. I hope your feeling a little rested. I do love your owl pic, your kids must have got their mums wisdom. I recently included a pic in a post from your blog, which you said was from your friends home. Thank you for sending her over for a peek, she left a lovely & very helpful comment, full of great tips & encouragement, as well as praise for your talented assistance. Thank you again!!!
    Have a great week!

  11. I love the first couch, it's the perfect color couch I'm looking for.
    Welcome back :-)

  12. It's so great to have your tranquility back! Hope you're feeling a little less wobbly as the days go on. Fab images as always. That hyacinth is so beautiful.
    Amanda xx

  13. I certainly think i cope with life so well by being flexible & relaxed, can you imagine dealing with a soldier husband & 4 children plus businesses any other way?? Love Posie

  14. Hi dear Kerry! I love the owl quote and! sometimes I would like to be an owl...

  15. Hooray, you're back! Love your picks this week, I'm going to have to save some of those to my files too, I think. Glad to hear you're finding your mojo again.

    Hugs, Abby

    PS. That's the cutest quote I've seen in ages.

  16. Dear Kerry, How wonderful that you have returned to the Blogosphere! I have really missed you, your words of wisdom and, of course,your projects. I hope that you are feeling as tranquil as today's posting and that you are fully rested.

    Your pictures today are, of course, beautifully restful. But, as you may imagine, for me more clutter is the order of the day. I really do not know how to do 'tranquil'!!

  17. So glad you're back Kerry. I just loved that owl quote. It actually made me feel calm. love all your pics too.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.