
Thursday, September 23, 2010

my creative gone slightly awry

Since I've almost completed the ten year cat tapestry project...yes, I am easily distracted like to take my time...I thought I'd have a go at designing a little tapestry project myself..something simple...
Graph paper was purchased, the colouring pencils came out and I had myself a little design...but it didn't take long for me to realise that said design was going to look, well...let's say, not quite what I had in mind!
So, I improvised and I'm quite happy with how it's coming along. A little less grandma and a bit more boho!
It's going to be a little cushiony thing with a loop you can hang over a knob of some description :)
Maybe I'll do some Christmas themed, Noel, move your arse Santa...that type of thing...or perhaps not!!


  1. Dear Kerry, Joy of joys - a project! Double joy of joys, this could be something I might even attempt. But what would the end result be? I shall have to watch you, dear Kerry, for long as it has nothing to do with rocks, pebbles or boulders.....I am with you all the way [ well, perhaps not ALL the way]!!

    How exciting that it is tomorrow for you already!

  2. hehehe, You've got to do that last suggested Christmas one Kerry, that would be a classic!
    I think your 'LOVE' tapestry is gorgeous! I love those colours you've chosen to do it in.
    Have a great day!!!

  3. I'm thinking very hard about wether or not to buy a few 'samplers' at auction tomorrow, Kerry. They date from around 1820, and are worth loads of money, but maybe I could get them cheap. Your 'LOVE' reminds me of them.

  4. Noel, Joy, yes yes yes! Move Your A.. Santa? LOL, not so much :-)

  5. You are so ambitious and creative to do that from scratch! I love the description that it will be a little cushiony thing. I would definitely go with 'move your arse Santa' - it would appeal to a number of people I know, including myself! Have a great day!

  6. Fabulous! I wish my distractions were as gorgeous!

  7. Oh Kerry,
    How lovely to see you back.... and with messages of LOVE....sounds as if you are in a good place.
    Here's to more Kerry crafting !! XXXX

  8. Don't want to jinx you but I read cat tapestry as catastrophe - TWICE. Sorry....! Like the new project and very much like 'move your arse Santa' but I would wouldn't I?!

  9. Love your projects - your Santa verses should be pretty popular come Christmas! You could also add... "Ok, joke's over, where's my REAL present?" and 'That's it?' You could really start a trend I think. So glad to have you back sweet. K xx

  10. I like the Christmas messages! Clever girl. One of my most treasured possessions is a tapestry my Mother did many years ago. Her embroidery was so beautiful but she had never tried anything like this before. Many weeks and finally she finished only to be told by a goof friend(?) that she had done the whole thing the wrong way! OK maybe the back is not as neat as it might have been, but the front is beautiful!
    Have fun with your tapestries xx

  11. That is so inspired! Love it! Just wish I were more creative like you! Although I think my problem may be lack of motivation as opposed to lack of creativity!

    :) Hazel

  12. 'Love' it!! As if there was ever any doubt! Love the idea for your Xmas themed ones ;) So wonderful to have you back sweet lady, I have missed you ~ XX

  13. Hi Kerry, I have aways struggled a bit with my ideas changing as I make things. I'm still trying to learn to go with it. This will be really cute when it's done and I definitely look forward to the naughty Christmas versions :) It's really nice to have you back.

  14. hmm, what can't you turn your hand to?! love the "love" but personally today I would have loved a "sod off" one, could have really made good use of it!

    welcome back treasure xxx

  15. all you need is LOVE. "move your arse santa"...that is funny.

  16. That is too gorgeous. Would look fab in a big box frame! Hopefully it was as therapeutic as they say? You've inspired me! Keep it up and keep us posted!

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