
Friday, September 24, 2010

soul food friday ~ don't stop learning

I was facilitating a program this week, trying to give people some insights into being a team leader. We spoke a lot about the need to understand yourself...your drivers, motivators, interests, things that get on your goat...and importantly, your emotions. 
I had a major wake up call a few days ago. I learned that while I may have been saying one thing, I was actually demonstrating through my behaviour something quite different. The opposite of what I had intended. The complete antithesis of what I really believed. My self awareness was shot to pieces...clouded. Actually, to be honest, it was completely smothered by self absorption.
I've learned I need to listen more. Really listen. And hear.
I've learned that I need to be more compassionate. And show it.
I've learned that when the universe revolves around you it can be a pretty small and uninspiring place.
But most of all, I've learned that acknowledging when you've lost the plot and saying sorry for it is one of the best things you can do...for you.
As I said to a friend the other're never too old to learn some new things about yourself. Or about others who you think you know so well. It makes life better, no doubt about that, even if you're not so chuffed about the things you're learning :)
Hope you get to learn something new this weekend.
image from here


  1. You sound like you have really figured out what has been bothering you and are at peace with yourself. And how ture it is that you are never too old to learn something new about yourself. Hope your weekend is a happy one. xx

    PS You are early posting this morning (well evening here)

  2. Dear Kerry, Your Friday postings are always so wonderfully thought provoking and inspiring. To be a really good listener and hear what is being said rather than what one might wish to hear is an extremely difficult task and is not always comfortable to live with. You are being very brave and honest here, dear Kerry, for to see ourselves through the eyes of others can be extremely hard to bear.

    I hope that you too have a lovely weekend in the company of friends who, in my experience, will always love you warts and all!!

  3. One thing that I have learnt in life, which I always try to apply to every social and emotional situation that I find myself in, and it is this:

    Always try to find the worst in people. Always assume that everyone you meet are complete and utter bastards, until they demonstrate otherwise.

    I hope that helps.

  4. One thing I've learned is that there is always a smart arse who comes up with the funnier comments than myself. Tom and his jaded views!!

  5. You need to be ready to learn, the fact you weren't ready until you were has made the lesson more profound as it has been delivered in deep emotion. Perhaos use the intensity of the feelings to shape your future rather than reject the past.

  6. Very true Kerry. Sometimes we all find ourselves doing just what you described, but the trick is recognising it - most people don't get that far. Sounds like you're back on track now, and it's onwards and upwards from here. Do think Tom's suggestion has some merit though!!! K xx

  7. You're so right Kerry, we are never too old to learn new things. It's never too late.

  8. Maturity sucks sometimes~

  9. This is so true Kerry, I think we all get a little caught up in ourselves at times & listening is definately a hard task. Thank you for sharing this reminder!!!

  10. A very thought provoking post and certainly a reminder to all of us. Thanks for sharing this insight and I hope you have resolved your inner conflict.
    X Briohny.

  11. Very thought provoking Kerry.
    Tom's perspective is very interesting too :)

  12. Gosh, Kerry, something to really ponder about. That's actually something I have learnt by having both small children and PND. It's good to be reminded by you, though - thanks! I hope your spirits are lifting now. J x

  13. I hope these realisations will bring you to a new place of happiness and serenity in your life. I don't know what issues you have been facing but I thought this quote may help you move forward with greater hope.
    "Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
    Thanks for continuing to visit with us all while you go through these hard times.

  14. Aww, Kerry, this is such a moving post, and a brave set of emotions to share. So true that it's never too late, and we can all learn/remember/reget in touch with ourselves by reading it. Thank you! And have a wonderful, edifying weekend!

  15. You're making me think! Great food for thought on a Friday :-)
    Bon weekend Kerry!

  16. Blogging is a great teacher!
    Have a wonderfully restorative weekend! xx

  17. Dear Kerry
    this is so true.. you made me realize that it's never to late to get back on track, show emotions to others and be more open to the world and most important, to myself. Thanks darling for these great words of wisdom..blogging is not just pretty pictures !
    Hugs to you my friend and have a fabulous weekend

  18. Very nice post. Hmm lots of food for thought. I would love to do one of your team leader workshops. I have recently begun supervising staff. I wonder if my work would send me to Canberra???????

  19. Dear Kerry,
    Your philosphy is so enlightening and, when it helps us solve something, very uplifting. You have obviously sorted something very important for yourself and can probably move on from it now with a new knowledge.
    ..... but, we can still think of everyone as complete and utter bastards !!!!!!!!!! Hurrah for Tom. XXXX

  20. Wow, recognising something like this is really big! I admire that you are talking about it and sharing it with us all. Your post has made me pause and think.
    Hope you are having a great weekend. Michelle

  21. Hi Kerry,
    I'm sure that we are never to old to learn. About everything :) About ourselves ,others or the world.

    Have a lovely week


  22. Some people are so up their own noses aren't they? I would like to one day ask someone the REASON for all these STUPID rules.
    I bet they wouldn't have an answer.

  23. Regarding being a mother - I have often repeated these words to mothers with angst - "Learn to live with the guilt, it comes with the placenta" Love your blog, love the town house, hoping to move for first and last time very very soon and I see it as the town house already!!!

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