
Thursday, October 21, 2010

my creative space...some finished things!

If you Facebook with me you'll know that I had big plans for yesterday, but I think we know by now that nothing I try ever ends up being straightforward. But yesterday I did manage to get some things done...

I am completely in love with my tapestry cube pincushion and I'm just enjoying it on the coffee table for the moment. Or throwing it at the vampire slayer when she gets annoying! Which is often. Don't worry, it's soft :) This is what it started out like..
My friend Chris said it looks like a whole lot of mini persian rugs...exactly what I was aiming for!!
The A4 watercolour has found a home in an IKEA frame from my weekend in Sydney...alas, it can't be hung until I've finished painting the bedroom!

And what was meant to be a little makeup purse made from oilcloth...
ended up being made from cotton and lined with the oilcloth instead (which comes from Simone's shop by the way).  It's ok...I need to perfect a few things before I make some more, but it's useable I think!

Off on a flying visit to Sydney for a few hours today. While I'm doing that why don't you head over to Kirsty's...and see what the crafting geniuses have been up to...that's where I'll be going when I get home :)

p.s. I was meant to be making cushions!
all images by me...


  1. You have been crafty and busy and I love all your goodies. Lucky for the vampire slayer that you aren't making pet rocks!


  2. Dear Kerry, What a delight your mini pincushion is! I love the graphic designs of your needlepoint squares...they remind me so much of David Hicks early work.

    I have not thought about oilcloth since the 1960s when it seemed to cover every café table everywhere. Your make-up bag looks so pretty and the oilcloth interior is so very practical. A great idea.

  3. What a clever pincushion! I'm sure the Slayer would enjoy playing with it too!
    Your little purse is great. I bought some of the oilcloth from Simone too - mine's to cover my art table.
    Have a safe trip to Sydney!

  4. That's so funny, you were meant to be making cushions :) We I just love all your handy work no matter what it is Kerry and your pin cushion cube is soooooooo cool! Have a great time in ol sydney town today! Jxx

  5. love them all,that frame turned out so cute but i do love the cosmetic purse with poker dots the most,have a lovely trip in Sydney XX

  6. Very clever! Love the cube and love painting xx

  7. Brilliant pincushion. I love it! My you have been busy...and you are painting your bedroom! Where do you get the time and energy. My house is crumbling away around me as we speak, and all I can do is make a cup of tea!

  8. I forgive you for no cushions...because these totally rock! LOVE the pincushion - need me a couple of those for sure, the makeup bag is gorgeous...and of course, you know I love your LOVE painting. What a great day you had, your inspiration is obviously full throttle at the moment. Bring it! K xx

  9. Loving the little pincushion, i've been meaning to try my hand at tapestry after picking up some old vintage craft books. And you're right - or at least the beetles were. Love IS all you need.


  10. The Persian rug pin cushion looks amazing. Actually all of it is very good. xx

  11. Well done, you have been busy. I think you are very clever to perfect the zip on the little purse. They can be tricky little suckers!

  12. Love it all Kerry! Your painting looks AMAZING!! I love your pincushion and that little make-up purse is gorgeous! I love the spotty cotton and how clever are you to put in a zip! Could you please teach me how to do that!! I think it was a very creative and productive day for you! I can't wait to see what you create next:) ~ Txx

  13. Cushions smushions - the mini-rug (spot on description) is really cute. xx

  14. I think they pin cushion is so charming. It looks great on your table.

  15. Dear tranquil

    I've never commented before but I am in love with your pincushion. I would love to try to make something like that but a little bigger and use it as a door stop. Did you design that yourself or did you have a pattern to follow? If it is a pattern, I would love to know where to find such a thing. I am completely in love with it and will now be obsesses. However, my design skills are severely limited. Hope you can help.


  16. Hi Paddy, thanks for your lovely comment and I do like your idea of doing this for a door stop. I tried to email you but couldn't so I hope you see this. The answer is a bit of both! Most of the designs came from a very old book I picked up for $2 called The New World of Needlepoint by Lisbeth Perrone. Doesn't say when it was published but judging by the original price sticker still on it ($2.15) it's old! I adjusted them a bit so they all fitted within the stitch count/size I decided on, and one of them I improvised a bit from a larger tapestry I'd been working on. If you want to email me I could copy some designs and send them to you. I reckon 2nd hand bookshops might have some old needlepoint books though. I got mine from an embroiderer's guild sale :) Hope that helps a bit.

  17. Oh, your tapestry pincushion is absolutely amazing! It's truly gorgeous, love it!

  18. I love that little makeup bag! You should do a giveaway with something that you make, you're really talented :-)

  19. I had no idea you were such a crafty girl!!

    Have a fantastic weekend :)

  20. Hey thanks Kerri. I have just came back from the craft and quilt show in Brisbane and was overwhelmed by its awefullness.

    I will search at the library and also email you!

  21. That pincushion is wickedly cute.

  22. that pin cushion is so cool - gees you're clever!! jxxx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.