
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

top ten pictures from the week ~ 19.10.10 and a 'species' named just for me!

Well here we are at another Tuesday (for some of us anyway). Monday kicked into touch thank goodness.
 It's not a day I'm particularly fond of...
 perhaps I should do something about my attitude!
 it's a bit of a mixed bag this week...don't think I've had a kitchen before
and we go from a quite formal outdoor courtyard... 
 to a shabby indoors with more than a touch of the grand...
 and you know hot pink's my favourite...
 but I'm very taken with all these golden tones...
 and I could see myself spending some time somewhere like this...curled up with a good book and a G&T...if only the weather would behave!
and I'm old enough to remember seeing this the movies!! Loving the brights...
 and the not so...
and the most exciting thing...get this...
my very lovely bloggy friend and super talented artist Kerri painted this in my favourite colour and named it just for me...'Euthora Magenta Martinus'
...and if that doesn't make me feel special I don't know what would! Spoilt I am :))
images this week are from 10 rooms, 16 house, brabourne farm, decorology, design sponge, designers block, desire to inspire, driftwood interiors, home, live like you, the decorista, the diversion project.


  1. Dear Kerry, Of all these images, as you may possibly guess, I have lost my heart to the Courtyard garden - so very stylish - and of course to the shabby interior with which I identify only too well. And as I write this, it is still Gloomy Monday!!

  2. Gorgeous images as always my friend, and how about that new species of sea fan - how amazing is that? Said specimen will be winging its way to you this week. Btw, you're in exhalted company - there's also a species of seaweed named after Tim Burton! Do I need to curtsey next time we meet for coffee? K xxx

  3. I always look forward to your top 10.

  4. So you should have a painting named after you, lovely lady that you are! Lovely images..I love the shabby chic one..Rachaelxx

  5. Great images as usual Kerry. Don't people live in the most interesting spaces?
    Aren't you a lucky lady?! A lovey hot pink artistic treat :)

  6. I love the shabby indoors - my kind of decor!

  7. Lots of cool, things here. I love the utensil holder and of course that shabby look! Great pics this week, Kerry!!


  8. Oops, spell check this time:
    Great pics again Kerry. Lovely ecelctic mix as always.

  9. I love the formal courtyard but the shabby indoors looks a bit too much like our home to be comfortable!!!
    The painting is beautiful Kerri and is so totally Kerry that it got just the right name. Bless you both. xx

  10. Oh my the yellow couch and enormous poster is almost giving me an attack of the vapours!

  11. Just the painting...just STUNNING, cheers Katherine

  12. LOVE that kitchen - so character filled! x

  13. I know I say this often..but ahhhh my weekly dose of loveliness! I want those unpolished gorgeous timber floors in that oh so grand room!!! And I have to add...of course Kerri named her painting after you, why would she not? Such a lovely colour and painting! Thanks for sharing as always ~ Txx

  14. And a gloriously exotic species you are too! What a fab painting Kerri has created for you.
    Lovely images as always Kerry. I'm loving the floor in that kitchen especially, and trying to figure out a way to recreate it!

  15. Love your top ten Kerry, especially that beatles poster. You are a lucky lady to have a painting named after you, Kerri's art really is lovely!!!

  16. Thanks for sharing your top ten again Kerry, always fantastic! Just had a wonderful time catching up on your blog - have been too busy to visit anyone lately. Loved your most embarrassing moment - it gave me a real laugh!
    Hope you are having a great week. Michelle

  17. Lovely bunch of images Kerry! I love the yellow sofa and beatles poster. That kitchen is pretty fabulous too. Have a great day!

  18. I love the room with the built in bookcases and oh the fuschia room is to die for!

  19. oh thanks for including a diversion darl, that's so ace! jxxx

  20. Hi Kerrie,
    Wow, I was really loving all your fave's from the week but when I came to the end and laid eyes on that incredible hot pink painting, well, I must say it took the cake. It's so you. Absolutely gorgeous and hot!!
    Thank you sweet friend for taking the time to stop over and leave me a comment on my 1 year bloggyversary :) I believe yours is just around the corner? Thank you for being one of my bloggy treasures!!
    xx always,

  21. She is a very talented painter! I love the shabby looking apartment, this is such a hot look!

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