
Monday, October 18, 2010

a little trip to the big smoke...and an IKEA headache

I do like to visit Sydney. We don't do it as often as we should but this week it was on the manageable list. And where else in the world can you take a stroll after dinner and see things like this! And look...Mary McKillop on the bridge officially Australia's first saint.
When you have free tickets to something, you should take advantage if you can. So we did.  Off to the Better Homes and Gardens Live Event. We were alas, a little late getting out of Canberra...there were eggs benedict to be scoffed and a carpark to get lost in (that was NOT me by the way).
Anyway... the live event. It wasn't too bad at all. I think it would have been a lot better though if we were doing major renovations, building a house, furnishing a house, needing lots of pots, pans or emu oil! The best part for me was the Prints Charming stall...really nice people, beautiful fabrics...
...and of course, being the book freak I am...I had to buy this one. And I'm itching to stitch! Look at that fabulous display of screen printing bits and pieces.
And if I'm really honest, I was also itching to get to IKEA.  I had imagined that it would shut at 5.00 and time was slipping away. Had I been organised I would have looked up the website before leaving home and discovered it stayed open till 7.00. Never mind. More time to battle crowds and be tempted by things I don't need! Here are a few more snaps from the live event...I love those chairs and aren't those mushrooms magic!
And on to Ikea...I can't take photos there...too scared I'll miss something good if I'm looking through a lens. I went for frames, fabric and a floor lamp...all F words, so easy to remember. I came home with frames and a floor lamp but no fabric, but that's ok.  Here's the lamp I bought. I love it to bits but I did have a mighty Ikea headache by the time I got to the lighting section! I'm not showing you a photo of it in situ though...not until I lose the revolting living room wall colour I've inherited. Don't's on the list!
Monday already.  Where do the weekends go?
Don't forget to leave me a comment on Cuppie the travelling cupcake. It's looking for a new adventure on its trip around the world and it could be coming to your house. Go's fun...promise!


  1. Sounds like a great weekend.. Ikea is great isn't it? The stuff, not so much the shopping 'experience'..Rachaelxx

  2. Sounds like a fab weekend. Looovvvveeee IKEA. I'd be there every weekend if there was one in Tassie. Have a great week Kerry!

  3. Kerry Love the lamp!! Good job!

    Art by Karena

  4. Sounds like you had a fun weekend Kerri and picked up some goodies as well! ;-)

  5. I love Ikea. I think people 'disrespect' Ikea in public because they think it's cool.

    I'm saying here, it's not cool to 'dis the Ike'.

  6. Oh well done on getting to Ikea... headache is customary I'm afraid. Love those fabrics. Just gorgeous. A-M xx

  7. I like the lamp -- I think IKEA is great!
    Have a great week Kerry :-)

  8. Interesting to hear the Ikea-headache transcends borders. I have to have at least two cups of coffee (or a martini) to tackle that store...fade to visions of woman having a panic attack amongst cardboard cartons...

  9. Yep, sounds like an Ikea headache is all just part of the experience. Lucky you. That Prints Charming stall looks lovely. It would have been hard to tear yourself away. As for Ikea, I have a list, I should have employed you as my personal shopper for the weekend.
    Love the lamp!!

  10. I miss Ikea, we don't have any in NZ but now you mention it, it often did give me a headache when I was in there!

  11. Sounds like a great weekend! Love an Ikea trip, I dont think I've ever just walked out with what I came for.Something else always distracts me :)

  12. Bhg was good wasn't it, sooo many things to look at. I found it very hard to drive past Ikea & not go in, but I knew I would not have enough self control with all of the wonderful temptations!!

  13. Love the lamp and the glimpse of Sydney - how I miss thee both. Ikea never gave me a headache but Sydney did sometimes....! A x

  14. Oh Kerry sounds like a fabulous that lamp...just what I need..Take care KymX

  15. At last, at last I can comment! Is it me or blogger but I have not been able to comment all day!!
    Just wanted to say I Love, love that lamp! xx

  16. cool lamp darl. i love ikea, but man it does my head in going there! one of my girl friends is a big wig in the perth store so i make her get me the things i want! :)

    looking forward to seeing the lamp in the town house! jxx

  17. I've got quite a lot of Ikea furniture it's cheap, cheerful and I'm less stressed with the kids around because I'm not too precious about it. Trouble is it just doesn't suit our new house now....Victorian meets new Sweden. The Auction rooms are filled with old British oak at the moment that are even cheaper than Ikea........soooooo; Out with the new In with the old I say!

    But big up Ikea for all kitchen stuff..

  18. Dear Kerry, Sydney looks so very glamorous that I am sure I could not have been persuaded to spend any time in the IKEA store. Everything about Australia seems so big...I am sure that I should have found it all overwhelming.

    But, your first saint. Perfect!

  19. Sounds & looks like an eventful and productive weekend:) love the lamp, great choice!

    Amy R.

  20. Can you believe I still have never set foot in an Ikea? The Ikea in Dublin didn't open until right after I left (like the same week!) and my husband has been very good at avoiding them here in France. One day, one day... (but I do have excellent knowledge of the website, me and the ikea site are great friends)
    Loving that lamp! x

  21. Sydney is the best place to enjoy vacations. It has all the vigour of a world-class city. Sydney Harbour gives fantastic views of the city and surrounds. There are plenty of cruises available there. It is renowned for its beaches and, with its warm climate, attracts people to the beaches.

  22. Hi
    I've just found your blog via A Space for Inspiration.

    Firstly honey, about Charlotta, she's moved not died so be happy that she is still, somehow, in your life.

    Secondly ... IKEA !!!
    I live on the Central Coast NSW and visited Ikea recently, I do love the place BUT with this last visit every corner I turned there were couples (old enough to know better) making out. To make matters worse, it was ALWAYS the male starting it. Yes, I ended up watching that intent because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. What a way to spoil a day out !

    My heart does ache for you honey with Charlotta moving away but hopefully she will return to Australia some day soon :)


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.