
Friday, October 15, 2010

tales of a travelling cupcake...who wants to be next?

There's this little cupcake on a chain see....
It's name is Cuppie. He/she (I haven't quite worked out which) has been travelling the world, started off by Diana over at One Crafty Fox... you can read Diana's first post about the cupcake challenge here...
Soooo, a while ago...too long ago actually, which is embarrassing in a whole different way, I won the challenge at Heather's blog a measure of... (who lives in Patagonia) to host little Cuppie here in the nation's capital. Please hop over and visit them both. They're gorgeous.
I gave her/him/it a good time at Floriade, Canberra's annual floral are the pictures to prove it...
Floriade is thirsty, hungry work I can tell you...
and there may have been some spiritual guidance required
for me, not Cuppie...and by the buddhist monk, not the big green papier mache thingy...
Of course we hung about at the townhouse, where Cuppie got acquainted with the local won't surprise you to know that the vampire slayer wasn't going to put on a necklace under any circumstances...I really must get her a more chic tag!
the crochet rock and the townhouse rhododendron and azalea were much friendlier...

and the first born gave Cuppie a tour of the Cleo offices in Sydney where she works...iconic Elle magazine cover and all!

thank you my precious girl...

Now, here's how it works bloggy peeps...

Leave a comment regarding the
photo below.

What do you think the cupcake said to the girl in the photo 
to result in that look on her face? 
The most creative comment wins, or most probably the one that makes me laugh like a drain! 
Cuppie will be mailed to your home 
with directions and you will be 
the next to host The Cupcake Challenge
on your blog!

The Winner will be announced next Saturday, 23 October, 2010. Can't wait to see what cleverness you come up with! Please make sure I'm able to contact you so I can send Cuppie to wherever in the world you might be :) Somewhere fabulous I hope!


  1. Your pictures are SO FANTASTIC!! hahaha!! I would love to enter, but I'm the person who hosted cuppie prior to sending her to Heather! Can't wait to see where she goes next...


    (here's my post if you want to see what she did prior to visiting heather -

  2. Oh I love this!! Another fun cupcake adventure, thanks so much for playing along. I will do a post this weekend and link it so readers can hop on over to join the contest :)

    I love the magazine shots, what a great idea. And the flowers are beautiful!

  3. "Quick close your eyes, feral butterflies are launching an attack on your face and hair."

  4. Must say the gorgeous Buffy is looking quite indignant with that 'bag tag' hanging around her neck.

  5. Have to think of something clever and witty....might take a while, but I'll be back! Kxx

  6. The cupcake said that it is proud to be pink! Have a lovely weekend Kerry xoxo

  7. Ah, I had wondered what happened to the travelling cupcake, I've seen her before. Looks like she had some beautiful adventures...

  8. I think cuppie may have said to her "Hey ladie, theres a little sumpin sumpin on your lip!"
    Love your picks, especially the pose with the cookie, LOL!!

  9. "despite appearances, your eyes are certainly not bigger than your stomach now are they my dear"

    hehe love the moerks line - too flipping funny!

    thanks for the kind comments this week darl, you're too nice to me by half!!

    have a sensational weekend xx

  10. yay for cuppie's continued adventures! :) i love how she looks on the super models too! cuppie always was a big eater!!!

    happy weekend to you!

  11. "don't eat me, think of the calories, i'm not worth it, moment on the lips & all"
    How cool your baby girl works at Cleo. My best friend works at Cosmo. Love Posie

  12. Oh Kerry, wish I could think of something funny. Hmmm...I'll mull it over :)
    Have a nice weekend x

  13. "I'm sorry... there's someone else. But I left a little something on your lip so you could remember the good times we shared."

  14. I can only think that the cupcake said one thing: "Don't eat me !!"

    Your photos are great !


  15. What wonderful comments, my votes in for April as I am definitely not contending on this. It would require me to post something and that's a story coming up in my list of things you don't know.
    I truly love visiting you Kerry. xx

  16. Oh Kerry, your post was fabulous! I especially loved the cupcake next to your crocheted rock and it looks particularly at home around Scarlett Johannson's neck, how clever!!! Now I would love to enter, but I used my best entry when the cupcake was with the gorgeous Diana...and since I am the least witty person you will ever meet, I have nothin'...I do love April's entry, it made me laugh out loud!! I can't wait to see who the next cupcake host is! ~ Txx

  17. Sorry, had to give a special mention to Deb's comment (the Moerks ~ too funny!!!LOL!) Wishing you a wonderful week my friend ~ Txx

  18. hmmmmmmm, the stylist said it was low fat, but I wonder....

  19. The Moerks must win, that's so funny! What a great game. You have been very clever with it..Rachaelxx

  20. "The second bite...and you WILL be Marilyn Manson," whispered Cuppie to the disbelieving wannabe.

  21. "Did Kerry do your crotchet?" enquired Cuppie.

    Actually Cuppie would not want to visit me after you showed her such a good time in Canberra. But since she's travelled all the way down south she needs to see 'real' Australia -which we know is not here ;O) Somewhere like, say, rural Victoria. Oh, sorry, no influencing the judge.

  22. It is appears the TC had a lovely time at your place.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.