
Thursday, October 7, 2010

my creative space...starting's easy!

No-one could accuse me of not giving things a go! Not starting is not the issue...
It's the finishing that may be slightly just consider all of these a work in they say. After a rather uninspiring attempt at a watercolour earlier this week, I gave it another go...something much simpler this's getting there...
Then there's the granny square rug...the squares are all I just have to sew them together. The first born will get it just in time for summer!! Bet she's thrilled about that!
I've been experimenting with a bit of tapestry (or is it needlepoint)...and what's the difference anyway! You've seen this one before. I have to make it into a little door hanger thingy. The other one will probably end up sewn into something or other...
I think I'm going to frame this one when it's finished. Not sure about the heart but I love the background...I was quite pleased with that.
But this next the very early stages...I do know what this is destined to become! I think it'll be quite swish if it works out the way I want it to...fingers and toes crossed bloggy peeps. 
I may have rather a short attention span I suspect!
There's a whole bunch of creatives over at Kootoyoo.


  1. I'm with you... so many started but incomplete projects!!!

  2. We share the same problems as well as our name! But I L.O.V.E your painting, so make sure you finish that one. And those tapestry backgrounds look fantastic. Clever girl you are! K xx

  3. i just finished two pieces last night which i should of been completed last week...Ahhh maybe its the month.Love your creative pieces especially that LOVE one :) xx

  4. Nice work!! But then again, I love anything with hearts or the word LOVE :-)

  5. Ahh, all those UFO's - un finished objects. We all have them so don't worry Kerry. Your LOVE looks lovely and your little tapestry patches are looking great. Wonderful colours :)

  6. Your projects are all gorgeous! The tapestries are all lovely, but I LOVE your 'Love' watercolour, Kerry! It looks amazing!! I am so glad you gave watercolours another go, because it turned out brilliantly and I can't wait to see it finished. Hope you have a lovely Thursday ~ Txx

  7. I am just the same Kerry, I have 101 projects which I've started and not finished. I think the background on the heart tapestry is HOT!!!!!! Can you make me a massive one :) heheheh just joking but how good would that look!
    I love that watercolour 'LOVE' in the first pic, you're so talented Kerry,

  8. My, Kerry, you have been busy, you creative thing! I adore the watercolour in particular. It's such a tricky medium to use, if not daunting, and that is exceptional. I wish you could share your tips with me. J x

  9. My you have been busy...I hate having unfinished projects but seem to have lots at the's all about the frame of mind I'm in. Absolutely love the are so very talented. Kym X

  10. Beautiful work, love the painting and the tapestry...I have tons of projects on the go too..

  11. It all looks 'love'ly to me. Love the watercolour!

  12. Lovely work! The painting is very pretty :)

  13. hey creative busy bee. the purple heart with the patterned background wow!...and then the watercolour.... xoxox

  14. Short attention span maybe, but multi-talented definitely!
    P.S Just a thought - maybe the first born would like a lot more crochet rocks to add to her collection, and then you wouldn't have to sew the granny squares together?
    P.P.S So pleased parcel arrived safely!

  15. Uh, I think my middle name lately is unfinished. I have great ideas, and get them all started and something else just knocks it down to the bottom of my list! I am loving all your needlework. My mother did needlepoint and I have some of her pieces since she has passed. Someday, well lets just say its on my list as well!



  16. Oh my goodness, Kerry....You have so many beautiful projects on the go....I am in awe !! I don't care that they are not quite finished...just to have started them all is admirable in my book. Knowing you, I'm sure that they will all be finished in due course. I wouldn't worry about it. Just bask in the wonderful feeling that you are creating some lovely pieces.
    Have a very creative weekend. XXXX

  17. Dear Kerry, Of all the projects you have on the 'go' at the moment, I think that the ones I like the best have strong graphic elements. The lettering and the abstract needlepoint work are most interesting and could be used in a variety of ways as interior decoration. The graphic designs remind me very much of the work of David Hicks [but he did not do pebble covers, so you have the edge there!]

  18. Hey, sometimes it's the idea of the project that is the most fun. Better to have started and discarded than never to have started at all is my motto.
    Have a great weekend.

  19. Feeling the love Kerry, all totally cool, love Posie

  20. I love the first drawings:)
    How can you do to put big pictures on your blog.? mine are always small...

  21. It must be very relaxing to be creative like that. They really are gorgeous..Rachaelxx

  22. Hey dear,

    This is strange cause I dont have the extra-large option... is new on blogger? How can i get it?


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