
Sunday, October 10, 2010

a small watercolour, a big thank you and a sick cat...

I had a minor moment of inspiration...why use one word when five will do!
So there you go, it's finished...apart from a frame. 
But I am planning a road trip to Sydney next weekend. Ikea's there. Ikea has frames...lots of them :)
And this is very close to being finished too...I am loving how it's working out.
Now I think I'm off to cook something out of this wonderful book... 
that I won at Amanda's lovely and ever so stylish blog Small Acorns...I'm going to start with this...chilli jam...yummo! 
Thank you so much Amanda, who also popped in this gorgeous little purse with my kind...and doesn't it just look like spring in a packet!
Unlike the vampire slayer who is recovering from an operation she had on her head on Friday. Don't ask! She's doing better than my wallet I'd have to say!
Have a terrific end to the weekend bloggy peeps.
Thanks for visiting this week. It it so very, very lovely to have this wonderful blogosphere connection. Lifts me up, inspires me, makes me smile...and quite a lot of the time makes me laugh like a drain...whatever that means :)
I've got a Facebook page for the blog now. Well, actually I've had it for a while but I just didn't know how to put the button on if you want to click through and be FB friends too, that'd be fab!


  1. I love your watercolour. Do enter my giveaway too. x

  2. Love the water colour Kerry, it has a carnival look about it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. ;-)

  3. I am singing that song as I type this! Just as well there is nobody in the house though as they are very rude about my singing!!
    You are such a wonderfully industrious lady and everything turns out so beautifully enjoy what's left of the weekend xx

  4. I'm loving your boho cross stitch.xx

  5. Loving it - awesome to the power of sick! K xx

  6. Love it Kerry!! I have yet to experiment with my water colour pencils..but you have inspired me to do so.
    You know..Ikea is just around the corner from me...if you want me to pick anything up for you Kerry let me know...I would be more than happy to oblige. xoxox

  7. Wonderful watercolour....Can't wait to see it in position.

  8. Hi,
    you do many lovely things ! They are wonderful.
    I hope that your sweet cat will be better soon. Give her a pat (?) from me :)


  9. Loved reading about your weekend! Poor little vampire slayer, hope he feels better soon xx

  10. Oh Kerry, your watercolour is fabulous!! I love it:) I also love your needlework!! Hope your kitty is feeling better - ouch!! Hope you have a wonderful week. Hugs ~ Txx

  11. What a busy, clever and productive weekend you have had. Poor Buffy, hope she recovers her evil self quickly:)

  12. Dear Kerry, Poor Buffy! I do so hope that she is making a good recovery.

    The final result of your watercolour is most successful and it will be good to finish it with a frame. Do you really have to go all the way to Sydney for one? Perhaps you should consider setting up a cottage industry producing could catch on.

  13. Lovely watercolour Kerry:) Sorry about your poor little pussy cat. I hope she feels better soon.

  14. Oh Kerry, you are doing all of my favourite things. Painting, stitching, cooking and resting...a perfect weekend!!

    Jeanne xxx

  15. Poor Vampire Slayer and your poor wallet, pet ops are never cheap are they! I LOVE your watercolour and tapestry, all your creative pieces are gorgeous Kerry! You're one talented lady that's for sure!
    Wishing you a lovely week ahead,

  16. oh poor Buffy, she looks so innocent and vulnerable there! hope she is better soon. loving hte cross stitch and the painting darl!!


  17. You finished it!! Well done!!
    (laugh like a drain... I get it!)

  18. The watercolour is gorgeous ~ reminds me of a circus with that bunting style of patterning and font xo


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.