
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

top ten pictures from the week ~ 12.10.10 and another online mag

Hi bloggy peeps. Back on track with a Tuesday top ten you're pleased about that...otherwise how on earth would you know what day it is? Joking.
The thing I love about my short attention span is that I can't remember what images I've collected during the week... 
 which means I get a nice surprise when I do the upload thing...
 I take my pleasures where I can get them!
 Easily pleased I am. True. Mostly...
 It's usually the textures and textiles that get me...
 or an interesting structure...
 or a piece of art that makes me go oooh, I'd like that. Actually, more often it's...wish I was clever enough to do it myself!
 and rich colours...quite partial to those
and the tenth picture today is from a small online magazine that I recently came across...Covet garden...
I think it's Canadian but I could be wrong. Hard to believe I know, because I'm normally a meticulous researcher :) And look...they have a pattern for a knitted jar cover...
...thought that would amuse you! And it wouldn't be a top ten (or eleven) without a picture from the latest Lonny now would it?
peacock 'n all :)
And an update on the vampire slayer: she has had the tube removed from her head and now looks very unattractive with a reverse mohawk haircut. I might put a photo on the FB page later...


  1. The images are great, Kerry. The second one makes me want to take a pair of shears to my new burlap table cloth to give it that cool jagged edge. My kids think I am nuts already for having a potato sack on the table!!

    Glad to hear the vampire slayer is doing well...


  2. Ah, that last photo!! Perfection!!!

  3. That image through the white doors to the white bed with the painting - now that is just lovely. The contrasts are great. Infact anything with crisp white sheets gets my vote! Lou x

  4. Great images again Kerry. I always love your eclectic mix.

  5. Always love your weekly top 10! And send my best to Buffy for me, poor little possum. Reverse mohawk you say - fierce! K xx

  6. Condoléances to Buffy from another one who wishes she was talented enough to reproduce all the arwork she covets ;-)

  7. Poor vampire slayer, a reverse mowhawk is not very becoming to a girl cat is it :(
    Love all the pics as usual! Have a great day Kerry,

  8. I agree, beautiful artwork. I often see amazing art on blogs then look up the artist to discover I'd need another mortgage to buy it. Oh so depressing!
    Glad to hear the slayer is doing ok :)

  9. Love these posts! I'm always interested to see what caught your eye :)

  10. Where do you find them all? I love checking these out each week and like Blondie I love the table cloth. xx

  11. I always love looking at the artwork on the walls of your images. And their orderliness and tidiness is very calming.

  12. That white bedroom with beautiful flash of color artwork is a little slice of heaven!

  13. THanks for the design eye-candies...

    I love looking at such photos.

    I adore the white dining room with the skyline.

  14. I love that last bedroom. And it's not too girly so I think I could get away with it with my husband :-)

  15. Fabulous Kerry I love them all!! A real treat!

    Art by Karena

  16. Dear Kerry, Where indeed would Tuesday be without the top ten selection of pictures from the Antipodes? And, as always, an interesting and eclectic mixture. To look too carefully would, I fear, result in a complete redesign of every room in the house on a weekly basis so, sensibly, I shall for today concentrate on the knitted jam jar covers. Do you think that is how Joan Sutherland employed her time in the wings waiting to go on stage? Perhaps so, for the BBC in announcing the sad news of her death reported that she was a great knitter and would knit back stage! I like to think so.

  17. Wow, what great images. # 2, 3 & 4 are my faves but I can definitely see myself curled up in that red chair, good book in one hand and glass of red in the other. With this consistent rain at the moment, I would want to stay there forever xo

  18. Oh no! What happened to the Slayer?? Poor baby..hope she feels better soon.. Thanks for the great selection of images..I've pinched the first one as I just love the frames from floor to ceiling..Rachaelxx

  19. Aahhh, now I feel better:) Sorry I missed this yesterday...such loveliness, as always!!! Hope Kitty is feeling better:( ~ Txx


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