
Monday, October 25, 2010

my weekend project ~ a babushka painting for a new baby...

Nat, a work colleague had her first baby a few weeks ago...Willow gorgeous is that. And...get this...she was born at 10 p.m. on the tenth of the tenth, 2010! Now that's impressive timing and I'm sure must be very lucky.
I wanted to do another 'like no other...' painting like the one I did for a friend's baby boy...that one was can see that and the explanation for why I went with 'like no other' here. But I thought...perhaps not cars for Willow, so...

...babushkas this time. Nat likes bold colours so I wanted a reasonable contrast between the first eight and then the ninth...the 'like no other' bushka babe! I hope the first eight aren't too pastel-ly, but the contrast is the point. I started by doing all the similar ones first, after a little trial run...and some lovely feedback from my Facebook page when I posted the beginnings...thank you Tina, Kim, Jane and Sharon! Oh, and the 22 year old thought it was ok too :)
The faces were the hardest bit...I'm sure at least one of these poor 'bushkas is cross-eyed...oh well :)
But all in all I'm quite happy with how it turned out..just need to frame it now. And I look forward to making some more.  Perhaps butterflies? Different coloured pencils? Flowers? Any ideas you clever blogsters?
Off to work...don't the weekends fly by, more's the pity!
I'm linking up to Somewhat Simple and Someday Crafts. Please go and see what others have been up to :)


  1. Oh wow -- born at 10 on 10/10/10, how amazing is that!!!

  2. Ladybirds? Buttons? Birdhouses? Wellies? Knickers? Pinnies? Moustaches? Chickens ? (there are some really fancy chickens about)

  3. Beautiful painting and one that will be treasured I'm sure! Lucky baby already. x

  4. Actually they are matryoshka. Babushka is "grandmother". Of course they could be babushka matryoshka!


  5. I love it!! How talented and creative you are, Kerry. There is going to be one happy co~worker/mommy!


  6. That's a gorgeous gift to mark the birth of a girl. Love it, Kerry! xxx

  7. Gorgeous! Houses, chairs, flowers, doors, letterboxes - great housewarming gift... with a new phrase to suit...

  8. Just gorgeous Kerry! What a perfect gift and keepsake xx

  9. That is stunning Kerry!!! You are a watercolour star! Jxx

  10. It is so sweet!! She is sure to live a charmed life with that birthdate!
    They'll lov the painting Kerry :)

  11. love it Kerry,great gift idea...very sweet and delightful painting XXX

  12. That is the most beautiful painting. Bursting with meaning. She'll look at it everyday and the images will burn in her memory.

    What a talent you have.

  13. Just stunning, Kerry. You've excelled yourself - I know how hard a medium it is to use. What a treasured possession that will become for little Willow. Oh, and thanks for the mention, you sweet thing! J x

  14. What a beautiful painting you have made!! It's truly gorgeous and so lovely that it's personalised. Willow is such a gorgeous name and what an amazing time/date she was born on!! I'm sure your friend will love what you have created x

  15. What a gorgeous idea. I love the whole concept:). I think you got the contrast just right. I'm sure Willow will treasure it as she gets older:)

  16. Oh, thats so cute! I think it's a great idea, and don't sell yourself short - your painting is fabulous. She really is like no other with such an auspicious birth date, so this is just perfect. Well done sweet! K xx

  17. Oh my goodness how clever you are.. this is brilliant!! So pretty and creative I am sure Willow Elizabeth [beautiful name] will treasure this for years to come.. And what providence to be born at that time.. they say it was a very lucky day to be born!!

    Thanks for the lovely comment on my beach shots.. I was lucky to get those it has rained most of the weekend... Sorry about the 'tune wedgie' haha haven't heard that saying before.. ciao and have a lovely week xxx Julie

  18. Beautiful... Showing your great talent once again. You have come up with a gorgeous gift and something to be treasured. Loving the name 'Willow'
    Rebecca x

  19. That is lovely. What a talent you are Ms Kerry. I feel a whole new business empire opening for you.Baby Willow is a very lucky girl.

  20. Wow, you are super clever, this is Devine.

  21. What a lovely friend you are Kerry, Im sure that will be little Willows most cherished gifts! I was trying to think of some creative ideas for you but had nothing more than owls & ducks, your so clever, I love it!!!

  22. I love the Babushkas and the name Willow Elizabeth, so lovely!
    (I used to have a cat named Babushka!)

  23. Dear Kerry, How very pretty your painting is. It is perfect and will, I am sure, be a treasured possession.

    Yes, all those 10s. That has surely got to be a most lucky, lucky baby!!

  24. Oh my goodness that is a fabulous painting - almost worth having another child just to get one of those (haha). I love that she was born on 10/10/10 at 10:00. My nephew turned 9 last year on 09/09/09. How cool is that.

  25. I love this Too Clever!!!!

  26. This painting is genius! I utterly adore it and I'm sure Willow and her Mummy will too!
    Other ideas... a lot of "normal" zebras or giraffes and then a more colourful variety.

  27. I love how every Babushka has it's own little face and identity. Such a cute painting - you are very clever!


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