
Saturday, October 23, 2010

the travelling cupcake is moving on...

It's time to bid a sad farewell to Cuppie as he/she/it heads off from the tranquil townhouse...although it wasn't so tranquil for Cuppie this morning as the vampire slayer thought today was the day to take a swipe, try to swallow it...and be a complete nuisance while I was trying to take a photo of them together. You know...for old time's sake. That cat is beyond annoying.  So a photo of Cuppie and a magazine will have to do! Thankfully there are many magazines and only one cat in this place!
It was a bit difficult to choose where Cuppie should go next...but...and you know how this goes...there can only be one winner! And I've been sitting here tossing up between a few, and bearing in mind that Deb told me that being in Canberra is hardly seeing the real Australia (and because she lives here too she can say that without me getting offended!)...I've decided that Cuppie should see some more of our 'sunburnt country'...even though it's a bit soggy at the moment...before he/she/it heads off around the world some more. So, Cuppie is going Moerkabout. Deb's (a different Deb) fantastic caption to this photo...
was..."Quick close your eyes. Feral butterflies are launching an attack on your face and hair". Fun, clever and quirky...all the things I like.  The Moerks have just come back from several months travelling through central Australia, to the top end, down the west coast and back to they know what travelling is all about. Cuppie will be right at home!
And in other cupcake related news, the gorgeous Heather from A measure of...who passed Cuppie on to me, is having a really lovely giveaway, that despite wanting to win myself...I am compelled to share!  Go here or link up over on my sidebar. And also go and visit Diana from One Crafty Fox who started this whole thing off clever girl :)
So there you go...another Cuppie adventure awaits...can I come too!


  1. Thank Deb for disqualifying we Canberreans!! I'm sure the travelling cup cake will have glorious adventures in the hands of the next Deb. Love Posie

  2. It looks like it has been a lot of fun hosting her! I can't wait to see the images of her next adventure!

    :) Hazel

  3. I'm sure you were an admirable hostess. Bon Voyage Cuppie!!


  4. Oh Goodie the first time I have ever had a win with anything in blogland (mind you I am not sure if it is a win or punishment!)
    Would you believe we are going camping next weekend! If she is here by then she can come along. Whilst I am convalescing from my chesty ailment I can dream up photo shoots for cuppie. Mind you please don't expect anything as glamorous as Cleo magazine. Thanks Kerry, I am looking forward to a bit of fun with Cuppie.

  5. Oh bugger - I forgot to leave my incredibly clever and witty caption in time! But in light of the fact that the Moerks are far more clever and witty than me, I don't feel too disappointed. Seriously, I can't think of a better family to take good care of Cuppie, until she moves on to her next home :) xx

  6. I look forward to following cuppies travels around this beautiful country of ours!

  7. What a cute idea to send that prize-cup on a travel! And interesting to follow its 'footsteps', so we can get in touch with unknown bloggers- under the GH-motto "Tried and Tested".
    Thank you! Britta

  8. Yay, so glad to see my little Cuppie continuing her journey!!

    Thanks again so much for playing along :)

  9. Lol I love your stories about Cuppie and the Vampire slayer:). I hope Cuppie has a safe and pleasant journey. I will look forward to seeing her over on The Moerks:).

  10. Yay! So much fun. Love Deb's little caption too! :) Can't wait to see what's next! Hope you were able to enjoy a lovely weekend, Kerry!


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