
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

the art of paper cutting ~ Emma Van Leest

I am completely besotted and intrigued by Australian artist Emma Van Leest's artwork since I saw this segment about her on Art Nation...
She says that all you need is "a piece of paper and a blade".. ah ha...I don't think so ma'am!  An enormous amount of talent more likely. And patience...oh, the patience.
Here are some examples of her work...but if you have a spare 4 minutes or so, do have a squiz at the video to see her at won't be disappointed.

 Sorry I couldn't get these images any bigger without blurring the detail...

...extraordinary aren't they?
I don't know about you, but I would seriously like to go and live in one of these wonderlands :)
I'll be trying my hand at something new on my day off today...but for sure it won't involve a piece of paper and a blade! If only I could :-)


  1. Just no words for it. I wish I wish.....

  2. I love paper art. How amazing are these creations?? So intricate and detiled. I'd love to see them in real life. Amazing! Enjoy your day off and something new.

  3. Her work is stunning!
    Enjoy your day off, hope it's productive and we'll be looking forward to see what you make.
    ps Molly wouldn't attack if you raided the garden, though might lick you to death! I'll happily make another batch of bickies if you pop down to Hobart :)

  4. These are stunning, aren't they? I most definitely do not have the patience for this - and the tantrums over ripped paper would definitely not be pretty! I think I'll stick to a paint brush as my weapon of choice, and admire these from afar. K xx

  5. Her artworks are simply gorgeous! The detail in each of them is extraordinary. Of coarse I love anything to do with paper art. Patience is a virtue - these would take hours and hours, and hours and .... Michelle

  6. WOW!! Cutting out simple stencils nearly kills does she do it!!!! Thanks for sharing Kerry. Hope you have a fabulous and creative Wednesday ~ Tx

  7. Very interesting. I couldn't draw this well much less cut! Her work is stunning though.


  8. Completely enamored by art like this, it's incredible!!

  9. "All you need..." - hah!

    Can you imagine getting to the end and making a mistake?

  10. Um, WOW! They are incredible. But somehow I think I'd need more than a piece of paper and a blade...

  11. Beautiful creations! I agree, what amazing talent.

  12. Holy fuck a cow, they are totally amazing. I can't ever imagine the kind of calm and patient mind you would need to do that.

  13. Dear Kerry, Such delicate traceries...what talent indeed and how lovely to own one since I am sure that one could look at her work and always see something new within it. I have never heard of her before but shall certainly investigate further.

  14. These are A-Mazing! I couldn't possibly contemplate doing something so fiddly.

  15. wow the work is really magic and lively!I a doing paper cutting with scissors and I think blade is very flexible in curves shaping too. Hope to see more new wonders from you.


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