
Thursday, November 18, 2010

my creative space...using glass tiles

Hi everyone. I had a lovely day yesterday...experimenting...with these fabulously graphic kiln fired glass tiles. They were made by my gorgeous bloke. He let me rummage in a box of glass goodies he has tucked away and I found these...
and with the addition of these...
...and some adhesive...ta da! Groovy brooches.
That look good on white...and black (even better if I'd got rid of the fluff on that shirt!)
I'm still trying to get findings to make some into necklaces, but until then these will do...
And I'm going to order some glass and have a go myself with Richard's kiln...I'm sure he'll let me if I'm nice enough ;) 
In the meantime, there's a bit of dishcloth knitting going looks much more expensive looking when you photograph it in shadow don't you think :)
And I also made another coffee sack a slightly different pattern this time that shows off more of the detail... I really can't complain about my day.
You probably know the drill by you go over to Kootoyoo.


  1. What a productive day! I'd definitely be getting myself into the kiln room and making some of those glass pieces for more brooches. Can we expect an Etsy store soon?
    I have to say, your knitting is so neat! Personally, I'm quite good at making 'buttonholes' in my knitting, without even trying!

  2. Dear Kerry, The glass tiles are so beautiful and do indeed look exceedingly stylish made into brooches. What a very talented man your Richard is, and tall, dark and handsome no doubt!!

    As for the knitted amount of lighting or darkness could persuade me to have one.....does it look expensive....only with the lights out!!

  3. Far too expensive to be a dishcloth - surely? I don't think you've won your adoring public (edith and me) round to the knitted dishcloth yet. The glass, on the other hand, is fabulous. A x

  4. The glass pieces are awesome! They really look good as pins! I'd love to see what you do when you get your hands on the kiln! And you are knitting as well. You are making me feel lazy. I've only done on a little Christmas shopping today and that was online!! ;-D


  5. They look fantastic Kerri! The perfect pop of colour xx
    PS - I sent your package off on Monday so you should get it soon :)

  6. Kerri you're really clever. Again I love the coffee sack bags! The brooches you made look fabulous and I can just imagine how much fun you will have at the kiln. :)

  7. The glass is lovely and those bags you've made are gorgeous! I loved your post about the paper art too, isn't it amazing? And thanks for the mention in your top ten pictures, it's an incredible study. Rachaelxx

  8. I get tastes when I look at that glass - licorice, beeswax, lemon...

  9. You are a clever one, aren't you? Now, you know my next question.....can you do custom-coloured orders? My mind is ticking as we speak....! K xx

  10. I love everything you do. Especially those coffee grain totes :)

  11. You're a creative soul, that for sure. I love those glass beads. I really do. xx

  12. All very lovely. The bags are great!

  13. Not sure what happened to the first comment - hopefully you'll only get one. I am amazed at how much you get done in one day. Pins are loverly and the bags are very cool. Looks like you are really enjoying your day off from your regular job! Mary

  14. What cool brooches but you are right they will also look fabulous as a necklace. Love them:)

  15. Beautiful, really stunning, they look so tactile I want to pick one up and hold it in my hand. The coffee tote bags are genius.

  16. man, how did i nearly miss this post. brilliant darl! the brooches and the bag, both. such a clever chicken xx

  17. I did not know that glass tiles can be use as pits, may it be could beautiful to use as decorations in my living room.


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