
Friday, November 5, 2010

soul food friday...investing in yourself

I hit the 'pay now' button yesterday. I probably do it more than I should, but I had been pondering this buying decision for a while and decided to take the plunge. Have a little splurge. Invest in my future.
I'm 53...there you go...I've said it! Don't look it though:) I've had an incredibly satisfying career in HR (and still do), along with a military career and the all important motherhood of course, but there comes a time when you need to think about different things...while there's still the time! 
I can't see myself giving up my day job for a while yet (there's still a pesky mortgage to pay off) but you can see from my desk that my worlds collide! One day I'll want to move from Canberra and do something else. And I'm incredibly interested in styling and I'm going here...Shannon Fricke's do this...
I'm booked in for the 6th of May. Can't wait. And as they's never too late. What are you looking forward to? And how do you invest in you?
Thank you once again for another lovely week of wonderful, funny and supportive comments. You're the best.


  1. I take small business classes and I love my alone time with a great foreign fashion mag.....


  2. Hurray for you, following your dreams. You have the wheels turning in my head since we are almost the same age and I haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up...I look forward to hearing more about all of this, Kerry! :-)


  3. Good for you! 53? I'm not sure age has anything to do with it. It's not going to stop me reading your blog ... or doubting your already apparent styling capabilities!

    You'll have a wonderful time doing that course and be all invigorated!

    A blog has a wonderful way of telling us things about ourselves ... yours is a great means for channelling and refining your taste in interiors!

  4. Good for you Kerry. I am contemplating doing a course myself and I have definitely received some inspiration from you today. I think it looks like a bit of fun and in a great location. I hope you enjoy it and tell us all about it. Enjoy your weekend. ;-)

  5. What? I am sooo jealous right now. That sounds awesome. When my sister was househunting one day we went into some high-end display homes (just for a snoop) and there was a stylist and camera crew taking pics for the companies magazine. I was in awe and tried not to look like an idiot as I 'inconspicuously' followed them around. Like you I too love styling and I think joining the blog world is inching me closer to the confidence needed to break out and commit to doing something about it. I've started interior consultancy since beginning my blog (have no idea how that happened!) and I feel so much more enriched and content doing something I truly love. Now, just to take care of that pesky day job...

  6. that is so exciting/incredibly inspiring. I've followed your journal for a while, but I think this is my first time posting, because you got me so excited. Right now, I'm working in the world of web marketing, which isn't awful, and I enjoy, but my true passion:

    I've been stocking up and reading and reading and reading. I'll be moving to London soon, and one day, when we're finally settled and I actually develop some semblance of free time, I'll be ready for whatever!

  7. I got too excited to speak in correct English, I think.

  8. That is great news. I went back to study Interior Design when I was 45. I had 1 kid in college, 1 in University and me in College. It was craczy, but I am so gald that I did it.

    I am sure you will be so very good at styling.

  9. Good on you!! I love that idea, but i think we'll settle in Canberra (well near Bungendore) as our children are still in school so we have a long way to go. Living a satisfying life is the best reward, producing functioning members of society & signing up for courses in your early 50s, i love that idea!! I married a soldier, did 2 degrees & had 4 children in my 20s, so i'm expecting my 50s to be pretty awesome too!! We're already planning retirement, as you know, Army life is pretty full on. Love & hugs, Posie

  10. Well done. Learning something new should never be considered indulgent or have to be justified. It looks like a great course to do! xx

  11. Oh, Kerry, good for you, Lovely! How fantastic. I look forward to hearing all about it. J x

  12. Good on you sweet - I think it's great that you've decided to put yourself first for a change! You'll be a natural at styling and photography, and somehow I don't think Shannon will know what hit her :) K xx

  13. brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! so glad you're doing this darl. really excited for you! xxx

  14. Hi Kerry, thats amazing, I sooo wish i could do the same course, I have looked at it, but not financially possible at the moment for us!! I am sure you will have a ball you lucky thing, well done!!
    Laura c xx

  15. Oh Kerry, how exciting....I wish that we had a course like that. I would book myself in toute suite. It sounds really interesting and exciting.....and, don't you worry....I'm loads older than you and I'm always hitting the pay now button !! XXXX

  16. Good on you! I've heard great things about Shannon's classes, I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time :)

  17. That's very exciting Kerry!
    I'm not sure about me. We get asked at work in our yearly reveiew what our career aspirations are. I never know what to say. I think this year I mentioned something about developing my art practice. Just need to find more time in the day :)

  18. Good on you. Would love to hear more about the styling course.

  19. BRAVA to you! Go for it...and make sure you blog the ride!

  20. Ekkkk!!!!! So excited for you Kerry!!!! That's fantastic news, high fives and pats on the back to you :) And I'm very jealous, what a super fun course to go on and I'm sure you will meet heaps of awesome people there too. fantastic!

  21. Hi Kerry,
    Thanks for visting my blog. I'm glad I have now found your blog it is so lovely.
    And I know exactly how you feel, I have my day job(which I do enjoy) to pay the mortgage but I have the same desire as yourself, the calling to do something else. And I've been trying to find the best time to go and do one of Shannon's workshops. Well done for you for going, I hope it fills you with great inspiration. Look forwrad to hearing all about it.
    Have a great weekend
    Sarah xx

  22. Bangalow or bust! Thrilled to bits for you and can't wait to hear all about it. Should we warn Ms Fricke you're coming?! ... and bringing us along to peek over your shoulder ;o)

  23. Well done Kerry. Always nice to hear people follow their hearts. It all sounds exciting, hope we get to see some of the journey.
    Rebecca x

  24. Go girlfriend...soooo very will loooovvvvveeee it.... We all need to do something we truly love! Can't wait to hear more..have a lovely weekend Kym X

  25. We are the same age! How do I invest in myself? I guess by taking care of me. Taking time for me. Gardening, yoga. Celebrating life daily. I love what you're doing. Can't wait to hear more!

  26. I'm soooo tempted in send MOTH along to this workshop Kerry. He always imagines himself as a bit of a stylist. Poor Shannon has just fallen off her chair in Bangalow at the very thought!!!
    Millie ^_^

  27. That's wonderful. You do get to a certain age when you have to say what do I really want to do. Good on you for having the courage to aim for a dream.
    I am at a real crossroads at the moment as my only child is about to finish school & my taxi service will not be needed lol. I am going to look at doing another renovation but without all the physical work I did when younger.

  28. Hi,
    I'm so happy for you.You're doing the right thing. I'm positive about that !

    I don't know if I invest in myself. But I will !!


  29. wonderful to see you make steps. it takes time to get from where you are to where you want to be...(read the book by Jack Canfield: How to get from where you are to where you want to be) wishing you an inspiring Sunday xoxox

  30. How exciting Kerry - and good on you. Why do we find it so hard to invest in ourselves? I was a little the same when I did an online art course earlier this year. You'll have such an amazing time. xx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.