
Thursday, November 4, 2010

my creative space...two blue and white pincushions

Can I just indulge myself in a tiny bit of self congratulation please? It doesn't happen all that often. I am so happy with how my blue and white pincushions are looking. One complete...and some pretty flowers from the garden thrown in for good measure!
I'm loving the freshness of the blue and white, and the thing that makes me happiest is that I designed a couple of the panels all by myself with some inspiration from a few rugs...who knew I could do that? I know it's not rocket science but hey, it's progress! Makes me want to do a lot more.
These are for the lovely Kerri, who's wonderful art and fabulous friendship is always inspiring me. I'm planning some different designs and colourways. They take time (and a whole lot of patience) to make but they're fun, and comforting in a granny doing needlepoint kind of way. 
And I'd like to think that these little pincushions might one day become little bits of a family history, passed on through a couple of generations...wouldn't that be lovely? I do hope they don't fall apart!!
For creativity galore, head on over to Kootoyoo for Thursday's crafty links. Bet they don't have nightmares about unravelling stitches :)


  1. LOVE THEM!!!! But of course I knew I would. They're absolutely gorgeous, and can't wait to get them! K xx

  2. Absolutely gorgeous Kerry, oh and the pin cushions are gorgeous too hehehehehe! Well done on designing some of the panels yourself that's really cool! Kerri will love her blue and white pin cushion, it's very 'her' isn't it! And I think they will def become family treasures, handmade is always a treasure in itself.
    have a great day Kerry!

  3. They are the grooviest pin cushions I've ever seen Kerry. xx

  4. The blue and white patterns look fantastic - that self congratulation is well deserved.

  5. They are stunning Kerry! I love the blue & white:) How special that they even have panels that you have made up yourself. You have done such a fabulous job, lovely lady!! ~Txx

  6. love the colors, very gorgeous,you have done a fabulous job,well done Kerry xxx

  7. Your pincushions are wonderful Kerry. How very clever of you. The colours are fabulous and your designs look great. xx

  8. They are gorgeous. I so don't have the patience for needlework. Love the timber of that table top too.

  9. I like your panel designs...very original and creative! I also like the color. Nicely done!


  10. wow, that looks so good. I am having visions of stacks of little embroidered tapestry baby blocks. Did you use a pattern or is it your own design?

    Beautiful work! I am sure it will become an heirloom.


  11. Oh, Kerry, congratulate away, you clever thing. Just fabulous. Blue and white - my favourite combo. Would you ever consider sharing the pattern (for purely personal use only)? J x

  12. Dear Kerry,
    Well, you never cease to amaze me. They are not just good, they are so beautifully crafted. I think that I've said it before but, not only can you turn your hand to anything, but you do it all so beautifully.They are definitely heirlooms in waiting.
    You thoroughly deserve that pat on the back.....and, your flowers are so pretty and your photographs, the same.See....even your flowers from the garden are lovely !! XXXX

  13. I would love to be able to do some needle work - I really love how it looks. If I visit you, and bring you cookies, will you show me how? ;)
    Adorable pin cushions - you should be proud! I would be.

  14. Well done, they do look great, and I'm a huge fan of blue and white too.

  15. Absolutely delightful, a big pat on the back from me too, and what a lovely shade of blue!

  16. Exquisite. Blue and white cannot be beat. Especially that lovely soft shade. x

  17. I love the blue and white patterns you have created Kerry. Well done, talented one! ;-)

  18. Lovely pin cushions definitely heirloom material.

  19. They are too good, totally sick!!!( I think that's how you say it). That blue and white is perfect. love it. Well done, I would be congratulating myself too. In fact I think you should put one on your sidebar so we can enjoy it for longer.

  20. Love the pincushions, you and Kerri are both so gifted, lot's of heirloom material between the two of you!

  21. Clever cookie! It's a fabulous colour combo and just gorgeous!!

  22. Oh you are so funny- I am sure they are very well made and at no risk of unravelling lol. I love the designs. You are a clever vegemite:)

  23. they are truly gorgeous little gems Kerry! congrats to you for designing the patterns yourself. beautiful!

  24. I love the pin cushion! (and the pretty flowers from your garden!) Well done - must have been many cups of espresso to be able to count the threads correctly..!

    Impressed hugs from the North

    xx C

  25. How can you help but covet nearly anything blue & white?
    I love your photos most of all with your eclectic mix. The pincushion will in fact become an heirloom, I am certain.

    I just had some custom Ked's made from pictures of my grandmother's blue willow china. I am now sporting my blue and white in my house AND
    on my feet.

    Happy I happened upon you in my wanderings tonight!

  26. Kerry - they really are amazing- as I am lying here in bed with gastro you have brightened my day xoxo

  27. I was just admiring them and was delighted to discover they were YOUR handiwork! Should have known..

  28. I just love the blue and white pin cushions - I made a similar one (but not such lovely colours) many years ago and still use it. Thanks for sharing these with us.


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