
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

a favourite blog...the art of doing stuff

I have favourites...I do. I'm sorry. But in my defence, there are lots of them, especially you, reading this, right now...thank you for visiting! I thought I might showcase a blog every now and again...fabulous blogs that have been given the tranquil townhouse tick of approval...much sought after here if nowhere else :)
First off is The Art of Doing Stuff.  I only discovered this blog fairly recently but my jaw drops every time I see a new post.  Here's a sample of the things this wonder-woman called Karen...who also looks like she has abs of steel (disgruntled muttering) creates with her own two hands...this was the first thing that caught my eye...a personal fire pit (which has just been shown on the Steven and Chris Show on Canadian TV). Canadians are clever aren't they. Why is that?
She has a sense of humour...the five minute chair recover (throw a mongolian lamb rug over it!). Aren't the bookshelves great...I'm so painting mine white.
 Paved the backyard and constructed a pool and waterfall...yep!
 just because I liked this room...but the runner is made from a plastic bag!
 the garden orbs...done for around $3...
 hanging lanterns made from plant pots...
 boxes made from mirrors from the dollar shop...
and there are also an array of amazingly carved halloween pumpkins...but as I refuse to do Halloween I'm not showing them, especially now it's over. 'Soz about it' as the first born would say.
Karen says she's just an ordinary girl but I think she might be Martha's love child :) Check out her site and see if you agree.


  1. Martha's love child .. lol. Very clever!

  2. Oh I am so there. ... and yes, there is something about Canadians... they just get in and do it don't they.. and they are so friendly.. even friendlier than Aussies! A-M xx

  3. Of course we Canadians are clever! We have to be to survive! Karen's website is great - I have her solution to the gate closure bookmarked for next spring! I think the first entry of hers I read was how to make the fire pit! I'm glad to be back reading again - lots to catch up on!

  4. Very impressive - I must take a look. Karen sounds like a machine!

  5. Wow, I'm exhausted just reading this - she is one clever chicken, isn't she? Thanks for the tip, I'll be checking out her blog for sure. K xx

  6. On my way over but like Kerri I am totally exhausted already! xx

  7. Fantastic,thanks for sharing Kerry, off to check out her blog now xx

  8. Kerry! Thanks so much. What a nice tribute to my blog and my ... well ... my insaneness. My actual job is a television host. I do the blog in my down time. So it is entirely possible that I am Martha's love child. Although she's never called. So perhaps just a lust child.
    ~ karen

  9. Definitely a Mini Martha there. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Crikey Kerry.....another really clever blogger.....I mean, really clever. Some people can just do anything. I must go and check her blog out.
    We, too, don't 'do' Hallowe'en ( although, I think that we started it in Pagen times !! ) It's Guy Fawkes that is our celebration, on November 5th. XXXX

  11. Dear Kerry, Superwoman indeed. Did she build her own house too....she probably did but was too modest to say! Martha Stewart roll comes Karen!!

  12. So many cool things! I love the dollar store boxes with mirrors! awesome! :)

  13. Martha's love child! Rofl- too funny.
    But I have to agree how amazing and creative- impressive:)


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