
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

top ten pictures from the week ~ 2.11.10

I'm a very time poor little possum at the moment, so this will be a post with almost no words. I know! Enjoy it while you can :)

I had a bit of trouble collecting pictures this week. I blame Halloween. And the aforementioned time issue. And a couple of can see them on my Facebook page :)

...and not a pumpkin in sight!
images found at a punch of colorbeautifulism; bright.bazaar; down and out chic; elements at home; head over heels; heather jenkinson; flourish design and style


  1. Beautiful pictures, Kerry. I hope things slow down for you a little bit. Happy November!


  2. Love the snow one... and thank you for no pumpkins. A-M xx

  3. Love those views outside the windows!

  4. Thank you Kerry for the lack of a pumpkin and these beautiful houses and rooms - there are at least 5 shots there where I'm ready to move in right now. Those yellow flowers, the blue rug, the gleaming rustic arches: I'd have them all in the green house, and a key.

  5. Hi Kerry,
    A lovely Hallowe'en free loving the snowy one, the bed with all the white cushions and the arched ceiling.
    Enjoy the new week. XXXX

  6. The snow one reminds me of gingerbread houses - very cute. I hope you manage to get some time for yourself this hectic week. ;-)

  7. I do enjoy ! And I think that some of the photos are from a house in Sweden (?).

    Have the best of days


  8. You are teasing me with the white pouf. I want one but am making myself wait.

  9. Thanks for the mention on your facebook page. I am not on it (yet). And for the support from Kerri and Tina, xxx to you lovely ladies.

  10. Why are there never enough hours in the day:(. I hope life slows down just a little for you soon.
    What gorgeous images. My favourite was the mirror above the bed. Such a romantic bedroom:).

  11. I can't pick just one image!! They are all so beautiful :) Love the little 'n' monogram over the bed too xo

  12. Hello! Loving your picture parades as usual! :)
    We're back and re-adjusted to Australian life and climate after our most splendid holiday in Sweden. The motherland has the best effect on me and the kids and I feel a whole lot better for having been home.

    Hoping you are well and look forward to catching up with all your adventures.

    Hugs from Sydney
    xx C

  13. beautiful collection darl - love the snow covered houses xx

  14. Hello,
    Great blog i like it
    Of course if it was a real Hollywood party, the chances of anyone actually eating anything for fear of putting on any weight is rather low, but wave a few nibbles on a Hollywood Plastic party platter and you can be confident that at least your guests will be going home with a bit of food inside them.


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.