
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

cat love of the non vampire slayer kind

I was in such a funk this morning that I wasn't even going to turn on the laptop. I know!
But of course I did. And I found these and that put a smile on my face, so I thought it was only fair to share just in case you're in a mood too. Cat haters can look away now and come back's ok...I understand :)

That lot up there were from here...and this lot down below are from here (the first born's tumblr Chasing name huh?)...crazy cat people!

Ok, thanks...I feel better now. 
So I suppose I'd better include one of the vampire slayer...can't have her feeling left out....still with her attractive plastic tag :)


  1. I love the drawings in this post Kerry, oh and Eagle VS Shark, well, that's a classic. And I can't help but chuckle when I see the Slayer's tag :)

  2. I'm hideously allergic to cats ... but, by golly, they make me laugh.

  3. Those photos are too funny. I love them and i"m so glad they worked their magic on your mood. By coincidence I got a silly photo of Juno today that I'm going to post soon.

  4. i love the one face-planted into the bed. cracks me up!

  5. Hahaha Kerry....what a purrrrfect post for a miserable wenesday...thanks for sharing these funny I feel sorry for my cat Tic Tac who is out in the stinky wet cat hair in the house paaaaaaaaalease! lol

  6. I love all animals Kerry and these kitty cat pictures are brilliant.....but, my personal favourite is that of the infamous Vampire Slayer !!!! XXXX

  7. Love cats. One big fat cat on my lap right now. But I love ALL animals. Except Tony Abbott.

  8. Does the vampire slayer know you are looking at pictures of other cats?


  9. Oh your pics are so cute!! I love them and they have definately put a smile on my face! xx

  10. Thanks Kerry, totally needed that today. I love cat's and have two burmese pretties of my own. I've been thinking of doing a post about them and how they will go in the new house. Might have to do a draft or two first.

  11. If you want a good laugh to brighten a dull moment have a look at Simon's Cat videos on YouTube or his own website. They are brilliantly funny cartoons featuring his naughty cat getting up to all sorts of mischief.
    Try this:

  12. they are too cute, the one with its head down on the bed...soooo cute! If you go to desireto inspire and go to Kim's page there is the cutest youtube video of cats if you are interested,I thought it was adorable cheers Katherine

  13. The vampire slayer looks just right on that rug!

  14. Dear Kerry, A veritable Festival of Cats...marvellous. But, of course, my heart belongs to Buffy!!!

  15. They've made me laugh and smile! I'm going to get your address and send that cat a decent tag! Rachaelxx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.