
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

top ten pictures from the week ~ 30.11.10

I have no idea what I've been doing or where I've been since the last top ten...
I opened my file for this week to find that I'd only collected three pictures...
Slack...that's all I can say...
So last night, a very brisk run around the blogs I follow resulted in this week's top ten...
Slack...but still pretty :)
In my defence, I did have to go to the 22 year old's exhibition and then head off to Sydney...
and prepare a dinner party...
...and even worse...clean up after it!
So that's probably why there were only three pics... blog, my excuses!!
...but something for everyone nonetheless don't you think?
images this week snaffled from: a diary of lovely; beautifulism; brabourne farm; color outside the lines; colour me happy; cowparsley; the diversion project


  1. Best inspiration for a gal like me who is about to move (to where I don't know yet!).

  2. Ahh that snowy field is just lovely! The snow hasn't arrived here but it's REALLY cold! Lou xx

  3. Dear Kerry, Brrrrr love the women in the furry coats....definitely needed in the Siberian temperatures being experienced in the UK at present.

  4. Oh I love that snow field image. No need for excuses, it is such a busy time of year and you have done well as always. ;-)

  5. Just because you don't get snow where you are is no reason to rub it in! We'll get enough of the white stuff soon enough. Was glad to see you had one picture with lots of your pink in it!You were starting to worry me with all that white!

  6. Hi Kerry, I love the tree in the snow -it took me a second to work that one out. Yes, the week has rushed by and you have achieved a lot more than me! x

  7. Dear Kerry,
    What a lot of lovliness....and all very summery....we are suffering arctic temperatures here in the UK and are waiting for the snow.
    I love that last image....I have just seen Christmas cards with it on.
    Enjoy your summer and have some sympathy for us chilly Brits. XXXX

  8. I love that outdoor room...its perfect for this lovely summer where are getting ready to enjoy.xK

  9. You have been busy and you still managed to come up with ten...Yay! I love the 3rd picture with all of the book shelving, a dream of mine, for sure. And the last picture made me smile!

    Have a good week, Kerry!


  10. Last one is my favourite. That might be me one day, if I lived near the snow. I nearly have the right glasses for it.

  11. Though I really do love the second and third of your original three!!! :) Hope your off to a lovely week!!!

  12. Oh I LOVE the tree in the snowy field. Gorgeous!

  13. Is that you in the last image? xx

    A lovely top 10 as always - a great mix of tropical and snowy.

  14. Love the white build in shelves, pink room, and that orange chair!

  15. oh thanks darl, too sweet to find a diversion in here! and i love those tags you made - i think even a craft challenged individual like me could give that one a go! hehe


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