
Sunday, December 19, 2010

shadow shot sunday...a chandelier peek

I rarely post on the weekend, but yesterday it was a must in order to give my support to Jane...who will be in my thoughts tomorrow as she heads in to surgery.
...and last night, while I was lying on the sofa on a night in by myself (recovering from the indulgences of the night before!)...I looked up at my newly installed old chandeliers...and thought of Shadow Shot Sunday run by Tracy at Hey Harriet. So I did what any self respecting blogger would do...leapt up and got the camera! To capture a serendipitous shadow :)
Here's the link to some more shadows....pop on over for a visit.
And I'll be doing a post on the living room makeover soon...unfortunately the crappy weather has returned so photo ops are rare :( But I'm now on holidays so I'm sure there'll be an opportunity sooner rather than later :)


  1. No weekend shadow opps here either - our mini drought has broken and we have vast puddles and 'catsanddogs' rain.... like your chandeliers very much...

  2. And a superb serendipitous shadow shot it is! I love it! I hope your friends surgery goes well! Holding good thoughts for her, too! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Kerry!


  3. It's a great photo Kerry. I love it :)

  4. gorgeous!!!
    stunning composition of dark and light.

  5. Great shadow - would make very nice wallpaper!

  6. Absolutely loving the chandies - they look fantastic! Impatiently waiting to see the big reveal of your newly zhushed and totally tranquil townhouse :) K xx

  7. It's lovely ! Sometimes it's the best to lay down :)


  8. That's lovely! So you're having crappy weather in Canberra too? It must be Australia wide. We may all be in for a wet Christmas this year. I hope all goes ok for your friend. Merry Christmas to you and enjoy your holidays :)

  9. One word...awesome!!

    I played shadow shot for the first time today...My LINK

    Stop by if you can.

  10. It is a great shot!

  11. A beautiful light casting a magical shadow! Delightful photo!

    And you have rain too? Ours in Melbourne is a daily event verging on an all day experience!

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    these isѕuеs аѕ well..

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I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.