
Saturday, December 18, 2010

with thoughts of Jane...

Many of you will know by now that the awesome Jane from My Pear Tree House is fighting a big battle. The post she wrote [here] is one of the most brave and beautifully written pieces I've had the privilege to read. But of course it's more than that...Jane's post epitomises her grace, her sense of self, her care for others and her willingness to let us in on this...such a private battle. 
I wish Jane every bit of whatever it takes to get better. And I'm sending a Buddha image out in the hope that there is some serenity and tranquility to be gained by looking at it...and that before too long, the raindrops that look like tears will actually be tears of joy over a battle fought and won.
Please pop over to Jane's blog and give her your support if you haven't already had a chance to do that.


  1. What a shock & how brave she is, what a wonderful lady. I only just found her blog & pow, wishing her all the best, love Posie

  2. Jane is a wonderful soul. She's going to pull through with flying colors.

  3. That is a lovely way of putting it re the budda's tears.!


  4. I really love that we can all pull together when someone is in need, did you see Simone's post from honey and fizz?
    I think I was just trying to be nice when I said the thought was enough!!!! Blue is my favourite kitchen colour!!!!!! xx

  5. Beautifully put, Kerry. I can't comprehend what she's going through this weekend. J x

  6. My heart goes out to her. A lovely message Kerry. Michelle

  7. Such a lovely, caring post for a very brave lady. Pam x

  8. I feel so saddened by the tough battle Jane has ahead of her but I know she is one strong lady x

  9. Well said Kerry...such a beautiful lady..I know she will come out of this fighting fit and strong again. Your a great friend x

  10. Dear Kerry,
    What a difficult time for Jane and to happen so quickly and suddenly ....she must be in such a fragile place at the moment. I know that she will face this head on with the help from her family and friends. I'm a great believer in positive, mental attitude and Jane has that by the bucket load. I shall be thinking of her especially on Monday. XXXX

  11. It made me so sad, but her dignity and grace during this time is Inspiring.

  12. Yes Kerry. Well said. I was out at a party last night and stepped away to look at the moon for Jane, as another blogger suggested we collectively do. It was almost full... and I see there will be a full moon on Tuesday, the day after her surgery.

  13. man this life thing is tough isnt it. sending all my shiny powerful thoughts to jane. she is a determined girl, and i know she's going to give this dreadful thing one hell of a fight!

    i was sad to pop my head back into the blog world and read this news, but totally amazed at how this little world works and how everyone has each other in their hearts. amazing.

    hope you're doing well darl xxx


I love it when you comment...I feel excited, chuffed and tranquil all at the same time! Thank you.